1.0.8 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-ukraine v1.0.8

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Last release
4 years ago

Made in Ukraine

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A list of neat projects made in Ukraine

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# Using yarn
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4447@NeXTs/Clusterize.jsTiny vanilla JS plugin to display large data sets easily:arrow_upper_right:
3139@ipselon/structorAn advanced GUI editor for React:arrow_upper_right:
1726@NeXTs/Jets.jsNative CSS search engine:arrow_upper_right:
422@edjafarov/node-webkit-updaternode-webkit autoupdater:arrow_upper_right:
417@ybogdanov/node-syncWrite simple and readable synchronous code in nodejs using fibers
416@theshock/libcanvasLibCanvas - Canvas Javascript library:arrow_upper_right:
295@NeXTs/Multiple.jsSharing background across multiple elements using CSS:arrow_upper_right:
267@piranha/keymageYet Another JS Keybinding library
256@ghaiklor/generator-sails-rest…Yeoman generator for scaffolding Sails REST API with predefined features:arrow_upper_right:
216@finom/balalaikaTiny DOM library
194@theshock/atomjsAtom javascript framewok
189@ybogdanov/history-timelineVisualization of the globally famous people lifetimes. https://ybogdanov.github.io/history-time…
104@ipselon/material-ui-prepackIncludes components of Material UI lib + Flexbox Grid lib:arrow_upper_right:
102@edjafarov/PromisePipePromisePipe - reusable cross process promise chains
102@finom/balaA function for elements selection
87@edjafarov/remote-impressThis is remote Impress.js and Deck.js presentation controller. Allows to use phone for switching slides.:arrow_upper_right:
70@piranha/pumpPump your REACTive app with fuel
66@tshemsedinov/node-mysql-utilitiesUtilities for node-mysql driver with specialized result types, introspection and other helpful functionality.
53@piranha/puttextGettext-like i18n library for javascript
51@sudodoki/copy-to-clipboardCopy stuff into clipboard using JS
49@edjafarov/sockerCRUD over engine.io websockets
40@ipselon/bootstrap-prepackStructor starter project with React Bootstrap components.:arrow_upper_right:
29@finom/SuitupSimple WYSIWYG editor
27@edjafarov/grailgrail - isomorphic app framework
26@NeXTs/jq.entryjQuery plugin to determine side which cursor enters or leaves the element.:arrow_upper_right:
24@ghaiklor/terminal-canvasHigh-performant low-level API for access to cursor in terminal
23@finom/vanillatreeVanilla.js replacement of jstree
22@edjafarov/compylightweight html app builder
20@piranha/adium-inline-imagesAdium Image Inliner
20@theshock/spiritNode.js Spirit CMF
19@ghaiklor/generator-es6-npm-mo…Yeoman generator for starting ES6 npm module with Mocha, Istanbul, Travis, Coveralls
19@finom/jQuery-Gaussian-BlurPlugin which adds Gaussian Blur effect for images
19@ghaiklor/sails-service-mailerService for Sails framework with Mailer features
19@ghaiklor/sails-hook-cronSails hook for running cron tasks
17@ghaiklor/flappy-birdFlappy Bird, a game you can barely play for more than a few seconds without throwing your phone (DEAD):arrow_upper_right:
16@finom/donut.jsSimplest cross-browser (VML+SVG) donut chart generator
15@theshock/nanojsNano javascript framework
15@listochkin/ember-sonixEmber Class at Nix Solutions, February 21-22, 2015
14@ipselon/structor-starter-pre…Starter project for Structor. It does not include UI or CSS frameworks, just convenient structure for Redux and Redux Saga.:arrow_upper_right:
14@ghaiklor/assetsjsloaderAsync loader which loads CSS and JS files (DEAD):arrow_upper_right:
13@ybogdanov/node-mutexDistributed mutex for nodejs with redis backend
12@finom/babel-plugin-transfo…Limited transformer for ECMAScript 2015 modules (AMD)
12@ghaiklor/sails-service-pusherService for Sails framework with Pusher features
11@edjafarov/getapiallows to build API's using annotations
11@edjafarov/ariesAriesNode is a MVC framework for node.:arrow_upper_right:
11@listochkin/node-api-design-work…API design with Node.js Workshop - Kyiv, December 13, 2015
9@sudodoki/toggle-selectionRemove user selection and then get it back on
9@sudodoki/copy-buttonWeb component to copy target text/dom-node value to clipboard:arrow_upper_right:
8@ghaiklor/sails-service-smsService for Sails framework with SMS features
8@ghaiklor/sails-service-paymen…Service for Sails framework with Payment features
8@piranha/tnetstrings.jstnetstrings javascript implementation:arrow_upper_right:
8@sudodoki/cleaver-templateJump start your cleaver presentation in no time.
8@ghaiklor/battlecityThe most popular game clone from our childhood (DEAD):arrow_upper_right:
7@ghaiklor/sails-service-storag…Service for Sails framework with Storage features
6@ghaiklor/passport-google-plus…Passport strategy for authenticating with Google Plus via OAuth2 access tokens:arrow_upper_right:
6@ghaiklor/sails-service-imageService for Sails framework with Image features
6@edjafarov/nodejs-api-boilerpla…nodejs-api-boilerplate project for workshop
6@theshock/AutoCaptchaAuto Captcha filling with JavaScript
5@edjafarov/nodejswallTwitter wall written totally in Node.js:arrow_upper_right:
5@ghaiklor/sails-service-socialService for Sails framework with Social features
5@ybogdanov/node-cloudCloud computing with node.js and redis.
4@ghaiklor/passport-instagram-t…Passport strategy for authenticating with Instagram via OAuth2 access tokens
4@theshock/libcanvas-backupLibCanvas - Canvas Javascript library:arrow_upper_right:
4@sudodoki/cleaver-editorSingle page editor for cleaver slides in your browser
4@tshemsedinov/node-inheritanceNode.js class inheritance examples
4@listochkin/EmberOverflow-Odessa…A StackOverflow-like Q&A site written in Ember.js
4@ybogdanov/express-corsCORS middleware for expressjs
4@finom/babel-plugin-transfo…Limited transformer for ECMAScript 2015 modules (CommonJS)
4@sudodoki/pivy-printEasy print tool for task cards in pivotal tracker
4@ghaiklor/advent-of-code-2015Solutions for Advent of Code - a series of small programming puzzles for a variety of skill levels
3@ghaiklor/openlayers-toolsOpenLayers wrapper, which simplifies work with it (DEAD):arrow_upper_right:
3@finom/FunctionsThis repository contains few functions that help in deciding of certain problems.
3@ybogdanov/node-narrowLibrary shrinks a given callback parallel execution concurrency in a limited number of threads, receiving the bunch of data (array of tasks).
3@NeXTs/Wait-while-recursive…Description how to recursively save parent and nested items without losing nested editing data
3@ghaiklor/passport-github-toke…Passport strategy for authenticating with GitHub via OAuth2 access tokens
3@sasha240100/JsOsJavascript-based operation system (Runtime.js)
3@programulya/threejs-workshopThree.js workshop
2@edjafarov/reactjs-boilerplateodessajs reactjs-boilerplate
2@tshemsedinov/global.jsJavaScript module definition pattern
2@listochkin/kharkiv-api-classcode for API class in Kharkiv
2@listochkin/ember-kyiv-march-201…Sample app for March 2016 class
2@listochkin/torii-twitterDemo Ember app with Twitter Auth
2@sasha240100/photograph-templatephotograp tempate with beautiful slider.
2@ghaiklor/passport-twitch-toke…Passport strategy for authenticating with Twitch via OAuth2 access tokens
2@ghaiklor/sails-hook-aclSails hook that implements ACL that don't tight with session or databases and easy configurable
2@finom/matreshka_boilerplat…ES.next boilerplate app for Matreshka.js
2@ghaiklor/node-print-messageNodeJS module for printing out beautiful messages in console:arrow_upper_right:
2@edjafarov/pdfersimple out of the box pdf-service, heroku deployable
2@ghaiklor/sails-service-locati…Service for Sails framework with Location features
2@ghaiklor/sails-service-cipherService for Sails framework with Cipher features
2@programulya/video-chatVideo chat for two persons via WebRTC
2@ghaiklor/sails-service-hashService for Sails framework with Hash features
2@sudodoki/aleph-boxNo backend javascript anything stubber aka Chance.js without all the parens


3437@makovkastar/FloatingActionButtonAndroid floating action button
3294@dmytrodanylyk/circular-progress-bu…Android Circular Progress Button:arrow_upper_right:
2165@dmytrodanylyk/android-process-butt…Android Buttons With Built-in Progress Meters.:arrow_upper_right:
1259@danylovolokh/VideoPlayerManagerThis is a project designed to help controlling Android MediaPlayer class. It makes it easier to use MediaPlayer ListView and RecyclerView. Also it tracks the most visible item in scrolling list. When new item in the list become the most visible, this library gives an API to track it.
1219@bmelnychuk/AndroidTreeViewAndroidTreeView. TreeView implementation for android
881@dmytrodanylyk/folding-pluginAndroid File Grouping Plugin:arrow_upper_right:
760@dmytrodanylyk/shadow-layoutAndroid Shadow Layout
706@GIGAMOLE/ArcProgressStackViewPresent your progress bars in arc mode with information and total control.
694@shell-software/fabFloating Action Button Library for Android
663@AChep/AcDisplayAcDisplay is a new way of handling notifications in Android.:arrow_upper_right:
591@danylovolokh/LondonEyeLayoutManag…A Layoutmanager that must be used with RecyclerView. When list is scrolled views are moved by circular trajectory
523@danylovolokh/HashTagHelperThis is a library designed for highlighting hashtags ("#example") and catching click on them.
492@aNNiMON/Lightweight-Stream-A…Stream API from Java 8 rewritten on iterators for Java 7 and below
397@atermenji/IconicDroidIconicDroid is a custom Android Drawable which allows to draw icons from several iconic fonts.
390@alexzaitsev/freepagerViewPagers library for Android
380@dmytrodanylyk/android-morphing-but…Android Morphing Button
298@blynkkk/blynk-serverPlatform with iOs and Android apps to control Arduino, Raspberry Pi and similar microcontroller boards over the Internet.:arrow_upper_right:
276@dmytrodanylyk/video-cropAndroid Video Crop
242@dmytrodanylyk/realm-browserAndroid Realm Database Browser
221@shyiko/mysql-binlog-connect…MySQL Binary Log connector
186@GIGAMOLE/TintLayoutThis library help you to achieve popular drop shadow effect from view.
165@makovkastar/LetterImageViewA simple Android ImageView implementation which draws a letter on a randomly colored background.
155@danylovolokh/ImageTransitionThis is a pet project that shows how to implement shared element image transition between activities on pre-Lollipop devices on Android.
117@AChep/HeadsUpSimple implementation of floating notifications.
90@GIGAMOLE/CutIntoLayoutCutIntoLayout allows you to erase the background.
73@alexzaitsev/android-stylerAndroid Studio / IDEA plugin that helps to create styles
54@aNNiMON/Android-Java-8-Strea…Demo app of using Java 8 features with Retrolambda and Lightweight-Stream-API
53@dmytrodanylyk/android-concurrent-d…Sample of concurrent safe access to Android SQLite Database:arrow_upper_right:
51@yakivmospan/gistsRepository was desired and is made to store Android reusable code in a way of simple markdown files and java classes.:arrow_upper_right:
51@shell-software/viewmoverView Mover Library for Android
42@dmytrodanylyk/lazy-data-loadingSample demonstrate hot to load data from SQLite and parse it from Cursor on the fly when you need it.
34@aNNiMON/PaperStyleWidgetsAndroid material-design widgets
32@bmelnychuk/WearCircleMenuAnimated CircleMenu for wear devices
28@GIGAMOLE/MillSpinnersThe set of useful and beautiful spinners.
28@igor-petruk/protobuf-maven-plugi…Protobuf Maven Plugin:arrow_upper_right:
25@stokito/gagThis project is a fork of Google Annotation Gallery. Original homepage of GAG is hosetd here http://code.google.com/p/gag/
23@GIGAMOLE/SlideImageViewSimple and convenient library that allows you to slide images through a view.
18@shyiko/rookChange Data Capture (CDC) toolkit for keeping system layers in sync with the database
17@aNNiMON/dex-editorEdit the dalvik-bytecode on Android.:arrow_upper_right:
17@edBaev/swipe-sticky-listvie…joining swipe and sticky listsviews
15@atermenji/robotium-actionbarsh…Robotium extension with ActionBarSherlock support.
15@makovkastar/CallMeBackПоможет отправить запрос "Перезвони мне", если на счету закончились деньги.
12@aNNiMON/Own-Programming-Lang…Репозиторий курса "Как создать свой язык программирования" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL…
12@shell-software/uitoolsUI Tools Library for Android
12@AChep/JellyBeanClockSimple custom drawing android analog clock (UI from Jelly Bean 4.2)
10@stokito/FreeTTSLog4JAppenderTalking log appender to keep your eyes :):arrow_upper_right:
9@AChep/FifteenPuzzleLogical game Fifteen Puzzle
9@stokito/IdeaSingletonInspect…Inspection for (probably) inappropriate use of Singleton pattern:arrow_upper_right:
9@stokito/OCPJPИнтересные задачки из экзамена Oracle Certified Professional Java Programmer:arrow_upper_right:
9@GIGAMOLE/NEONThe simple open-source player which include music visualizations and equalizer.
8@shell-software/treeTree Data Structure Java Library
8@shyiko/servers-maven-extens…Maven extension for exposing settings.xml/servers to ${}
7@danylovolokh/MidPointCircleExplai…This is a project that helps to understand how "Mid Point Circle" algorithm works and how it is modified for LondonEyeLayoutManager project
7@roman-mazur/async2014Example of an Android project that loads tweets using Helium, Enroscar Async, and Goro + RxJava sample
6@bmelnychuk/outlayExpense tracker implementation
4@aNNiMON/Flood-It-BotUniversal bot for flood-it games
3@shyiko/usage-maven-pluginMaven Plugin for printing project Usage information
3@AChep/ChartViewA little charts library for Android (in heavy dev)
3@Yarikx/shAirCardsharing vcards
3@igor-petruk/maven-archetype-exec…This is Maven archetype that produces executable jars like NetBeans does (deps in lib/)
3@igor-petruk/orchidOrchid Filesystem
3@alexzaitsev/android-fragment-dia…Simple dialogs with DialogFragment
3@alexzaitsev/maven-testTest project for Yalantis maven tutorial
2@danylovolokh/TestAsyncrounousAndr…This is a project that descirbes how easily we can test asynchronous actions in Android
2@shyiko/hadoop-maven-pluginMaven Plugin for Apache Hadoop
2@Yarikx/OboobsAndroid application for oboobs.ru service
2@AChep/AliveDotsWallpaperAwesome OpenGL ES 2.0 based live wallpaper
2@berezovskyi/checkbleedJava command-line utility for batch URL checking for Heartbleed vulnerability
2@danylovolokh/PermissionsReferenceThe purpose of this project is to create an exhaustive reference of methods that developers have to take into account while implementing Runtime Permissions in Android Marshmallow and higher.


