1.0.9 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-russia v1.0.9

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Russia

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A list of neat projects made in Russia

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# Using yarn
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4449@sergeche/emmet-sublimeEmmet for Sublime Text:arrow_upper_right:
2820@VodkaBears/VideEasy as hell jQuery plugin for video backgrounds.:arrow_upper_right:
2094@VodkaBears/RemodalResponsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.:arrow_upper_right:
1981@zloirock/core-jsStandard Library
340@ealeksandrov/NodeAPISimple RESTful API implementation on Node.js + MongoDB.
327@VodkaBears/InterdimensionalSpatial scrolling for your web pages.:arrow_upper_right:
267@sergeche/eclipse-zencodingNative Zen Coding plugin for Eclipse:arrow_upper_right:
252@sgrebnov/jqmobile-metro-themeMy attempt to implement Metro theme for jQuery Mobile
240@sergeche/xmlviewPowerful XML viewer for Google Chrome and Safari
228@Sannis/node-mysql-libmysqlc…Asynchronous MySQL binding for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
215@sergeche/codemirror-movieA plugin for CodeMirror for code demos:arrow_upper_right:
209@veged/xjstExtensible JavaScript Transformations:arrow_upper_right:
204@lahmatiy/component-inspectorComponent DOM inspector
174@artzub/GitHubVisualizerVisualization the history of repository changes based on data from GitHub:arrow_upper_right:
159@sergeche/tx-content-assistContent assist for textarea
153@artpolikarpov/scrollyeahPuts floats in single line.
108@VodkaBears/galereyaResponsive, easily customizable gallery with a masonry layout:arrow_upper_right:
101@koistya/gulp-csscombCSScomb plugin for Gulp.js. Formats CSS according to a pre-defined coding style.:arrow_upper_right:
95@veged/krasota.jsSyntactic transformations of JavaScript code, with taking care of whitespaces and comments.:arrow_upper_right:
71@artpolikarpov/FlagsFlag icons in sprite:arrow_upper_right:
68@artzub/blackhole.jsLibrary for dinamyc visaulization such as code_swarm. Sandbox::arrow_upper_right:
64@VodkaBears/MotionDetector.jsJS library for motion detection.
58@VodkaBears/another-one-fucking-…Yes, another one JS boilerplate.
52@artpolikarpov/upyachka.jsReserve the place where responsive images are going
41@outpunk/postcss-eachPostCSS plugin to iterate through values
37@lahmatiy/postcss-cssoPostCSS plugin to minify CSS using CSSO
35@koistya/demosDemo projects and code recipes featuring React, Redux, Relay...:arrow_upper_right:
35@mishanga/bem-vcardYandex Staff Visiting Card:arrow_upper_right:
32@lahmatiy/es6-promise-polyfillES6 Promise polyfill
31@sergeche/jsdt-docsSome JSDoc files for Eclipse JSDT for popular libraries: underscore.js, Zepto, Node.js etc.
30@sergeche/grunt-frontendCSS and JS minifier that respects source modification
29@arikon/npm2debianUtility to convert npm packages to Debian packages
29@dvv/underscore-datadata querying and validating tools based on underscore.js
27@koistya/git-pushUse git-push to deploy your website to Azure, Heroku, GitHub Pages or any another hosting provider supporting Git-based deployments.
27@artpolikarpov/stickyeahMakes blocks stick to the top of the screen while scrolling down the page
25@sergeche/webkit-cssHack to display CSS rule line number in Safari/Webkit/Chrome Web Inspector
24@Sannis/node-ubjsonUniversal Binary JSON packer/unpacker for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
23@outpunk/gulp-evil-iconsGulp plugin to use Evil Icons in your project
22@koistya/gulp-renderPre-render React components at compile time. E.g. SomePage.jsx -> some-page.html
21@brainfucker/nodejs.ruopen source web site
21@Mithgol/phidoFidonet browser with a GUI.
