1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

made-in-venezuela v1.0.2

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4 years ago


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🇻🇪 A list of cool projects made in Venezuela



27@AlexR1712/messenger-to-telegra…Connect your Facebook Messenger Account to your Telegram Messenger and Erase the Messenger App
15@rich-97/snake-game-p5The Snake Game made with p5.js :snake::video_game:.:arrow_upper_right:
12@jobsamuel/node-instagram-analy…NodeJS module for Instagram Analytics
10@aranajhonny/hyper-criolloHyper theme based in vaporwave colors.
9@jobsamuel/venezuela-jsAnaliza, verifica, utiliza y muestra la organización territorial de Venezuela con Javascript.
9@rich-97/calculatorA calculator made with html, css and pure javascript.:arrow_upper_right:
8@hgouveia/node-downloader-help…A simple http file downloader for node.js
7@willicab/sismos-veVista interactiva de los sismos en Venezuela
5@jobsamuel/mongofireExport collections from MongoDB to Firebase
5@rich-97/req-ajaxStandalone library for ajax requests.
4@aranajhonny/ig-uploadA tiny command line tool for upload images to instagram.
4@chamini2/hapi-auth-ip-whiteli…Hapi.js plugin for authentication scheme of accepting connections only from certain IPs
3@aranajhonny/zogam WIP Simple CRM & ERP for http://gandocam.com.ve/ built with Laravel.
3@jobsamuel/ciudadesCiudades y Estados Venezolanos renderizados con React.:arrow_upper_right:
2@hgouveia/html5multiplayerA simple multiplayer game using HTML5 Canvas in conjuction with nodejs
2@rich-97/todo-appA simple todo app made with pure javascript using nodejs, ajax and mongodb :white_check_mark:.
2@rich-97/todo-app-phpAnother todo-app make with backbone.js and PHP.
2@jobsamuel/messengerA Facebook Messenger Bot demo
2@JoaquinAraujo/weather-appApplication that shows the weather in the five most important cities of Venezuela:arrow_upper_right:
2@rich-97/todo-app-plusAnother todo-app make with backbone, express & sequelize.


7@jestevez/ethereum-java-walletUn ejemplo de monedero escrito en Java usando Web3j
4@Valtiel/EasyFuzzyJava's library to teach Fuzzy Logic
3@Ricardo96r/Simulador-de-memoria…Simulador de memoria virtual a través de paginación
3@jvmartinez/utilsDialogIt is a useful tool for dialogue.
2@m-salcedo/Cocos2DAndroid + Cocos2d
2@JMEspiz/Practicas-Ovi-2015Repo para subir ejercicios y practicas para la OVI interna IUTVAL 2015
2@jestevez/blackjack21El Blackjack, también llamado veintiuno, es un juego de cartas, propio de los casinos con una o más barajas inglesas de 52 cartas sin los comodines, que consiste en sumar un valor lo más próximo a 21 pero sin pasarse.


9@jafuentest/totemProyecto de Desarrollo del Software, Semestre Marzo-Julio 2015
5@Adversities/NutdeepNutdeep - A light memory manager library made by C# lovers:arrow_upper_right:
2@Adversities/TanjiHabbo Hotel Packet(Logger/Manipulator)
2@Wgil/2048cloneClone of the 2048 famous game.
2@pedro15/UniToolkitSerialization,encryption and other utility classes for helping unity 3d game development
2@pedro15/GoRecyclerObject Pool Manager for unity3d game engine
2@pedro15/UniMsgA Message dialog & Tooltip Manager for unity 3d game engine.