331@PavelTorgashov/FastColoredTextBoxFast Colored TextBox for Syntax Highlighting. The text editor component for .NET.
113@titarenko/OAuth2OAuth2 client implementation for .NET
93@yevhen/NakeMagic script-based C# task runner. C# V6 is supported!
77@AntyaDev/KingAOP.NET AOP framework - a free alternative of PostSharp.
73@sergeyshushlyapin/Sitecore.FakeDbUnit testing framework for Sitecore.
63@yevhen/StreamstoneEvent store for Azure Table Storage
44@adoprog/Sitecore-CourierSitecore Courier aims to fill the gap between the development and production environments when building websites with Sitecore CMS.:arrow_upper_right:
19@akimboyko/MetaProgrammingMetaprogramming .Net samples
17@PavelTorgashov/FastTreeFastTree and FastList controls
12@T-Alex/WPFControlsSet of Controls for WPF.
10@T-Alex/MarkedNetA full-featured markdown parser and compiler, written in C#
9@AntyaDev/FunctionalWeaponC# library for functional programming.
8@yevhen/Servelat-PiecesServelat Pieces is a collection of reusable bits of code that can make you asynchronous programming easier. It contains a generic implementation of Coroutines on top of iterator blocks. It also has some nuggets for Silverlight development (in particular consumption of WCF services).
7@PavelTorgashov/AnimatorThe component Animator allows you to animate any controls on your WinForms.
7@Konctantin/EventAICreatorConstructor for MaNGOS Event AI Script
7@yevhen/Orleans.PingPongPing Pong benchmark for Orleans
6@T-Alex/MathCoreAdvanced .NET math library (PCL).
6@T-Alex/FluceneObject Document Mapper for Lucene.Net
5@titarenko/TestDataFactoryLibrary for effortless generation of (not only) POCO objects.
5@ysw/mono-socket-problemMono socket problem demo
4@T-Alex/BeautifulFractalsBeautiful Fractals Screensaver written on C# using WPF and GDI+.:arrow_upper_right:
4@T-Alex/ImageProxyResizing and caching images from web on the fly (WCF service).
3@yevhen/HipstaLinkSimple HATEOAS infrastructure for ASP.NET Web API 2
3@T-Alex/SEOStatsChecking of Google PageRank, Alexa rank and etc. for your site.
3@T-Alex/DotWebLibrary of web tools for .NET
3@Konctantin/KatrinaWorld Of WarCraft sniffer
3@AntyaDev/OmniaOmnia programming language
3@T-Alex/CommonBase class library for commonly occurring problems (PCL).
2@whyleee/vspteVisual Studio Project Template Exporter
2@vgamula/BacteriumBacterium game
2@adoprog/Sitecore-Client-Even…Sitecore Shared Source module for tracking JavaScript events to OMS / DMS:arrow_upper_right:
2@adoprog/Sitecore-Geo-Lite-Re…GeoLiteResolver modifies conditional rendering "Country Condition" to use GeoLite database for instant country resolving.:arrow_upper_right:
2@titarenko/KenoRobotKeno (Lottery) Player Model
2@T-Alex/GameOfLifeWPF realization of Conway's Game of Life.:arrow_upper_right:
2@titarenko/HandyToolsAndExtensi…A set of handy tools and extensions for .NET (C#).
2@T-Alex/RssFeedGeneratorGenerator of rss feed xml file.
2@titarenko/CqrsnesCQRS And Event Sourcing Custom Infrastructure
2@T-Alex/MvvmLightweight MVVM framework for .NET (PCL).
2@AntyaDev/TalksMaterials from recent talks
2@T-Alex/PADGeneratorPAD (portable application description) file generator library.
2@dimapasko/GitIoSharpC# wrapper for Git.io: GitHub URL Shortener


