0.0.3 • Published 9 years ago

memeify v0.0.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 years ago


Memeify is a bot that will automatically generate memes when a user types zackify this is, so cool. The bot will look for a folder called zackify inside of your memes directory and then grab a random picture from that folder. You can have a single image inside the folder, or 100, it will randomly select one and create the meme.


Install caption and set it up

npm install caption -g
npm install memeify -g
memeify // will start the bot!

Make a config.json file that will have the following info:

  "botToken": "slack bot token",
  "userToken": "slack user token",
  "directory": "./memes/" //directory to your memes, with trailing slash

Put this in the directory that you'll be running memeify from. All you need to do is run memeify in a terminal window, it'll look for the config in the current directory and start listening!

The reason for generating a user token is because bot users are not allowed to upload files to slack.

The way I use this is I put the meme's folder on Dropbox and let everyone have access to it.