3@jjyepez/reto-webpackReto webpack del curso de Platzi:arrow_upper_right:
2@jrgarciadev/bubbleiconswebThis is a web page for bubbleicons JavaFX Project
2@jjyepez/cmc-appAn App that consumes the CoinMarketCap.com API services:arrow_upper_right:


7@aitbw/af_maracayWeb application for the management of the administrative tasks of Alliance Française Maracay
4@gian88/django-ckeditor-amaz…Django Ckeditor Amazon S3
2@asosab/asosab.github.ioPedazos de código de uso cotidiano, apuntes sobre lenguajes de programación, bases de datos y tecnologías de la información


22@DarkMatterCore/bluedump-modThis is a modification of BlueDump with USB support, full hardware access through AHB, enhanced WAD dumping capabilities and content.bin -> WAD conversion.
6@R3mmurd/ULATeachingSample codes used to teach at Universidad de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
3@DarkMatterCore/sbn64Simple Byteswapper for N64 Saves
3@DarkMatterCore/3ds-multinand3DS Multi EmuNAND Creator - Allows the user to inject/extract NAND dumps to/from the storage area reserved in the SD card by tools like Gateway's Launcher.dat and EmuNAND9.


45@TwistedScorpio/OTHireOpenTibia Server for Tibia 7.72
14@brewsterl/RealOTX-7.72Real Open Tibia Server based on protocol 7.72 - Engine: OTX Server 2 - Special Thanks(s): TFS Team & Kaiser (mattyx14)
4@esmitt/GLFW-with-shadersIt a basic template of GLFW using GLEW to manage shaders in modern OpenGL
4@bonetblai/mini-gptAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/mini-gpt
3@franjaviersans/VRGLSLA volume rendering using GLSL
3@bonetblai/mdp-engineAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/mdp-engine
3@bonetblai/rollout-iwRollout IW implementation
3@esmitt/RenderPLYBasic code to load two PLY files using GLFW
2@jennydvr/StarTroupialGame for Computer Graphics
2@franjaviersans/GLSLProgramExampleA example project with a GLSL program class
2@franjaviersans/VRCUDAVolume rendering using CUDA
2@franjaviersans/VRComputeVolume rendering using Compute shader
2@jcruzp/JRobotPIRaspberry PI Java ME 8 Robot:arrow_upper_right:
2@mogaal/vramstegprovide shell scripts with a full-featured progress indicator
2@esmitt/OGLCubeA GLUT code to display a simple 3D Cube using OpenGL 4.0
2@bonetblai/cp2fsc-and-replannerAutomatically exported from code.google.com/p/cp2fsc-and-replanner


348@shixzie/nlpUNMANTEINED Extract values from strings and fill your structs with nlp.
3@AndrusGerman/GoAssemblyFramework WebAssembly Spa para Go


3@angler-lang/angler-langThe Angler Functional Programming Language


3@edumntg/XenobotXenobot scripts and settings
2@Residays/cooperative-announce…A Don't Starve Together mod that announces important information to keep players updated.:arrow_upper_right:
2@Residays/epidemic-prototypePrototype of a future open source game.


3@jorgevmendoza/UITableView-KeyBoardA simple solution for solving issues with the iPhone Keyboard and a UITableView with several text fields
2@jorgevmendoza/scroll-HideA simple implementation of UITableView that hides all the visual elements of the UIViewController while is scrolling


23@k0k/ZabbixUseful files and scripts used with Zabbix monitoring system
7@joelgomezb/kakapoSoftware to convert document on audio file


152@cabrerahector/wordpress-popular-po…WordPress Popular Posts - A highly customizable WordPress widget that displays your most popular posts:arrow_upper_right:
98@cobisja/tad-phpPHP Library for ZK Time & Attendance Devices
24@cobisja/boothelpPHP Helpers for Bootstrap
22@joserafael/venezuelaEstados, municipios, ciudades y parroquias de Venezuela en Mysql para cakephp o cualquier otro framework que use Active Record:arrow_upper_right:
16@joseayram/utilsLibrerías de utilidad general
15@manuelj555/backend_kumbiaApp base hecha con kumbiaphp beta 2
12@carlosjfernandes/curso-cf-php-pooArchivos usados durante el curso de POO en PHP para codigofacilito
6@sinner/PhpseclibBundlePHPSecLib bundle for Symfony is the known library PHPSecLib structured for be a Symfony2 bundle.
5@oyepez003/YepsuaGeneratorBundl…YepsuaGeneratorBundle: The RICH CRUD Generator for Symfony2.
5@oyepez003/smartwigUltimate Components Extension for Twig.:arrow_upper_right:
5@Skatox/CrudGenA CRUD generator plugin for phpPgAdmin
4@manuelj555/UploadExcelBundleBundle para la subida y validación de archivos excel
4@manuelj555/sf-microkernel-vuejsPracticando con VueJS y el MicrokernelTrait de Symfony 3
3@oyepez003/jQuery4PHPjQuery4PHP ( jQuery for PHP ) is a PHP 5 library. Makes easy writing javascript code (jQuery syntax) using PHP objects. Develops Rich Internet Applications in an easy way without having to know javascript language with the help and power of jQuery.
3@manuelj555/DataTableLib para crear tablas html con el resultado de una consulta ActiveRecord
2@styp152/SAEC-Sistema Administrativo para Control de Inventario y Facturación:arrow_upper_right:
2@oyepez003/YepsuaCommonsBundleYepsuaCommonsBundle: Yepsua Commons and Utils for Sf2 Framework
2@carlosjfernandes/curso-laravel-princi…Archivos fuente del curso de Laravel para principiantes
2@manuelj555/WsseServerBundleBundle para la autenticación de servidores soap usando WSSE
2@manuelj555/foro-microkerneltrai…Aplicación de prueba del MicroKernelTrait de Symfony http://manuelj555.github.io/2016/08/14/f…
2@manuelj555/ManuelTranslationBun…Bundle que permite la edición de etiquetas de traducción desde la Base de datos
2@marcoadasilvaa/yii2-gitDisplay repositories GIT with Yii2 framework:arrow_upper_right:


20@HackingEnVivo/DoxingEspionaje y recopilación de Información:arrow_upper_right:
14@iKenshu/pincloneA pinterest clone for Django practice
13@CharlyJazz/TalkCodeA app in Flask for programming question, snippet and answer
12@CharlyJazz/Flask-MVC-TemplateFlask-MVC Template It is a template with "batteries included" created for the fast development of applications in the microframework flask
9@CharlyJazz/RestFoodBackend for Social App about Restaurants and Foodies
7@macagua/collective.spanishdo…Mejores Practicas de Plone, es una iniciativa para documentar consejos, receta, manuales sobre buenas practicas en Python/Zope/Plone.:arrow_upper_right:
7@macagua/django-local-flavor-…Django Local Flavor For Venezuela:arrow_upper_right:
7@LuisAlejandro/pipsalabimAn assistant to guess your pip dependencies from your code, without using a requirements file.:arrow_upper_right:
7@CharlyJazz/Pygame-Dont-touch-th…Game make in Pygame.
7@LuisAlejandro/pypicontentsPyPIContents is an application that generates a Module Index from the Python Package Index (PyPI) and also from various versions of the Python Standard Library.:arrow_upper_right:
5@orvtech/Python-tools-for-twi…Scripts and tools for doing twittery stuff
5@hostelix/personal-IOAplicacion para el control de entrada y salida de personal (Empleados)
5@vijoin/SistemadeRegistrodeA…Aplicación para el registro de activistas de bachaco-ve
5@dehivix/compilerURGCompilador basado en la libreria ply con fines educativos
4@HackingEnVivo/IpScannerScript hecho en python, para sacar la IP, de las paginas web.:arrow_upper_right:
4@macagua/macagua.buildout.pyp…A buildout configuration for building a complete or a partial PyPI mirror using z3c.pypimirror module
4@map0logo/pyspaceinvadersPython Space Invaders:arrow_upper_right:
3@LuisAlejandro/dockershelfA repository containing useful, lightweight and reliable dockerfiles.
3@HackingEnVivo/DangerousDangerous para Pentesters...:arrow_upper_right:
3@iKenshu/movie-appMovie Reviews - A django project for practice
2@macagua/SPREEMy fork of SPREE, the knowledge exchange network project.:arrow_upper_right:
2@goidor/django-haciendaSistema para el manejo de pagos de impuestos e ingresos económicos para Entes Públicos
2@vijoin/l10n_ve_dptMódulo Odoo para la localización venezolana de la división político-territorial
2@juventudproductivabi…/unefaMódulo de los vídeos tutoriales de youtube.
2@mamcode/python-numeralsMódulos numerals para convertir un número en una cadena literal del número. Puede usarse para cantidades de dinero.


9@josersosa/Programando_en_RTraducción al español del curso R_Programming de swirl


39@rrodrigu3z/rails_jqtouchA Rails plugin to wrap some functionality of jQTouch
4@albertogg/carpetbombMarkdown templates (with .erb) for Ruby on Rails using Redcarpet gem.
4@xploshioOn/clickatellsendYou can use almost every function of the clickatell API in a simple way
2@nerionavea/SMSGatewayA ruby implementation of https://smsgateway.me API
2@rafaelje/bullhorn-fastlaneSend message to telegram with @bullhorn_bot on fastlane
2@albertogg/sinatra-url-shortene…Simple Sinatra API for short URLs.


16@tigerlinux/openstack-mitaka-ins…OpenStack MITAKA Semi-Automated installer for Centos 7
12@tigerlinux/openstack-ocata-inst…Unattended/Semi-Automated OpenStack OCATA Installer for Centos 7
7@tigerlinux/openstack-ocata-inst…Unattended/Semi-Automated OpenStack OCATA Installer for Ubuntu 16.04lts
7@tigerlinux/openstack-kilo-insta…OpenStack KILO Semi-Automated Installer for Centos 7
7@tigerlinux/openstack-mitaka-ins…OpenStack MITAKA Semi-Automated installer for Ubuntu 16.04lts
7@tigerlinux/openstack-liberty-in…OpenStack LIBERTY Semi-Automated Installer for Ubuntu Server 14.04lts
5@tigerlinux/openstack-newton-ins…Unattended/Semi-Automated OpenStack NEWTON Installer for Centos 7
4@tigerlinux/openstack-liberty-in…OpenStack LIBERTY Semi-Automated Installer for Centos 7
4@tigerlinux/openstack-mitaka-ins…OpenStack MITAKA Semi-Automated installer for Ubuntu 14.04lts
4@phenobarbital/arepalinux-scriptArepalinux script base (install a Debian GNU/Linux secure server/workstation)
4@e1th0r/seeddms-installInstall script for seeddms
3@phenobarbital/lxc-toolsXen-tools-like debian template for LXC containers
2@inukaze/maestroRepositorio Principal
2@phenobarbital/debian-bastionAseguramiento basico de Debian GNU/Linux
2@phenobarbital/easy-ldapEasy installation and configuration of OpenLDAP
2@linuxshark/Asterisk-CentOS7-Ins…This is an autoinstall asterisk script
2@tigerlinux/openstack-queens-ins…OpenStack Release 17 (QUEENS) Automated installer for Centos 7
2@tigerlinux/openstack-icehouse-i…Instalador semiautomatizado para OpenStack ICEHOUSE sobre Ubuntu Server 14.04LTS
2@tigerlinux/openstack-pike-insta…OpenStack Release 16 (PIKE) Automated installer for Centos 7
2@tigerlinux/openstack-juno-insta…Instalador desatendido (semi-automatizado) para OpenStack JUNO sobre UBUNTU 14
2@tigerlinux/openstack-kilo-insta…OpenStack KILO Semi-Automated Installer for Ubuntu Server 14.04lts

:question: Get Help

There are few ways to get help:

  1. Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
  2. For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. :bug:
  3. For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. :rocket:

:yum: How to contribute

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:sparkling_heart: Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like :rocket:
  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. :grin: :book:
  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. :tea:
  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).
  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6


Thanks! :heart:

:scroll: License

MIT © Ionică Bizău