0.11.2 • Published 2 months ago

modular-slider v0.11.2

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Last release
2 months ago

Modular Slider

A zero dependency slider with a modular approach, written in Typescript

Check out the demos here

Modular Slider aims to deliver just what you want, while using the best of EcmaScript goodies. Here are some of its features:

  • :label: written in Typescript
  • :zap: relies on promises and async/await
  • :art: modular architecture -> optimized for tree-shaking
  • :fire: absolutely no DOM manipulation (only class/style attribute tweaks) by default
  • :rocket: weighs nothing in your final build
  • :boom: supports SSR - tested in Nuxt.js & SvelteKit

TODO WebKit/Safari support is still in progress due to vague support of pointer events.

this package ships as an esm module.


Modular Slider consists of Mixins, Plugins and a Setup function:


Mixins are objects that provide basic functionalities of the slider (i.e. touch/mouse events handling, transtions). Their names are PascalCase Currently, there are three mixins:

  • SlideHandler - provides event handling - compulsory if you want to drag the slider with mouse/touch
  • Carousel - provides methods for a carousel slider (with a loop)
  • NoLoop - provides methods for a basic slider


Plugins are functions that enrich your slider with non critical features. Their names are all lowercase. Here are the currently available plugins:

  • Buttons - adds next/previous slide buttons
  • Pagination - adds pagination
  • autoplay - adds autoplay
  • lazyloading - enables lazy loading images in the slider

The setup function

the setup function is used to combine mixins - basically this is the function that puts it all together!


First of all download the package:

npm i modular-slider
pnpm i modular-slider
yarn add modular-slider

Once you've done that, take a look at an example setup:

  1. add some markup
<!-- the markup must include:-->
<!-- an OUTER CONTAINER with .MS-wrapper MS-fixed class-->
<!-- an INNER CONTAINER with .MS-con class-->
<!-- and some slides inside - their class DOES NOT matter -->
<section class="your-slider MS-wrapper MS-fixed">
  <ul id="first-slider" class="MS-con">
    <li class="nested-item">1</li>
    <li class="nested-item">2</li>
    <li class="nested-item">3</li>
    <li class="nested-item">4</li>
    <li class="nested-item">5</li>
    <li class="nested-item">6</li>
<!-- add buttons for the purpose of the example -->
<section class="slider-btn">
  <button id="prev">prev</button>
  <button id="next">next</button>
  1. import css from "modular-slider/dist/modular-slider.css" and follow one of the available options. This example uses the default option
@import "~modular-slider/dist/modular-slider.css";

.your-slider {
  --number-of-slides: 6; // the number of the slides, total
  --slides-per-view: 2; // the number of how many slides are displayed at once
  // your css...
  1. add js
// import all the components you need
import { setup, SlideHandler, Carousel, buttons } from "modular-slider";

// merge the mixins with the setup functions
const Slider = setup(Carousel, SlideHandler);
// create a new instance
new Slider({
  // pass the ID of the slider container
  // pass only the name of the ID as the getElementByID methods is used
  container: "slider",
  // initiate selected plugins
  plugins: [
    // the button plugin uses the querySelector method,
    // hence the # at the beginning
    buttons({ nextBtn: "#next", prevBtn: "#prev" }),

You can find more examples here

CSS options

by default modular slider provides two css options. They both require some css variables that you may put either in the :root or .MS-wrapper element.

  1. Width in percentage (default) the outer container has a specified width and the slides subordinate to it

e.g. the container has width set to 30rem or 80% whereas slides have width set to 50%

.your-slider.MS-wrapper {
  // you DON'T have to set --number-of-slides - it's just a fallback value just in case something goes wrong
  --number-of-slides: 6; // the number of the slides, total
  --slides-per-view: 2; // the number of how many slides are displayed at once
  --slide-margin: 25px; // the left and right margin of each element
  width: 80%; // add some width
  1. Fixed width (add .MS-fixed class) the slides have a specified width - the container subordinates to them

e.g. the container does not have a set width whereas slides have width set to 15rem

.your-slider.MS-fixed.MS-wrapper {
  --slide-width: 15rem; // the width of each slide
  --slide-margin: 25px; // the left and right margin of each element
  --slides-per-view: 2; // the number of how many slides are displayed at once
  // don't specify the width - it will be calculated based on the variables above

by default --slide-margin is set to 0px.


Modular Slider by design encourages users to enhance it. Don't like the event handlers? Write a mixin and change it. Want the buttons/pagination to automatically generate themselves? Write a plugin that will do that. If you have created such an improvement, fell free to share it. PRs are welcome! :fire:

Keep in mind

These are the early days of this project, it hasn't reached v1 (stable version) yet, therefore there might be some breaking changes before releasing 1.0.0. :monocle_face::adhesive_bandage::boom:

See the changelog here


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