5.1.0 • Published 2 years ago

miniapp-backend v5.1.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
2 years ago

Mini App Portal Api

Use the folloing steps to run this project

npm install

use npm install to install all the project dependancies there is one dependancy for @ras/auth library to install that Ask your supervisor to give access to https://dev.azure.com/ssed-mdg/mdg-common/_packaging?_a=package&feed=mdg-private-feed%40Release&package=%40rakuten-ssed%2Fras-auth&version=1.0.0&protocolType=Npm

once you have the access follow the following instructions

https://dev.azure.com/ssed-mdg/mdg-common/_packaging?_a=connect&feed=mdg-private-feed%40Release Click NPM then follow the steps to setup your .npmrc in the root of this repository

The Rakuten private dependency repository does not contain all of the npm packages; therefore when following the steps to create the .npmrc file, add the text @rakuten-ssed: in front of registry on the first line.


Then run npm install

Load config file from DEV

This config file can either be obtained from your supervisor or directly from DEV

To get it directly: https://miniapps-portal-api-dev-japaneast-wa.scm.azurewebsites.net/DebugConsole/?shell=powershell Navigate: site > wwwroot > config > values > config.json

Take this file and paste it in config/values/localConfig.json in this project.

Edit the following values to point to your local instead of dev:


Create a .env file in the root of the project that contains:


Or use the default config.json values. They should work locally if you add these secret values to your .env file:

#RAS keys
appApiSettings_subscriptionKey = {secret value}
userApiSettings_subscriptionKey = {secret value}
projectApiSettings_authHeaderValue = {secret value}

authSwitchSettings0_aud = {secret value}
authSwitchSettings1_aud = {secret value}
azureAdSettings_clientID = {secret value}

sendGrid_apiKey = {secret value}

This configuration is needed to access remote services needed for the local development server.

Setup local database

Install docker if not otherwise installed

In the root of this repository run npm run start_local_db. This will start your local db in a docker instance.


Navigate to sequelize-create-or-modify-tables directory in the jenkins-job repo here

Run the migrations by running the command npm run migrate

Setup local Storage

Set up local storage by running the below command.

npm run start_local_storage

This will run a MinIO server on http://localhost:9000/ and files will save to ~/minio/Data

Run locally

Once everything is setup properly run npm run devStart to start this project running in development mode. Whenever code changes the server will reload.

Set up testing using VSCode

Download the JavaScript Debugger extension in VSCode.\ In the 'Run and Debug' panel, select create a launch.json file and select Node.js\ Replace the default configurations array in the launch.json file with the following

    "type": "node",
    "request": "attach",
    "name": "Attach",
    "port": 9229
    "name": "Debug Jest Tests",
    "type": "node",
    "runtimeVersion": "17.1.0",
    "request": "launch",
    "runtimeArgs": [
    "console": "integratedTerminal",
    "internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
    "port": 9229

In order to customize the behavior of the jest test runner, add or remove desired options to the runtimeArgs array in the launch request configuration.\ To Run the tests, select Debug Jest Test in the Run and Debug window and press F5 or the Start Debugging button.

To run Jaeger locally run:

docker run -d \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 14250:14250 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 5778:5778  \
  --name jaeger jaegertracing/all-in-one:1.22

You can then check the server on http://localhost:16686/

Updating SendGrid Mail Templates

Updates to SendGrid Mail Templates are done in the MAP SendGrid account which can be accessed here: https://app.sendgrid.com/ Please ask the PDM grant you access to the MAP Account to edit the templates. Templates can only have one active version at a time so as to not affect higher environments, any updates to a template should be made as follows: 1. Duplicate the Template which you would like to update. 2. Edit the version in the duplicated template with the template updates. 3. Update the template-id in the helm charts with the duplicated templates id. 4. Test the template in lower environments before rolling out to upper environments. 5. Be sure to delete the old template after the updates have been rolled out to all environments.