23@sk1project/sk1-wxsK1 2.0 multiplatform vector graphics editor
23@mik9/ThunderG-KernelKernel for Optimus p500 & Optimus p509
22@EarlGray/SECDScheme on SECD
18@EarlGray/COSECthe Coolest OS Ever Created
18@DK22Pac/plugin-sdkAn SDK for developing plugins for GTA San Andreas and GTA Vice City
18@Kuzma30/kernel3NookTabletThis is adaptation of git://git.omapzoom.org/kernel/omap.git to Nook Tablet
13@pasis/pppoatPPPoAT - PPP over Any Transport
8@grouzen/shooterSimple text-based multiplayer network shooter.
8@mik9/lgthunderg_androidClockworkMod Recovery for LG Optimus One
7@pfactum/libpfrngCPU jitter-based RNG
7@pasis/setools-androidUnofficial port of setools to Android:arrow_upper_right:
6@DK22Pac/vice-37Vice City ported to RW3.7
6@sashao/martletQt4 developer tools:arrow_upper_right:
5@mik9/acclaim_cyanobootCyanoboot bootloader for Nook Tablet
4@pasis/ls-fuseFUSE module to mount ls -lR output
4@Kuzma30/kernel32nooktablet3.2 kernel branch for NookTbalet
3@pfactum/kernelatUserspace tool for desktop interactivity measurement
3@pfactum/pcapcpcapc - libpcap filter expressions compiler
3@sjinks/ngx_tcpwrappersTCP Wrapper support for nginx
3@grouzen/fflispSmall LISP interpreter for training
3@mik9/android_kernel_accla…Kernel for Nook Tablet.
3@grouzen/xinbXinb is not a bot. Shell over XMPP.
3@age/mssSources for Multi Sensor Station.
2@sjinks/ssh-honeypotdA low-interaction SSH honeypot written in C
2@JDevs/OWL-Predator-KERNELKernel for MSM7X27 OWL-Predator
2@age/krakena kernel.
2@Kuzma30/NT34KNook Tablet 3.4 kernel repo
2@PhoenixBlack/X-SpaceX-Space - aerospace simulation plugin that extends spaceflight capabilities of X-Plane flight simulator.
2@sashao/msp430robotCode for our launchpad based robot, sensors, sound, servo motors and dc motors usage


307@BloodAxe/OpenCV-TutorialA sample project demonstrating use of OpenCV library in iOS platform:arrow_upper_right:
208@BloodAxe/opencv-ios-template-…Sample project for iOS configured to use OpenCV:arrow_upper_right:
152@SergiusTheBest/plogPortable, simple and extensible C++ logging library
83@BloodAxe/OpenCV-Features-Comp…A benchmark tool to compare OpenCV feature detection and descriptors extraction algorithms
18@BloodAxe/CloudCVBackendA C++ backend module for CloudCV
12@sopyer/ScintillaGLPort of scintilla text editing control to OpenGL. WIP!!!!
11@dennis714/DDFFDuplicate Directories and Files Finder:arrow_upper_right:
8@Alexei-Kornienko/Racing-GameSimple racing game written on C++ using Irrlicht engine.
5@dennis714/ops_SIMDOracle passwords (DES) solver
3@BloodAxe/nan-marshalData type marshalling for NAN module
3@dennis714/CopyfileJust copy file ignoring any error (including CRC32):arrow_upper_right:


8@VirtualMaestro/BabyBoxBabyBox Engine - component based game engine
6@VirtualMaestro/BBSignalAlternative event system
6@MikroAcse/MikroAcse-LibraryMikroAcse Library 2.1 (Some functions IN-TEST):arrow_upper_right:
6@VirtualMaestro/BBModuleModular system. Used in game engine
5@VirtualMaestro/GameUtilsHandy utils for game dev
5@VirtualMaestro/PerformanceTestsPerformance tests
5@VirtualMaestro/BBQuadTreeQuadTree implementation
5@VirtualMaestro/BBFSMImplementation of finite state machine
4@alexandrratush/as3-stompAS3 Stomp library, forked from https://code.google.com/p/as3-stomp/
3@alexandrratush/Native-Logger-ANENative Logger for Android (Air Native Extension)
2@Darkwing-Duck/gdata-as3-clientActionScript gdata library for working with google speadsheets.
2@alexandrratush/Android-Dialogs-ANEAndroid Dialogs ANE (Air Native Extension). AlertDialog, ProgressDialog


9@edbond/CSRFring-csrf example
2@edbond/asciipubasciicasts to epub


4@ilyazub/parse-psdNode.js PSD parser
2@Sitin/coffee-mixMixins support for CoffeeScript.


26@iu0v1/geladaGo (golang) middleware package, which provides a tool for HTTP session authentication control (via cookie)
16@iu0v1/attarDEPRECATED Go pakage for http session auth.
13@iu0v1/daslogGo (golang) simple logger package.
11@iu0v1/herotsGo (golang) package for simple and fast creation of TLS-servers and/or TLS-clients.
6@vchimishuk/chubChub is MPD-like player daemon implemented in Go.
5@vchimishuk/chubd-OLDMPD-like music player daemon.
3@ArtIsResistance/GithubPotentialsExplore rising github projects
3@HrolikovSergey/portal_cinemaTelegram bot for portalcinema.com.ua
2@DLag/logearFlexible and reliable logger system
2@DLag/go-poolhandlerPool manager and counter for Golang net/http handler
2@vchimishuk/id3tag-goid3tag is a Go wrapper around C libid3tag library
2@vchimishuk/cue-goGo cue parser package


10@esmolanka/sexp-grammarInvertible syntax for serializing and deserializing Haskell structures from S-expressions
3@ony/yampa-glutYampa adapter for GLUT
2@esmolanka/icfpc2014ICFPC2014 / Cofree Coriders team
2@vasylp/serialtalkA tiny haskell utility that works similar to minicom runscript but with better logging and control
2@vasylp/hgettexthgettext a simple wrapper to libintl and gettext to provide localization in Haskell applications


219@stobenski/proAwesome Pro themes
52@alexander-yakushev/awesompdAdvanced mpd widget for Awesome WM
31@alexander-yakushev/awesomercMy awesome configuration
24@alexander-yakushev/OrglendarCalendar widget with org-mode schedule list for Awesome WM
12@alexander-yakushev/conscience-awesome-t…Advanced theme for Awesome WM
11@alexander-yakushev/menubarDEPRECATED: Dmenu-like menu extension for Awesome WM
9@alexander-yakushev/infojetsSpecific widget library for Awesome WM
3@Fkids/JC2MP-ExtraSeatsImplementation of additional vehicle seats for JC2MP.


4@abill/DeBlurmotion blur healing matlab project


735@DenHeadless/ShapesFramework for drawing and animating shaped views on iOS
447@DenHeadless/ZoomInteractiveTrans…Simple zoom transition using iOS 7 Custom View Controller Transitions API
94@SlavaBushtruk/Alterplay-iOS-dev-ti…We often discover simple solution while working on our games and apps for iPhone:arrow_upper_right:
56@DenHeadless/DTInlineDatePickerDisplay UIDatePicker inline easily!
45@dimazen/map_indexMap Index
23@DenHeadless/DTPickerPresenterModern wrapper for UIDatePicker and UIPickerView presentation.
21@advantis/ADVUserDefaultsNSUserDefaults wrapper that simplifies and formalizes interaction with the User Defaults System
12@DenHeadless/DTRequestVerifierEasy, extensible NSURLRequest verification
11@DenHeadless/DTLocationManagerSimple location manager for iOS and Mac OS X
11@DenHeadless/CustomCollectionView…Transform UICollectionView to your needs easily!
11@dodikk/ESLocaleThis library contains helper classes to produce correctly formed NSLocale, NSDateFormatter and NSCalendar objects
8@alco/EGL_mac_iosA port of the EGL API to Mac OS X (OpenGL) and iOS (OpenGL ES 1 & 2):arrow_upper_right:
7@alco/TastyKVOA simpler key-value observing API (with blocks!)
6@advantis/BluetoothSwitcherSimple iOS bluetooth switcher for personal use (uses private API)
5@dodikk/ESDatabaseWrapperA set of Obj-C protocols to wrap the database access. It also provides categories on top of FMDatabase.
5@dodikk/iPalmGraffitiA PalmOS-like textual gestures recognition
5@advantis/ADVAlertViewUIAlertView subclass that brings simple block API
4@dodikk/iContiniousIntegrati…An example of the continious integration for iOS app.
4@dodikk/iOS-custom-framework…A simple application which uses custom frameworks, made from the template
3@maximletushov/DrawingAppSimple editor for drawing.
2@AlexanderKaraberov/iOS-Network-Architec…This will be a sample project to demonstrate my architectural approach for large iOS apps.
2@alco/EGL_samplesSample apps for the EGL_mac_ios port:arrow_upper_right:
2@alco/RemotelyA set of Objective-C classes to simplify downloading/uploading/syncing files and directories
2@alco/objc.stringSelf-contained library for efficient string manipulation in Objective-C.:arrow_upper_right:
2@dodikk/iFeatureAvailabilityA wrapper around UIDevice to check whether certain iOS features are available.
2@dodikk/MotionBlocksSome convenience methods to invoke native ObjC blocks from the Ruby code


12@und3f/protocol-redisRedis protocol messages parser/encoder:arrow_upper_right:
12@und3f/mojox-redisasynchronous Redis client based on Mojo:arrow_upper_right:
9@und3f/Twiggy-TLSTLS support for Twiggy server
8@esobchenko/rest-googleREST::Google provides OO access to Google REST API from Perl:arrow_upper_right:
7@und3f/accounticiousAccounting system based on Mojo framework
7@und3f/jloggerjabber messages logger
5@und3f/mojolicious-lexiconGenerate lexemes file from templates:arrow_upper_right:
5@und3f/jlogger-webWeb interface for JLogger
5@melnik13/monkeymanA cool library and set of tools to manage your CloudStack installation:arrow_upper_right:
4@bor/lastfm2gmbScript to import (sync) info from last.fm to gmusicbrowser
4@radetsky/perl-smpp-serverSMPP server written in perl.
3@radetsky/smppd3Based Pearl::SMPP::Server new SMPP Server
3@esobchenko/cache-weakCache::Weak is a Perl object cache based on weak references
3@cono/p6-LinkedListModule for LinkedList manipulations
3@und3f/mojox-pingasynchronous ping with Mojo. DEPRECATED, use AnyEvent::Ping instead.:arrow_upper_right:
2@cub-uanic/WebService-PagerDutyModule to interface with the http://PagerDuty.com service
2@esobchenko/object-mapperObject::Mapper is a primitive Perl object persistence
2@bor/gmb-pluginsgmusicbrowser extra plugins

4 years ago


5 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago