0.2.1 • Published 9 years ago

moodle-client-2 v0.2.1

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Last release
9 years ago


node.js client for moodle web services API


  • moodle web services via REST protocol enabled.


$ npm install moodle-client-2


Call the create() function provided by the module to get a new instance of the client.

const client = require("moodle-client-2");

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/",
    token: "d457b5e5b0cc31c05ccf38628e4dfc14"

The https protocol is supported and recommended. If you are using a self signed certificate, you should specify in the settings with the rejectUnathorized: true parameter.

const client = require("moodle-client-2");

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "https://localhost/moodle/",
    token: "d457b5e5b0cc31c05ccf38628e4dfc14",
    rejectUnauthorized: true

Alternatively, to obtain the token for the given username and password, use the authenticate() method.

const client = require("moodle-client-2");

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/"

    username: "mysystemusername",
    password: "my$y$tem pa33w0rd"
}, function (error) {
    if (!error) {
        // Client is authenticated and ready to be used.

Use the call() method to execute a web service function at the remote moodle site.

const client = require("moodle-client-2");

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/",
    token: "d457b5e5b0cc31c05ccf38628e4dfc14",

c.call({wsfunction: "core_webservice_get_site_info"}, function(error, data) {
    if (!error) {
        console.log("Hello %s, welcome to %s", info.fullname, info.sitename);

To debug and log the client functionality, install and use the winston logger.

const client = require("moodle-client-2");
const logger = require("winston");

logger.level = "debug";

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/",
    logger: logger

To use a custom web service, provide its shortname when creating a new instance of the client. If the service is not specified, the client default to using the moodle_mobile_app service.

var c = client.create({
    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/",
    service: "our_cohorts_management"

To pass arguments to the web service function, provide them via the arguments object. Additional settings can be provided via the settings object.

    wwwroot: "http://localhost/moodle/",
    logger: logger,
    token: "d457b5e5b0cc31c05ccf38628e4dfc14"

    wsfunction: "core_message_unblock_contacts",
    arguments: {
        "userids[]": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
    settings: {
        method: "POST"

}, function(error, data) {
    if (error) throw error;

Additional settings can be provided via the settings object, such as the response data formatting. See moodle dev docs for details.

    wsfunction: "local_myplugin_my_function",
    arguments: {
        answer: 42
    settings: {
        raw: false,
        filter: true

}, function (error, data) {
    // handle eventual error and process returned data here

The call() method is chainable, allowing synchronous execution of multiple web service calls.


  • Uploading files via web service


  • 0.2.1 - Added support for self signed certificates
  • 0.2.0 - The initialization and API/signatures improved (#1). Added ability to authenticate by explicitly provided token (#3). Added tests.
  • 0.1.0 - Initial release. The API should not be considered stable yet (as the version number suggests).