0.10.1 • Published 1 year ago

modal-popups-js v0.10.1

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Last release
1 year ago


Plugin for creating modals and popups.

Table of contents


You can use NPM to download package into your project

npm install modal-popups-js

OR you can import the module directly in your project with ES6 Modules

<script type="module">
    import { Modals, initModals } from './modals-js/modals.js'; 

Basic Usage

See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example


<link rel="stylesheet" href="./modals-js/modals.css">


<button data-modal-trigger data-modal-target="example-modal">
    Trigger 1

<div class="modal-containers">
    <div class="modal-container" data-modal-container="hidden" data-modal-target="example-modal">
        <p>Content goes here</p>
        <button data-close-modal="example-modal">Okay</button>


<script type="module">
    // ES6 Module Import
    import { Modals, initModals } from './modals-js/modals.js'; 

    // Initialize Plugin

Multiple Triggers for One Popup

See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example


<button data-modal-trigger data-modal-target="example-modal">
    Trigger 1

<button data-modal-trigger data-modal-target="example-modal">
    Trigger 2

<div class="modal-containers">
    <div class="modal-container" data-modal-container="hidden" data-modal-target="example-modal">
        <p>Content goes here</p>
        <button data-close-modal="example-modal">Okay</button>

Trigger Events

See '/demo/basic-usage.html' in repo for complete example

By default the trigger event for modals is a click event. However, you can use other events by updating the data-modal-trigger attribute.


<button data-modal-trigger="mouseover" data-modal-target="example-modal">
    Trigger 1

<div class="modal-containers">
    <div class="modal-container" data-modal-container="hidden" data-modal-target="example-modal">
        <p>Content goes here</p>
        <button data-close-modal="example-modal">Okay</button>


<script type="module">
    // ES6 Module Import
    import { Modals, initModals } from './modals-js/modals.js'; 

    // Initialize Plugin

Custom Callback

The default event for triggering modal visibility can be overwritten by adding data-modal-override and data-modal-callback attributes to the modal trigger. If you a developer does this, they become responsible for toggling the modal visibility exchange for being able to add custom behavior around the interaction.


<button data-modal-trigger data-modal-target="example-modal">
    Trigger 1

<div class="modal-containers">
    <div class="modal-container" data-modal-container="hidden" data-modal-target="example-modal" data-modal-override="true" data-modal-callback="exampleCallback">
        <p>Content goes here</p>
        <button data-close-modal="example-modal">Okay</button>


<script type="module">
    // ES6 Module Import
    import { Modals, initModals } from './modals-js/modals.js'; 

    // Initialize Plugin

    // Custom callback where the developer has to trigger the modal's visibility 
    window.exampleCallback = ( event ) => {
        let targetName = event.target.getAttribute( 'data-modal-target' ); 
        Modals.getModal( targetName ).toggle(); 
        alert( 'Custom callback triggered on ' + targetName + '; visible = ' + Modals.getModal( targetName).getSettings().visible );

Public Methods

initModals()Initializes modals in the document by calling the Expandables.registerModal() for every modal within the .modal-containers HTML element.
Modals.getModal( name )Expected string to equal value of data-modal-target attribute on modal HTML element. Returns single HTML element for corresponding modal.
.getModals()Returns HTMLCollection of all modals.
.registerModal( HTMLElement )Expected HTML element; Takes an HTML element representing the modal. The attributes are read from the modal element and used to build a modal instance.
.addCloseModalEvents()Used when modals are registered outside of the initModals() method to attach eventlisteners to the window that detect whether the modal parent container or a corresponding close button has been clicked.
Modal.toggle()Swaps the modal between 'visible' and 'hidden' states.
.isVisible()Returns boolean of true or false representing whether the modal is visible.

HTML Attributes

HTML ElementAttribute(s)Description
bodydata-modalThe plugin manages these attributes and they can be used to manage overlays or other HTML elements within the document.- data-modal Expected values 'active' or 'inactive'- data-overlay Expected values 'active' or 'inactive'
Trigger - button (or anything clickable)data-modal-targetdata-modal-trigger- data-modal-target Expected value equal to name of the modal to reveal - data-modal-target Add to element where an event (such as a click), will be used to reveal the target modal. Click event is used by default, but developers can set the value of this attribute to another event type (i.e. 'mouseover')
data-modal-overridedata-modal-callback- data-modal-override Expected value true. If set, this attribute instructs - data-modal-callback Name of custom event handler
div (or anything to be revealed)data-modal-containerDenotes a modal; no expected value
divdata-modal-containerdata-modal-targetDenotes target of a data-trigger-modal. When the trigger event fires, then this modal will be revealed
button (or anything clickable) :not(data-modal-trigger)data-close-modalHTML element used to close modal. Expected value, is the name of the target modal.Example data-close-modal="example-modal" === data-modal-target="example-modal"