21@sergeche/roconFast cross-browser library for rounded corners creation
20@voischev/bem-full-stackexpress bem bemtree bemhtml project stub
19@VodkaBears/colormotionNice looking motion detection with an experimental HTML5 getUserMedia API.:arrow_upper_right:
18@dvv/stereoA naive multi-core node application controller
18@Panya/tinymce_pasteimageПлагин для вставки картинок из буфера обмена
17@lahmatiy/open-in-editorOpen file in editor
16@Mithgol/nwglobalNode.js globals for node-webkit's HTML5
16@Sannis/node-mysql-benchmark…Benchmarks for MySQL client modules for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
16@dvv/farmhaproxy + stud made easy, socket.io ready
14@sergeche/ant-toolsНабор Ant-задач для сборки веб-проектов
13@brainfucker/node-cometComet client and server libraries for Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
13@veged/shmakowikiYet another wiki dialect, inspired by WackoWiki and WikiCreole:arrow_upper_right:
13@outpunk/grunt-evil-iconsGrunt plugin to use Evil Icons in your project
12@SamuraiJack/ShotenjinPost-modern javascript templating system:arrow_upper_right:
11@dvv/luvit-appA simple framework
11@voischev/posthtml-retextPostHTML Retext plugin
11@sergeche/xsl-tracerService for tracing XSL transformations
10@SamuraiJack/KiokuJSPersistence layer for Joose, mostly targeting NoSQL backends (port of KiokuDB to Joose)
10@voischev/posthtml-textrTextr for PostHTML:arrow_upper_right:
10@koistya/graphql-express-mong…A minimalistic GraphQL server example built with Node.js, Express, MongoDB Native Driver, and ES2015 async/await syntax via Babel:arrow_upper_right:
10@Mithgol/node-fidonet-jamFidonet JAM echomail base access for Node.js
9@mishanga/serpSimple Yandex SERP based on BEM (bem-bl)
9@lahmatiy/express-open-in-edit…Express extension to open file in editor
9@veged/ometa-highlighterCode highlighter based on Ometa/JS (little inspired by Pygments)
9@andreyvit/majority.jsMaster election protocol for master-slave cloud services in Node.js
8@Mithgol/FGHI-URLFidonet Global Hypertext Interface — Uniform Resource Locators
8@dvv/socket.io-contextAn updatable JS object over socket.io connection
8@artpolikarpov/jquery.formyeah.jsPersist form’s data locally
8@veged/bem-components-reactEXPERIMENT, DO NOT USE
8@andreyvit/plist-to-jsonA tiny command-line tool to convert (xml) .plist files to JSON format
8@SamuraiJack/Task-Joose-NodeJSJoose, packaged with NodeJS flavour:arrow_upper_right:
8@dvv/schema2formGiven a JSON schema and optionally the data, render an HTML form
8@koistya/git-repositoryA Promise-based JavaScript wrapper library for working with Git CLI
8@veged/yajshYet Another JavaScript Highlighter
7@dvv/simple-geoipbarebone GeoIP, see https://github.com/dvv/simple-geoip/wiki for details
7@VodkaBears/sensitive-particlesHTML5 experiment with motion detection and particles.:arrow_upper_right:
7@sergeche/emmet.chocmixinEmmet mixin for Chocolat editor
7@dvv/sockjs-luvitWebSocket emulation - Luvit server
7@dvv/underscore.queryLanguage to declaratively operate on arrays/hashes of objects
7@Sannis/wikimapia-api-client…Bunch of clients for Wikimapia API
7@artpolikarpov/audiofadeНабор плагинов для плавного включения и выключения аудио
7@Mithgol/simteconfSimple text configuration reader (for Node.js)
7@SamuraiJack/SynclerReal-time, optimistic replication backend for KiokuJS, based on Socket.IO
7@SamuraiJack/JooseX-Role-Paramete…Implementation of parameterized roles for Joose:arrow_upper_right:
7@dvv/luvit-engine.ioEngine.IO made in Luvit
7@veged/tinyjiraTiny interface for Atlassian JIRA based on JSON-RPC
7@Mithgol/node-singlebyteSupports more 1-byte encodings than Node.js Buffer
7@dvv/meta-fsHigher level filesystem utilities for Node.js
6@SamuraiJack/JooseX-Namespace-Dep…Dependencies handling implementation, integrated with Joose3:arrow_upper_right:
6@mishanga/bem-formForm widgets based on jz-forms and BEM tech:arrow_upper_right:
6@SamuraiJack/JooseX-CPSSome syntax sugar for 'Continuation Passing Style' in Joose:arrow_upper_right:
6@SamuraiJack/JSON2json2 / native JSON normalizer for Joose
6@SamuraiJack/JooseX-AttributeAdditional features for Joose attributes:arrow_upper_right:
6@Sannis/node-pinbaPure node.js Pinba client
6@mishanga/bemchanImage board BEM-based engine
6@dvv/u-gotta-luvitexperimental http stack for luvit
6@artpolikarpov/grunt-gh-releaseCreate relases on GitHub from Grunt task.
5@dvv/uaDirt cheap User-Agent: parser
5@vpavlenko/pastegraphShare graph plots:arrow_upper_right:
5@Mithgol/node-fidonet-fidohtm…Makes HTML code out of a Fidonet message.
5@artzub/clearspendingДля конкурса ГосЗатраты:arrow_upper_right:
5@sgrebnov/Html5ImageEditorDemo application for Devcon12
5@lahmatiy/css-parserCSS parser
5@Mithgol/node-uueUUE decoder and encoder for Node.js
4@SamuraiJack/ExtX.LayoutCollection of layouts for ExtJS
4@dvv/luvit-sockjsSockJS server in Luvit
4@kovaldn/magazinorehovNuts store:arrow_upper_right:
4@SamuraiJack/joosex-bridge-extBridge from Joose to Ext3:arrow_upper_right:
4@koistya/csscomb-loaderCSScomb loader for Webpack. Allows to format CSS coding style at a build time and/or lint your CSS
4@brainfucker/managermanager for daemons
4@SamuraiJack/JooseX-ObservableObservable pattern as Joose role:arrow_upper_right:
4@zloirock/dtfDate formatting
4@outpunk/adaptive-evil-blocksAdaptivity support for Evil Blocks
4@SamuraiJack/ShareBoardCollaborative sketching
4@artpolikarpov/responsivr.jsA small piece of JavaScript that makes sites more responsive even if they are completely fixed:arrow_upper_right:
4@artpolikarpov/grunt-exampleПростой пример конфигурации Гранта для склейки стилей и скриптов
4@arikon/bower-npm-installRun npm install on every bower dependency
4@veged/jscreoleJavaScript Creole 1.0 Wiki Markup Parser:arrow_upper_right:
4@arikon/tpl-cliProject template for the command line COA-based applications.
4@andreyvit/grunt-typescript-exp…Concat .d.ts from multiple files to provide an implicit module declaration for a npm package implemented in TypeScript
4@dvv/connectionWebSocket messaging made easy
3@arikon/samuraiSamurai build platform
3@SamuraiJack/HTTP-Request-Provide…Cross-platform HTTP request implementation
3@dvv/luvit-checkitA simple test runner
3@sgrebnov/incubator-cordova-wp…Mirror of Apache Cordova WP8
3@sgrebnov/cordova-plugin-ev3Apache Cordova plugin to control Lego EV3 via Bluetooth
3@SamuraiJack/JooseItJoose.it website, business card of Joose project:arrow_upper_right:
3@Panya/reflow-testsАвтоматические тесты рендеринга (reflow/repaint) страниц
3@kovaldn/formajax form on bootstrap with serverside email validate
3@Mithgol/fido2rssMakes RSS feeds out of Fidonet echomail.
3@kovaldn/counter-7dayscounter is reset every 7 days
3@Mithgol/node-abstract-syntax…An implementation of AST (abstract syntax tree) for Node.js. Can be used to build renderers of markup languages.
3@voischev/bem-fontFonts lib in bem methodology:arrow_upper_right:
3@lahmatiy/knockout-data-flowExperimental basis.js data flow adaptation for knockout
3@SamuraiJack/JooseX-SimpleRequestSimple XHR request abstraction:arrow_upper_right:
3@SamuraiJack/KiokuJS-Backend-Batc…Batching backend for KiokuJS
3@SamuraiJack/KiokuJS-Backend-Couc…CouchDB backend for KiokuJS
3@lahmatiy/clapCommand line argument parser and staff
3@mishanga/bem-jz-formsBEM-wrapper for jz form validation framework:arrow_upper_right:
3@VodkaBears/SopSmall library for parsing stringified properties or converting properties to the string representation.
3@sergeche/codemirror-codecompl…Code Complete abstract layer for CodeMirror2
3@veged/jquery.hashhistoryjQuery hash change event:arrow_upper_right:
3@sergeche/html-transformStreamed transform of HTML documents on DOM level
3@SamuraiJack/JooseX-Meta-LazyRole to make metaclass 'lazy':arrow_upper_right:
3@SamuraiJack/Data.UUIDProvides RFC4122v4 complaint UUIDs
3@artemeff/yamYet Another Music Player / Yandex.Music Desktop Client:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mithgol/fidorestFidonet RESTful API
2@veged/ometa-js-oldFork http://www.tinlizzie.org/~awarth/svn/ome…:arrow_upper_right:
2@veged/json4xmlYet another JSON to XML convention
2@VodkaBears/jquery-expandingFormExpanding form widget for jquery
2@veged/odessajs-bemMy talk for OdessaJS 2015:arrow_upper_right:
2@sgrebnov/phonegap-plugins-wp7Temporary place for facebook connect and twitter plugins for Windows Phone
2@voischev/bem-blogBlog in expressjs / mongo / bem full stack
2@arikon/q-wrapUtility library to wrap async functions with last callback argument to promise returning functions
2@outpunk/gulp-rails-assetsRails assets manifest management for Gulp
2@veged/touchideProgramming on iPhone
2@artzub/olyspaceVisualization statistics of the Olympic Games named "Space of Olympic Games":arrow_upper_right:
2@veged/bem-i18nBEM internationalization
2@andreyvit/autoesc.jsError Short Circuiter (ESC) function decorator
2@sergeche/state-machineA very simple and basic state machine implementation, inspired by Machina.js
2@Panya/durilkaSimple tool for making data URIs from images in CSS files
2@Mithgol/npmtreeOutputs the tree of dependencies of a given npm package in Markdown form.
2@brainfucker/skdyide experiment on top of node.js and bespin
2@Mithgol/node-large-splitA collection of methods that split large Buffers and files.
2@SamuraiJack/ExtX-ShotenjinShotenjin templates for ExtJS components:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mithgol/agedaysReports a given file's age (in days).
2@SamuraiJack/RaphaelJSAN-compatible distribution of the Raphael library:arrow_upper_right:
2@dvv/simple-exampleproof of concept for 'simple'
2@SamuraiJack/Request.flXHRJSAN wrapper for flXHR project
2@dvv/o4epegbA proto for socket.io new wave broadcasting. Name mimicks translit for russian "очередь" (queue)
2@SamuraiJack/digest-md5digest md5
2@dvv/irclogIRC logging bot
2@SamuraiJack/ExtX-Reference-SlotExtJS extension for accessing components hierarchy with mnemonic names:arrow_upper_right:
2@dvv/wscommreal-time shared context between browser and node
2@dvv/express-mimicDerive accepted MIME from URI extension
2@SamuraiJack/Task-Joose-StableStable Joose distribution, required only for bootstraping purposes:arrow_upper_right:
2@dvv/bankaRESTful mongodb server with RQL support
2@SamuraiJack/Scope-ProviderCross-platform (browser/NodeJS) JavaScript scope provider:arrow_upper_right:
2@Mithgol/node-gamayunA server that serves answers.
2@SamuraiJack/JooseX-Class-SimpleC…A trait for class, making the 'new' keyword optional during instantiation
2@lahmatiy/fixed-width-stringAnsi-aware string padding/ellipsing function
2@miripiruni/rit2012-scheduleUnofficial mobile version schedule of RIT++ 2012 conference.:arrow_upper_right:
2@SamuraiJack/Johnny-MnemonicYet another ajax back button implementation, on Joose3, with the test suite and no required page markup at this time


2292@Prototik/HoloEverywhereNO LONGER MAINTAINED. DEVELOP FOR 4.X+ DUDE.
1217@johnkil/Android-AppMsgIn-layout notifications. Based on Toast notifications and article by Cyril Mottier (http://android.cyrilmottier.com/?p=773)…:arrow_upper_right:
1186@thest1/LazyListLazy load of images in Android:arrow_upper_right:
993@antonkrasov/AndroidSocialNetwork…Library for easy work with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google on Android
772@johnkil/Android-ProgressFrag…Implementation of the fragment with the ability to display indeterminate progress indicator when you are waiting for the initial data.:arrow_upper_right:
681@johnkil/Android-RobotoTextVi…Implementation of a TextView and all its direct/indirect subclasses with native support for the Roboto fonts, includes the brand new Roboto Slab fonts.:arrow_upper_right:
328@antonkrasov/AndroidProgressLayou…Android View to simplify working with ProgressBar
327@johnkil/SideNavigationImplementation of "Side Navigation" or "Fly-in app menu" pattern for Android (based on Google+ app):arrow_upper_right:
248@amaembo/streamexEnhancing Java 8 Streams
159@shipilev/java-object-layoutLow-level Java object layout dumpers
144@johnkil/PrintA lightweight Android library for use iconic fonts.:arrow_upper_right:
125@thest1/Android-VKontakte-SD…Android SDK for vkontakte.ru social network:arrow_upper_right:
117@johnkil/Android-CollapsibleS…Implementation of the SearchView is compatible with Android below 3.0. This library allows developers to easily integrate search menuItem in an Android application.:arrow_upper_right:
73@sviperll/adt4jadt4j - Algebraic Data Types for Java
54@amaembo/huntbugsJava bytecode static analyzer
42@abashev/vfs-s3Amazon S3 driver for Apache commons-vfs (Virtual File System) project
38@4ntoine/JavaFxDialogStandard Dialogs for JavaFX 2
34@ivmai/JCGOJava source to C code translator (JCGO):arrow_upper_right:
32@shipilev/jdk8-lambda-samplesJDK8 Lambda Samples
32@johnkil/SpySMSInterceptor sms for android
31@fomkin/adt-maven-pluginAdobe AIR SDK adt tool runner. Build air, apk and ipa packages with your maven!
29@4ntoine/FirmataFirmata pure Java implementation
26@peterarsentev/java-coursesПрактический Java курс. Бесплатно.:arrow_upper_right:
19@illuzor/Android-Sharing-Exte…Android ANE for sharing text and images
18@samolisov/spring-vs-ejb-vs-cdi…The JMH-based benchmark of Spring MVC vs EJB vs CDI RESTful web-service implementations
17@Frostman/trident-cassandraCassandra state implementation for Twitter Storm Trident API
16@shipilev/timers-benchTimers bench
15@johnkil/Android-JSONCompareComparison of JSON parsers performance on Android:arrow_upper_right:
12@fewizz/NotEnoughIDsExtends hardcoded ID limits
12@sviperll/static-mustacheTemplate engine for java with statically checked and compiled templates. Compilation is performed alone with java sources.
11@johnkil/MockGPSThe application to emulate the location
11@kuksenko/quantum"Quantum Performance Effects" demo
10@johnkil/RecipeBookRecipe Book for Android
10@shipilev/cikrf-spiderSpider/Parser for gathering the election data from Russian Election Committee website
10@Frostman/dropbox4jDropbox API Java implementation:arrow_upper_right:
9@peterarsentev/Spring-Security-Acl-…This project implements the Spring Security ACL mechanism. It uses the MongoDB as persistent store
9@samolisov/samolisov-demoSome small demos for my blog:arrow_upper_right:
9@shipilev/article-method-dispa…Code for Method Dispatch article
8@ternsip/PlacemodFast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API
8@Vany/bcutmod for minecraft
7@illuzor/Android-Communicatio…Android ANE. Phone, SMS, Email functionality.
7@abashev/spring-workflowUpdating spring-workflow for Spring 3 and fix some bugs
7@johnkil/Android-ProgressFrag…The sample project that uses Android-ProgressFragment via Gradle.
7@johnkil/CookAppAndroid application of cooking
7@johnkil/MetroModern subway maps of Moscow and Saint Petersburg.
6@sviperll/ozymandiasCollection of maven plugins, extensions and other generally useful artifacts
6@johnkil/SteganographySteganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one, apart from the sender and intended recipient, suspects the existence of the message, a form of security through obscurity.:arrow_upper_right:
6@ternsip/Placemod-1.7.10Fast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API
6@sviperll/writejava4meSimple and easy Java code-generator
5@shipilev/dedup-estimatorFS Deduplication/Compression Offline Estimator
5@illuzor/Android-File-Extensi…Android ANE for open local files in native app.
5@4ntoine/protobuf-ble-rpcAndroid protobuf rpc implementation over BLE
5@ternsip/Placemod-1.8Minecraft mod that spawns various structures taken from schematics during world generation
5@sviperll/chicorySimple Java library to cover the shortcommings of JDK
4@shipilev/disrupting-fjpDisruptor vs ForkJoinPool playground
4@illuzor/Android-Notification…Android ANE. Toast, alert dialog, list dialog
4@sviperll/multitasking4jJava multitask programming library
4@shipilev/article-compress-meBenchmarks for "Compress Me ..." talk
4@abashev/videojs-for-gwtGWT wrapper for video-js library
4@johnkil/DoubleBackExampleExample: double back to exit
4@VladRassokhin/intellij-annotations…IntelliJ IDEA annotations instrumenter maven plugin
4@t3hk0d3/SpoutLayoutXML Layouting library for wonderful Spout framework
4@illuzor/NotificationExtentio…Android AIR native extention for show Alert and Toast
3@shipilev/article-exception-be…Exception benchmarks for the exceptions performance article
3@sviperll/repository4jJava code-driven (no annotations) ORM.
3@VladRassokhin/eclipse-from-idea-de…Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA for painless Eclipse plugins development
3@barancev/testng_samplesSamples fot TestNG training
3@4ntoine/ServiceDiscovery-jav…Simple service discovery framework (Java)
3@4ntoine/Stalker-robotProject repository
3@johnkil/GeocoderExampleExample of a geocoder to Android
3@VladRassokhin/CMake-runner-pluginCMake support for TeamCity:arrow_upper_right:
3@shipilev/jmm-benchmarksBenchmarks for JMM talk
3@samolisov/spring-4x-demosMy demos of Spring Framework leveraging and optimization
2@abashev/logback-newrelic-app…Logback appender for sending error messages directly to NewRelic monitoring
2@sviperll/maven-profiledep-ext…Moved to ozymandias project https://github.com/sviperll/ozymandias
2@Prototik/HoloEverywhere-Addon…Roboguice addon for HoloEverywhere library
2@barancev/junit_samplesSamples for JUnit training
2@ternsip/StabilizerModMinecraft IC2 BuildCraft power converter
2@ternsip/Placemod-1.9Fast Schematic Spawning System in Minecraft based on Forge API
2@Frostman/jadecifeDistributed computing experiments for my coursework
2@barancev/webdriver-junit-arch…Archetype for a Maven project that can be used as a start point to develop tests in Java with WebDriver and JUnit
2@barancev/webdriver-testng-arc…Archetype for a Maven project that can be used as a start point to develop tests in Java with WebDriver and TestNG
2@barancev/webdriver-factoryAn utility to manage WebDriver instances
2@shipilev/benchmarks-scratchScratch throw-away benchmarks
2@4ntoine/CoffeeCatchDemoTest project for coffeecatch lib


176@Maxx53/SCMBotSteam Community Market auto-buying bot:arrow_upper_right:
125@controlflow/resharper-postfixReSharper Postfix Templates plugin
103@chromealex/Unity3d.UI.WindowsUnity 3D UI (uGUI) Windows Extensions:arrow_upper_right:
78@controlflow/resharper-heapviewReSharper Heap Allocations Viewer plugin
57@Athari/CsCssCSS parsing library for C# based on Mozilla Firefox code MPL
56@nicloay/Node-InspectorUnity graph editor extension.
37@nicloay/colorusUnity3d ColoringBook web/ios
34@Maxx53/NoCableLauncherRocksmith 2014 Launcher for playing without RealTone cable (nocable fix)
28@nicloay/unity-spine-importerBring data from spine (EsotericSoftware) in to the unity3d
23@controlflow/resharper-gotowordReSharper Go to Word navigation plugin
19@Athari/XnaConvertUtility for converting XNA XNB files (Texture2D to PNG images) New BSD
17@Konard/LinksPlatformHolistic system for storage and transformation of information based on associative model of data. Целостная система для хранения и обработки информации основная на ассоциативной модели данных.
15@Athari/Alba.JamlJAML = WPF XAML − XML.verbosity + JSON.elegance Simplified BSD
9@jeanfabre/PlayMakerCustomActio…PlayMaker Custom Actions for Unity 4, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort
8@Athari/Alba.FrameworkFramework for private projects Public Domain + other
7@roman-yagodin/R7.DocumentsRedesigned version of DNN Documents module
6@jeanfabre/PlayMakerCustomActio…PlayMaker Custom Actions for Unity 3, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort
5@ForNeVeR/CyclopsChatWPF-based XMPP chat application.
