1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-paraguay v1.0.2

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4 years ago


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🇵🇾 A list of cool projects made in Paraguay



19@camilojd/sequeljsSQL parser/formatter written in JavaScript
15@cabupy/node-cotizacionesEs una API REST desarrollada en NODE.JS para obtener cotizaciones de casas de cambio. En paraguay.
8@luchobenitez/docscraperpyDocument scraper for .py, anything we can find on the web about documents
8@mbaez/bubbles-chartA javascript library to build bubble chart using d3 and d3plus
6@nemesiscodex/openfonacideOpen Data platform for the fonacide project in Paraguay
5@mbaez/elastic-listsA javascript library to build elastic lists
4@javierpelozo/notas:notebook_with_decorative_cover: App sencilla para guardar y eliminar notas, etc.
4@josego85/curso_mapasUn curso sobre creación y desarrollo de mapas. La idea es aprender muchas cosas útiles sobre creación de mapas, configurar servidores de mapas, consumir datos OSM, etc; y que les sirva en su vida profesional.
4@nemesiscodex/voting-appFreeCodeCamp Basejump: Build a Voting App:arrow_upper_right:
3@roskoff/nodesterappswatcherSimple extension to watch over your apps hosted on nodester.com!
3@josego85/api-geo-paraguayAPI GEO - Paraguay
3@mbaez/securityjsJavaScript library to simplify the management of permissions on HTML&JavaScript applications.
2@nemesiscodex/codein-chrome-leader…Unofficial google code-in leaderboard chrome extension
2@ivankoop/Mosquito-Attack-GameGlobal Game Jam 2018 game
2@cmelgarejo/api-proxySimple API Proxy project - no storage layer, proxies results from underlaying APIs
2@mbaez/front-seedFrontend seed project, using bower and grunt.
2@roskoff/olimpianextmatchExtensión para Google Chrome que muestra el siguiente partido de Olimpia, con información relevante (precios de entradas, horarios, adversario, etc.)


4@jencisopy/JavaBeanStackFramework para construcción de aplicaciones Java EE 7
3@hofmanndavid/easylayoutCompletely unorthodox but extremely productive API wrappers for Vaadin Layouts
3@pablo/rafRoshka API Framework
2@alefq/asistente-eventosPrueba de aplicación tekoporu


2@lopezbertoni/PrintMonitorApp to monitor printer problems


51@wcs/tepidTheme I use in my blog:arrow_upper_right:


5@kitsunelli/fsociety-cvA curriculum vitae (résumé) template for the fsociety's volunteers.


2@flopezpires/iMaVMPInteractive Memetic Algorithm for Virtual Machine Placement (iMAVMP)


12@garyservin/serial-exampleSimple use of http://wjwwood.io/serial/ library with ROS
4@chilabot/chilaChila's Tools


60@matiasinsaurralde/transportsA HTTP proxy that aims to support different transports.
14@matiasinsaurralde/go-web-shellSimple web shell (+web server). Got it running on a rooted Android (checkout Makefile for ARM settings).:arrow_upper_right:
10@matiasinsaurralde/cgo-channelsA quick program to explore the idea of sending data to a Go channel from C.
6@matiasinsaurralde/loudp2pExperimental peer to peer network for music streaming.
5@matiasinsaurralde/go-dbscanSome implementation of DBSCAN
4@matiasinsaurralde/slIntérprete experimental de SL, basado en Go.
3@matiasinsaurralde/go-lua-benchmarkComparing the performance of LuaJIT embedded in Go.


85@imfx/FFBackgroundParallaxBackground Parallax is a simple example for parallax scrolling based on several UIScrollViews.
2@imfx/FFDropdownMenuDropdown Menu Field using RMPickerViewController


305@crodas/LanguageDetectorPHP Class to detect languages from any free text
152@crodas/ActiveMongoSimple and efficient ActiveRecord data abstraction for MongoDB:arrow_upper_right:
141@crodas/HaangaTemplate compiler for PHP, Django-style (as much as possible). Pretty efficent by avoiding to have anything at run-time.:arrow_upper_right:
87@crodas/TextRankextract relevant keywords from a given text
57@crodas/InfluxPHPSimple PHP client for InfluxDB
46@crodas/php-gitPure PHP script which allows to performs read-only operations plus repositories clone (over HTTP).:arrow_upper_right:
38@crodas/NotojYet another annotation parser (DocBlocks)
28@imroca/BancardAbstract simple Bancard API Client for PHP.:arrow_upper_right:
23@crodas/MongoFSPHP Streams Wrappers for MongoDB GridFS
16@crodas/phpclusterUnsupervised learning algorithm in PHP
12@crodas/textrank-oldClass to extract relevant words from a given text
11@crodas/BancardLibreria para pagos con Bancard
10@crodas/AutoloaderProper autoloader for PHP
9@crodas/DispatcherCreates an url dispatcher for your project
8@crodas/WatchFilesStateless way of watching files and directory for changes
7@crodas/ArtifexPHP Code generator for mere mortals
6@everdaniel/codeigniter-project-…A CodeIgniter project template
6@crodas/Haanga2Clean rewrite of crodas/Haanga :-). This isn't finish. It is just a repository to show the progress. Do not use it yet.
6@guhemama/worpdress-comment-re…Wordpress plugin that notifies a comment author when his comment receives a reply
6@crodas/php-hadoopSimple PHP set of scripts to wrap Hadoop
6@crodas/EasySQLEasiest SQL abstraction ever.
6@crodas/ActiveMongo2PHP database abstraction for MongoDB
5@micayael/com.micayael.blog.Se…Estructura básica para creación de un servidor REST utilizando el microframework Silex
5@crodas/SimpleViewSimple view engine based on Laravel's Blade view Engine
5@crodas/ClassInfoGet classes and functions defined in a given file
5@crodas/EathSuper simple package installer for PHP
5@crodas/Haanga-webHaanga Web site source code:arrow_upper_right:
5@crodas/Phar-BuilderBuild Phar like a boss
3@crodas/frameworkTiny framework that I use daily, it is basically my libraries glued all together
3@crodas/SimpleAssetManagerExtremely simple asset manager for PHP
3@pabloacastillo/Wordpress-PaypalPro-…WebShop to make direct payments from your wordpress to your PaypalPro Account without leaving your site.:arrow_upper_right:
2@adc91/backend-google-mapsPlugin to add a Google Maps field in the October CMS Backend Forms:arrow_upper_right:
2@bernaldani/QueComemosAplicacion de delivery encarnacion
2@pabloacastillo/EmojiOne-integration…EmojiOne integration for Contact Form 7. The only way to get better answers, is to ask better questions.
2@crodas/ValidatorGenerate static validators to validate your data in PHP.
2@deyperez/atiJuntas podemos más
2@crodas/old-TuichaSimple mongodb abstraction for PHP. Tuicha means huge (humongous) in Guarani.


72@Karlheinzniebuhr/pythonbenchmarkA simple Python Benchmark Library
8@tchx84/twitter-gobjecttwitter-gobject allows you access Twitter's 1.1 REST API via a set of GObject based objects for easy integration with your GLib2 based code.
5@Karlheinzniebuhr/torshammerA DOS attack
4@tchx84/grtkSet of convenience scripts that allows developers to interact with redmine from CLI
4@joausaga/reportbytwitterPlatform for collecting citizens' ideas and opinions about public interest issues through hashtag-supported social networks, such as Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus.
4@Karlheinzniebuhr/Scrap.pyPara descargar datos publicos y así concientizar sobre la protección de datos
4@tchx84/repotoolsHelper scripts to manage chaotic rpm package repositories
3@tchx84/bundletoolsSet of scripts to run your own Sugar bundles update server
3@joausaga/social-ideationApplication that connects idea management platforms with general purpose social networks:arrow_upper_right:
3@tchx84/grestfulgRESTful helps you integrate RESTful web services with your Glib2 code
3@ggimenez/IS2-IMPLEMENTACIONTrabajo Práctico de IS2 2011 - Pedro - Tony - Gabriel
2@rparrapy/sugarThe Sugar desktop, with speech recognition support.
2@joausaga/ideascalyIdeaScale RESTful API client written in Python
2@rparrapy/sugarlistens-livedem…A very simple Sugar Activity for speech recognition testing purposes.
2@rparrapy/wranglerUtility script to convert a given CSV file to geojson. Just tell it where the geo data is and let the magic happen.
2@tchx84/gpasteUse fedora pastebin service in your Glib2 code
2@tchx84/magic-storeProof of concept for a network file system based on fuse and xmlrpc
2@tchx84/turtleblocksjs-serve…storage server for javascript turtle blocks
2@czayas/agendaProyecto de ejemplo para la asignatura Paradigmas de la Programación


15@kennym/ideone-ruby-apiA better Ruby gem for the Ideone API:arrow_upper_right:
6@kennym/annotate-sequelAnnotate your Sequel models
4@hisapy/UniBDRepositorio para las clases de Laboratorio de Bases de Datos, Ing. Informática, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa - Encarnación, Paraguay
4@hisapy/uni-bd-2015Laboratorio - Bases de Datos - Ingeniería Informática, UNI
4@hisapy/AdventureWorks2008R2…Ruby on Rails application on the SQL Server Adventure Works 2008 R2 database.
3@movihus/gexipGestión de Expedientes para Instituciones Públicas
3@hisapy/uni-bd-2013Repositorio de las clases de Laboratorio de Bases de Datos del año 2013. Ingeniería Informática, Universidad Nacional de Itapúa.
3@kennym/Blogger-to-JekyllConvert Blogger articles to Jekyll markdown.
2@taniadaniela/calendarcalendar for users


3@neowinx/play-scala-bootstrapBasic template for Play framework with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0
2@zv3/sjs-react-server-pre…japgolly's scalajs-react running on a remote nodejs environment for server side rendering (proof of concept)


51@AppsBoulevard/ABVideoRangeSliderSimple video range slider written in Swift 3
7@AppsBoulevard/VideoEditorExampleA Swift 3 project example, using ABVideoRangeSlider.
6@guarani/Collapsible-UINaviga…A collapsible UINavigationBar

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  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

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:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău