1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-serbia v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Serbia

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A list of neat projects made in Serbia



1275@toorshia/justgageJustGage is a handy JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean dashboard gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing.
1244@dvLden/VidageYour solution to full-screen background video & image combined.:arrow_upper_right:
624@limonte/sweetalert2Supported fork of t4t5/sweetalert:arrow_upper_right:
473@draganbabic/uni-formUni-Form is a framework that standardizes form markup and styles it with CSS giving you two most widely used layout options to choose from. Anyone can get nice looking, well structured, highly customizable, accessible and usable forms. To put it simply: it makes a developer's life a lot easier. Support → http://getsatisfaction.com/uni-form:arrow_upper_right:
70@goschevski/apyApy is a simple client-side library for making rest api ajax calls.
40@rukavina/live-css-editorjquery online css editor, themeroller like tool for customizing your web page
32@stojanovic/vremeDate formatting by example
30@goschevski/vojvodaBackbone View extension for managing subviews
29@goschevski/frontyFronty is a boilerplate for starting new front-end projects
17@goschevski/image-loaderImage loader is plugin that loads image selected by input file field without uploading it on server.
16@goschevski/tagsterTagster is simple library which is helping you create html strings with ease.
13@vranac/responsive-screensho…CasperJS script for taking screenshots on responsive screensizes
12@toorshia/jamJAM - Simple Facebook style menu for Sencha Touch 2 based apps
11@ManInTheBox/nodejs.rsSajt srpske Node.js zajednice - Serbian Node.js community website:arrow_upper_right:
10@aleksandara/yeoman-generator-req…A generator for yeoman (RequireJS, Jasmine, Karma)
9@stojanovic/huhRandom BOFH-style excuses
8@stojanovic/souffleurSimple command line prompt with retry for empty answers:arrow_upper_right:
8@kodi/JS-Object-ExpireJavascript Self-Expiring Objects
6@vranac/link-checkerquick and dirty link checker for web page
6@stojanovic/fuckyouKill any process (╯°□°)╯︵ ssǝɔoɹd
4@goschevski/gulp-base64-inlineInline images you want with base64.
3@kodi/MVC4Node.jsMVC Framework for Node.js
3@kodi/nodiusMonitoring System based on Node.js
3@stojanovic/space-explorer-botA small FB Messenger chat bot using NASA API and Claudia Bot Builder.:arrow_upper_right:
2@zmilan/yo-generator-express…Advanced AngularJS project generator for Yeoman.
2@rukavina/tetatetWebRTC video chat
2@Gavrisimo/psychic-memeClone of http://dillinger.io/ using https://github.com/coreyti/showdown/


91@anbud/MarkovComposerAlgorithmic composer based on machine learning using a second order Markov chain.
78@neuroph/neurophJava Neural Network Framework Neuroph:arrow_upper_right:
8@vanjakom/BloomFilterExampleBloom filter implemented in Java with support for multiple hashers
5@anbud/PxlSortPixel sorting using radix sort.
4@vanjakom/MultipleOutputsExamp…Hadoop Multiple Outputs example
2@vanjakom/HadoopPlaygroundthis repository will handle Hadoop code
2@vanjakom/baseRequired projects for our architecture


501@StefanKovac/flex-layout-attribut…HTML layout helper based on CSS flexbox specification —:arrow_upper_right:


21@bmanojlovic/log4cFork of Log4c project:arrow_upper_right:
14@TheDushan/OpenWolfOpenWolf is a Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory game modification based on ET-GPL.
7@bmanojlovic/mod_authn_dovecotApache authentication against Dovecot authentication daemon:arrow_upper_right:
5@ljmocic/PJiSPE2 - Programski jezici i strukture podataka:arrow_upper_right:
4@dezelin/libopticalLibrary written in C programming language for burning CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, DVD-RAM, Blue Ray and many other types of optical media. Supports POSIX, BSD and Win32 operating systems.
2@bmanojlovic/sendsmsSMS client server application that extends smstools package




2@jovanpn/hashids.asActionScript 3 version of Hashids library from http://hashids.org/


11@goranjovic/chromeclojureA Clojure Plugin for Google Chrome.
2@nevenavv/OWandDev tool/Leiningen plugin for Magic Potion <-> OWL transformation.


25@scyth/go-webprojectWeb application framework written in Go Programming Language:arrow_upper_right:
23@fastfn/dendriteDendrite is a Go package that implements distributed hash table (DHT) based on Chord Protocol.


6@hepek/RamblingsRandom posts on Haskell, Scheme and stuff
5@hepek/MPEG-TSHaskell implementation of mpegts parser


10@Manca/face-detectionMy Face Detection application written in Matlab.


135@radianttap/WatchRingGeneratoriOS app to generate series of PNG images, to be used in WatchKit apps
79@mperovic/KOAProgressBarCustom progress bar for iOS 5.0+
45@radianttap/RTFlyoutMenuFly-out (drop-down) menu component for iPad
30@mperovic/PAStepperComplete replacement for UIStepper control
13@radianttap/RTCleanNavigationBarUINavigationBar subclass that removes the shadow image while retaining translucency effect in iOS 7 and up
12@radianttap/RTWalkthroughAn Objective-C clone of github/ariok/BWWalkthrough (a bit improved in the process)
6@radianttap/RTFlowLayoutLike UICollectionViewFlowLayout, but with additional supplementary views.
5@nmarkovic04/PhoneyCamera and sensor simulator library for iOS
4@radianttap/UITableView-NSFetche…UITV and NSFRC, sitting in a tree, forever happy
4@MrNickBarker/iOSAccordionPanelsPrototype of resizable accordion panels for iOS.
3@radianttap/RTGraphLayoutUICollectionViewFlowLayout subclass acting like zoomable bar chart
2@nmarkovic04/XDNumberPickerNumberPicker control for iOS
2@radianttap/UILabel-FontNameUIAppearance for UILabel font name
2@radianttap/RTTabBarControllerHighly customizable and feature-rich replacement for UITabBarController




735@markomarkovic/simple-php-git-deplo…Automatically deploy the code using PHP and Git
65@nenad-zivkovic/yii2-advanced-templa…Yii2 improved advanced application template that can bake you cookies
28@nenad-zivkovic/yii2-basic-templateYii2 improved basic application template that can bake you cookies
10@robertbasic/phpplanetaSource code behind http://phpplaneta.net/:arrow_upper_right:
9@markomarkovic/cakephp-plugin-confi…CakePHP Plugin for easy database managed site-wide configurations:arrow_upper_right:
6@turshija/KGB-Game-Panel-Resta…Skripta pomocu koje je moguce restartovati servere koji su se zakucali, pod uslovom da su serveri kod KGB Hostinga:arrow_upper_right:
6@bojanz/efq_viewsEntityFieldQuery Views Backend:arrow_upper_right:
5@bojanz/state_machineOfficial mirror of the drupal.org module, 8.x-1.x branch.:arrow_upper_right:
4@el22or/drs1Drupal Serbia community site theme:arrow_upper_right:
4@markomarkovic/cakephp-plugin-image…A plugin for easy image manipulation:arrow_upper_right:
3@ldusan84/magento2-simple-prod…A simple Magento 2 product feed example
3@bojanz/fakedinFakedIn is a professional network powered by Drupal Commerce.
2@markomarkovic/cakephp-plugin-perso…Mozilla Persona CakePHP Plugin
2@bojanz/addressOfficial mirror of the drupal.org module.:arrow_upper_right:
2@ldusan84/Trip-Card-SorterSolution to common trip card sorting problem
2@ldusan84/DusanSimpleBundleOroCRM Simple CRUD bundle
2@grakic/meetrqMeeting request form - Sample Laravel 5 web app
2@robertbasic/code-samplesDifferent code samples to use in talks


145@MeanEYE/SunflowerSmall and highly customizable twin-panel file manager for Linux with support for plugins.
106@jocicmarko/kaggle-dsb2-kerasKeras tutorial for Kaggle 2nd Annual Data Science Bowl
89@jocicmarko/ultrasound-nerve-seg…Deep Learning Tutorial for Kaggle Ultrasound Nerve Segmentation competition, using Keras
41@integricho/path-of-a-pyqterlessons on using python and qt
10@foxbunny/acl.pyauthentication framework for web.py
7@integricho/mutant-sample-appA CRUD interface for django-mutant just for demonstration
3@Atlantic777/c4shC4sh - cashdesk module (checkout) - Patched to work!
3@foxbunny/TimetrackSimple stupid time tracker
2@foxbunny/django-sr-localeSerbian translations for Django:arrow_upper_right:
2@foxbunny/HTTPy-RPCExample implementation of a simple HTTP-based RPC protocol.
2@integricho/django-skel-modular-…an example application based on the django-skel guide, boosted with requirejs and knockout


100@bosko/rmreRails 3 models reverse engineering
88@inem/tequilaPowerful HAML-like JSON generation language:arrow_upper_right:
31@inem/xilenceRails backtrace silencer for ajax requests:arrow_upper_right:
24@inem/handcarServer-side console.log() for your Rails application:arrow_upper_right:
22@markoa/r2flickrr2flickr is a Ruby implementation of the Flickr API, forked from rflickr.
6@bosko/gem-exefyRubyGems plugin for replacing Windows batch files used in Gems with executables with same name.
6@miloshadzic/pastaSilly pastebin-like sinatra application
5@jablan/spreadshootRuby DSL for creating Excel spreadsheets
5@markoa/gradmxUniversity project, Rails and Tokyo Cabinet exploration on a minimal event platform
4@inem/lazibiLazibi is a pre-processor that allows one to use Python style indenting in Ruby.:arrow_upper_right:
4@markoa/scriptsTumblr client script, and more to come
4@jablan/collectinjectCollectInject - a tiny MapReduce implementation in Ruby
3@jablan/blue_colrDatabase based process launcher
3@jablan/polumentaPolumenta generator clone
3@jablan/sequel_diffWeb app for diffing the data in the database
3@inem/gitformsEasy way to contribute to open source projects
3@markoa/tablaLightweight note-taking app with wiki capabilities built with Rails
2@markoa/chef-solo-mnmalMinimal working configuration for chef-solo.


5@nmilinkovic/SkadiSkadi is a lightweight Dependency Injection container written in Scala


9@olujicz/ansible-phabricatorAnsible playbooks for Phabricator installations with Vagrant on Debian 7
6@olujicz/bash-scriptsMy bash scripts
2@mekanix/fishMy config of fish shell


4@vlasar/vim-web-devvim configuration suited for web development
2@sfsgagi/gitvimMy vim

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? See how to contribute.

:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău


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