5@nicloay/atlasToCubeUnity3d utility to put any texture from atlas to different faces of cube
5@chromealex/ME.MacrosUnity 3D Macros System
5@controlflow/Parse.SharpYet another C# parser combinator library
4@Athari/CsConsoleFormat.NET C# library for advanced formatting of console output Apache
4@xakepru/x14.05-coding-decapt…Пример приложения для расшифровки капчи на базе Tesseract OCR и FANN
4@roman-yagodin/R7.UniversityModules and base library for DNN Platfrom designed to present and manage various assets (e.g. divisions, employees, educational programs, documents) for high school educational organization website, compatible with obrnadzor.gov.ru microdata requirements.
3@ForNeVeR/hell-apiMiranda IM managed plugin API adapter for .NET.
3@roman-yagodin/R7.DotNetNuke.Extens…A library for DNN Platform extensions development
3@controlflow/resharper-checkerReSharper.Checker MSIL weaver that emit null checks from NotNull annotations
2@ForNeVeR/TankDriverSimple game in XNA.
2@roman-yagodin/R7.EpsilonHighly customizable, multiportal, responsive skin for DNN Platform
2@roman-yagodin/R7.NewsNews subsystem for DNN Platform
2@ForNeVeR/BetterFuckBrainfuck language compiler for CLR.
2@intagger/SerializersRaceA performance testing tool for .NET serializers.
2@jeanfabre/PlayMakerBetaActions…PlayMaker Beta Actions, as part of the PlayMaker ecosystem effort
2@Maxx53/IzickLanCoopLan Cooperative for The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
2@ForNeVeR/ImapSlackIntegrate Slack with IMAP email server.
2@nicloay/persistentSingletonUnity plugin which store/read properties from/to singleton to UserPrefs
2@roman-yagodin/R7.DnnLocalizationLocalization of DNN Platform static resources (language pack) - русский перевод DotNetNuke


3@tsergeytovarov/gulp-projectБазовый шаблон проекта на Gulp:arrow_upper_right:
2@tsergeytovarov/grunt-projectБазовый каркас проекта:arrow_upper_right:


11@spalt08/TweenSpriteSprite animation plugin for TweenMax.js


212@nekromant/esp8266-frankensteinAlternative firmware for ESP8266 modules
191@nekromant/antaresantares uC buildsystem
59@tony2001/pinba_extensionPinba PHP extension:arrow_upper_right:
46@LongSoft/PMPatchUtility to patch UEFI BIOS PowerManagement module to be compatible with MacOS X SpeedStep implementation
37@rtsisyk/msgpuckA simple and efficient MsgPack binary serialization library in a self-contained header file
36@tony2001/ngx_http_pinba_modul…Pinba module for nginx:arrow_upper_right:
32@akalend/amqp-restthe light HTTP gate (rest) for amqp broket
28@moteus/lua-lluvLua binding to libuv
22@illarionov/sqlite3-unicodesnSQLite unicode full-text-search tokenizer with Snowball stemming
17@leshak/i5700-leshak-kernelLinux kernel 2.6.29 for Samsung Spica i5700 with Android 2.x
16@astarasikov/iconia-gnu-kernelPort of Iconia A500 to chromium and vanilla linux
16@akalend/click-serverthe light HTTP server for accounting clicks (using in banner system)
15@nekromant/scam-o-maticA tool to salvage usable space from crappy memory cards.:arrow_upper_right:
14@tony2001/rfc5766-turn-serverSVN copy of.. High-performance free open source TURN and STUN Server implementation. VoIP media traffic NAT traversal and gateway.
13@nekromant/pl2303gpioPL2303HX Userspace GPIO control tool
12@moteus/lua-AesFileEncryptA simple file encryption library
10@nekromant/linux-rlx-upstreamInitial effort to port upstream linux kernels to MIPS RLX variant used in RTL8196/RTL8198
10@LongSoft/FD44CopierUtility to copy BIOS data from one ASUS BIOS image file to another
9@tony2001/eacceleratoreAccelerator fork
9@rtsisyk/mininbMini NoSQL Benchmark
8@infofarmer/hashtypessha1, md5 and other data types for PostgreSQL
8@tony2001/pidgin-libnotifylibnotify plugin for Pidgin
7@nekromant/tinypowerswitchFirmware source for attiny2313-based power switcher
7@LongSoft/InsydeImageExtractorUtility for extracting UEFI image from InsydeFlasher executable file
6@tony2001/leptonicaPHP bindings for Leptonica library

4 years ago


4 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago