1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-peru v1.0.2

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4 years ago


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🇵🇪 A list of cool projects made in Peru



114@bjrmatos/electron-workersRun electron scripts in managed workers :rocket:
113@zmandel/Plus-for-TrelloPlus for Trello chrome extension, web & mobile app:arrow_upper_right:
48@bjrmatos/electron-html-toHighly scalable html conversion using electron workers :rocket:
33@bjrmatos/jsreport-electron-pd…jsreport recipe which renders pdf from html using electron :rocket:
19@jansanchez/gulp-css-url-version…A gulp plugin for versioning the CSS property: url
19@jansanchez/gulp-emailA gulp plugin to send emails with or without attachments from a stream of html.
15@bjrmatos/sequelize-auto-impor…Import sequelize models automagically :sparkles:
14@lupomontero/horseshoeA wrapper around nodemailer used for sending email using handlebars templates.:arrow_upper_right:
14@bjrmatos/json-schema-sugarCreate a JSON Schema without the pain of writing it :icecream:
14@lupomontero/node-cppspeedNode.js modules speed test: C++ vs JavaScript
12@jansanchez/jscomplexA colorful reporter for maintainability index via escomplex:arrow_upper_right:
10@jansanchez/mydependenciesReader of dependencies from package.json on terminal:arrow_upper_right:
10@jansanchez/es2015-nodejs-boiler…es2015 nodejs boilerplate. Includes: babel, xo, webpack and pm2
10@erikfloresq/skeletorEstructura base para un proyecto basado en jade, stylus, es2015. Se usa gulp para la gestión de tareas. 💀
9@ghondar/PelisTimeMira películas y series en español en HD y full HD al instante.
9@lupomontero/couchminA command line tool to manage multiple local and remote CouchDB servers.
8@bjrmatos/curso-reactjsDemos y Ejemplos para el curso de React.js
8@ghondar/universal-redux-boil…Un simple boilerplate para el uso de universal js con react, redux y react-router
8@juanpablocs/jade-php-twigjade with php inspired in twig
8@android-sos/Ionic2PokedexIonic 2 Pokedex
8@jansanchez/generator-hubot-tren…A Yeoman generator for creating your own chatbot using the Hubot framework
6@juanpablocs/mvhostcreate simple virtualhost for apache2 with npm
6@marti1125/EarthquakeList of Earthquake:arrow_upper_right:
6@lupomontero/couchdb-oauthA CouchDB OAuth working example in Node.js
5@zmandel/htmlService-get-set-…for Google Apps Script HtmlService. Set and get a data object on an htmlOutput
5@jansanchez/css-url-versionerA node package for css url versioner
5@juanpablocs/jade-atomicatomic design for jade
5@jansanchez/gulp-recursive-conca…A Gulp recursive concatenation
5@lupomontero/jsperu-streamsNotas y ejemplos para presentación en reunión de JavaScript Perú 10 Dic 2012
5@romelgomez/jqtree-spring-mvc-ga…JqTree, Spring MVC, GoogleAppEngine; Example:
5@jansanchez/jade-examplesJade Examples
5@carloshs92/mocha-tutorial-prime…Ejercicio demo para el uso de Mocha
5@marti1125/SubeAlMetroMetro de Lima
4@bjrmatos/chrome-page-evalEvaluate a script function on a page with Chrome 🔮
4@bjrmatos/jsreport-pugUse pug templating engine in jsreport:arrow_upper_right:
4@jansanchez/npmrunnr, an alias for npm run
4@merunga/hablemosquechuaexperimento tecno-socio-cultural restableciendo conexiones... (beta) en desarrollo por @marianocrowe @sankaypillo @kikomayorga @escuelab @runasimipi:arrow_upper_right:
4@lavaldi/users-graphql-exampl…A small example using graphql
4@merunga/opendata-rios-peruMapa hidrografico en openlayers del Peru
4@jansanchez/didactic-reactdidactic react
4@jansanchez/redmine-issuesRedmine Issues Rest API Client for node.js
4@juaneladio/Metropolitano-MobileOBSOLETO: Ver https://github.com/juaneladio/metropolit… Proyecto en JQuery Mobile para construir una web móvil con información del servicio de transporte Metropolitano en Lima, Perú.
3@erikfloresq/servoservo is my server dummy 🦄
3@jerson/raml-js-webservice-g…RAML webservice generator .. is still in development!!
3@ghondar/lowdb-recursiveFlat JSON file database recursive
3@jansanchez/pageres-demoDemo del uso de pageres con Gulp.js
3@jansanchez/gulp-primeros-pasosPrimeros pasos con gulp
3@ghondar/PelisTime-MobileMira películas y series en español en HD y full HD al instante desde tu celular.
3@jansanchez/compresor-de-imagene…Compresor de imágenes con Gulp
3@alejandrogarciasalas/Google-docs-cloneA simple google docs clone made with socket.io
2@bjrmatos/grunt-external-confi…Example of split grunt config file in multiple files
2@Rub21/openhuamangaPrimera aplicacion web para proyecto Open Data de la Municipalidad de Humanga
2@erikfloresq/react101playing and learning with react :D
2@lavaldi/docker-critical-cssCritical CSS with Docker, puppeteer and critical
2@lizzie136/flashbitacoraejercicio con algunos HTML5 APIs
2@lupomontero/timerTimer is a simple coundown app useful for talks and presentations:arrow_upper_right:
2@marti1125/vertical-navigationjQuery Plugin
2@marti1125/DrawlA simple drawing app for Firefox OS.:arrow_upper_right:
2@marti1125/Mozillians_on_Twitte…Mozillians on Twitter
2@jansanchez/bitbucket-payloadA payload reader for Bitbucket webhooks:arrow_upper_right:
2@juanpablocs/jp-routerSimple Router Controller JS
2@jansanchez/api-with-loopbackAPI REST build with Loopback.io (NodeJS).
2@bjrmatos/jsreport-with-author…Sample demonstrating how to delegate authentication in jsreport to an external authorization server to support Single Sign On
2@juanpablocs/front-silexSkeleton: Silex framework php and webpack + es6 + sass architecture frontend demo


31@emedinaa/android-clean-archit…Sample Android app using clean architecture
22@emedinaa/android-modular-appsHow build modular applications in Android
22@jeqo/talk-kafka-zipkinDemo material from talk about tracing Kafka-based applications with Zipkin
21@emedinaa/android-mvpEjemplo de como implementar el Patrón MVP ( Model - View - Presenter) en Android
13@jeqo/post-kafka-rewind-co…Post: Kafka - Rewind Consumer Offset
10@jmarkstar/GpsTrackerDemoThis little android project is using AlarmManager and JobScheduler to get Location in an interval time.
10@jmarkstar/SQLiteNativoEste proyecto es un App que básicamente usa la base de datos SQLite para poder crear un mantenimiento, brinda la introducción a SQLiteOpenHelper, Adapters y algunos componentes UI utiles para comenzar en android.
9@jeqo/post-kafka-opentraci…Post: Tracing Kafka Applications
9@emedinaa/Android-BackendlessSample Login Android + REST API Backendless
7@jmarkstar/TuristHelperDemo App using foursquare API and google maps directions API.
5@emedinaa/android_custom_dialo…DialogFragment with custom layout
5@kerpie/ElephantAnnotation Processor to apply the Memoization technique in Utils-like classes
5@emedinaa/Android-Multiple-Pro…Android Multiple Product Flavors
4@emedinaa/android_parseMigrar aplicación android de Parse a Backendless usando REST API
4@emedinaa/Pokedex-KotlinKotlin for Android Developers
4@jmarkstar/GreenDaoExamplesThis little android project is an example which containts a CRUD using ORM GreenDao, the app is using RecyclerView, CardView and SnackBar.
4@jorgenro1/Arduino_AndroidEsta aplicación fue elaborada como un demo para la presentacion "Demo Code Live: Android y Arduino" celebrada en el CTIC-UNI en el evento Arduino Day 2014. Para la comunicacion se uso un modulo Bluetooth que se conecto al Arduino
4@kerpie/Scrolling_Techniques…Scrolling techniques using the Android Design Support Library
4@emedinaa/monkeyLibrería Http basada en Volley . "Es como usar Volley pero con sabor a retrofit" https://developer.android.com/training/v…
3@jeqo/java-ee-rxjava-kafka…Enabling Kafka as Event Source using Avro as Event Serializer/Deserializer and RxJava in a Java EE 7 application
3@jeqo/talk-kafka-messaging…Talk: From Messaging to Logs with Apache Kafka
3@jmarkstar/AndroidPaginationMvp…This demo contents some lists with pagination and orientation changes support.
3@jmarkstar/ChuckNorrisMVPThis demo is consuming this http://www.icndb.com/api/ API REST to get Chuck Norris jokes xD, I'm using MVP Pattern with ThreadPoolExecutor and dagger 2.
3@emedinaa/sharedpreferenceshel…SharedPreferencesHelper manages a local shared preferences in Android App
3@pablo-johnson/PopularMoviesPopular movies project for Udacity Android Nanodegree
3@emedinaa/android_canvas_anima…Ejemplo de como crear un animación usando canvas - Android
3@emedinaa/google-io-extended-l…Ejemplo App Android L - RecyclerView, CardView
3@ameison/abcdroidEste repositorio contiene los demos usado en mi blog
3@jubre/ConvertirNumeroDecim…Alternativa de solucion al Coding Dojo de Conversion de Numeros Decimales a Romanos
3@jmarkstar/AndroidUploadingLong…Simple demo about uploading Long files using a service and retrofit 2
2@jmarkstar/CursoAndroidIntermed…Curso de android Intermedio
2@jeqo/poc-akkaakka proof of concept
2@jvalenciag/VaadinSpringShiroMon…Example of integration
2@jhoon/spotify-streamerSpotify Streamer, Project 2 in the Udacity Android Nanodegree
2@emedinaa/Firebase-AndroidFirebase examples for Android
2@emedinaa/android_exception_ha…Global exception handling on android
2@emedinaa/android_drupalEjemplo de android con drupal
2@emedinaa/Congreso-Online-Movi…Charla en el Congreso Online MóvilAPp 2015 - Consumir servicios REST usando Volley y Retrofit en Android:arrow_upper_right:
2@emedinaa/android-mavenEjemplo de como crear una dependencia local usando el plugin de Maven para Gradle
2@jmarkstar/ubl4sunatbindingEsta libreria contiene todas las clases necesarias para construir los archivos xml que sunat solicita, contiene las clases convertidas desde los xsd usando JAXB.
2@emedinaa/fragment_activityEjemplo de comunicación entre fragments y activity


83@jaime-olivares/zipstorerA Pure C# Class to Store Files in Zip
53@wilsonvargas/ButtonCirclePluginCircle Buttons with icon for your Xamarin.Forms Applications
23@jaime-olivares/wpf-propertygridRepackaging of Workflow Foundation's property grid for general use in WPF applications
10@wilsonvargas/EntryValidatorPluginEntry validators for your Xamarin.Forms Applications
9@wilsonvargas/ScreenshotPluginA simple Screenshot plugin for Xamarin and Windows to get and save screenshot in yours apps.
7@wilsonvargas/GradientNavigationTo…This is a small sample application showing how to custom a Navigation Page (Toolbar on Android or UINavigationBar on iOS)
7@wilsonvargas/QRManagerThis is an example that uses ZXing.Net.Mobile for Forms. See more information here::arrow_upper_right:
6@wilsonvargas/SearchBarNavigationP…This is a small sample showing how to add a search bar to Navigation Page (Toolbar on Android or UINavigationBar on iOS)
6@jesulink2514/Xamarin.ProgressStat…A cross-platform control to represent a status bar
6@wilsonvargas/SimpleLoginXamarinFo…This is a simple example how to do a login using Xamarin.Form. The theoretical part can be found in the following link::arrow_upper_right:
5@jesulink2514/CardDemoXamarinSample using XamarinFastEntryBehavior to create a credit card form with card type detection in Xamarin.Forms
4@jaime-olivares/coordinateC# Classes to store, handle, and retrieve geodesic coordinates, in memory, database, and XML, according to the ISO 6709 standard
3@jaime-olivares/bzip2A pure C# implementation of the bzip2 compressor
3@jesulink2514/Xamarin.Forms.Redux-…Sample using Redux architecture with Xamarin.Forms
2@emiaj/windmillFubuMVC Permissions Module
2@emiaj/YouGradeMS MVC3 project (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/Yo… ported to the FubuMVC framework, the AngularJS version of this project can be found here https://github.com/emiaj/spa-yougrade
2@emiaj/FubuMvcSparkProjectT…VS project template to quickly create FUBU MVC ready apps that use the Spark view engine.

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău