2.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

next-image-meta-loader v2.0.0

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Last release
4 years ago

next-image-meta-loader npm version license downloads


  • Enhanced file-loader Loads image assets directly into Next.js public folder no matter where the source file is
  • Sizing Looks up the size of the image and provides height, width and aspect ratio, for use in next/image and other optimizers (to prevent layout shift)
  • Rotates using EXIF data Before saving the image, rotates it using the EXIF data portrait/landscape if appropriate
  • Generates LQIP Calculates a 16px low quality image placeholder and provides as a BASE 64 data string to be embedded directly in HTML
  • Returns Meta Data Turns any import or require statement into an object that contains not only the file name but all the above meta data; works both server side and client side in Next.JS, compatible with SSG and SSR

Table of contents


npm install next-image-meta-loader next-compose-plugins

Add the plugin with next-compose-plugins to your Next.js configuration:

// next.config.js
const withPlugins = require("next-compose-plugins");
const nextImageMetaLoader = require("next-image-meta-loader");

module.exports = withPlugins([
  // your other plugins here


contentThemeFolder'./content/theme'stringThe folder where theme files including favicon are kept
imageMetaOutput'./static/media'stringThe public folder where all output will be placed
imageMetaExtensions'svg', 'png', 'jpe?g', 'gif', 'mp4'ArrayThe list of extensions to process
imageMetaName'name.hash.ext'stringThe naming convention of the output files


You can now simply import images in your projects directly from source folders.

   const meta = require('./images/narative-output.png')

  /** meta now contains: {
    width: 800,
    height: 600
    aspectRatio: 1.25,
    blurWidth: 16,
    blurHeight: 13,
    lqip: '',
    src: 'static/media/XXXXX' // actual location of file in the Next.js public folder

With the right mdx component that does a require like the above, you can also include directly in MDX and get the advantage of lqip, lazy loading, next.js image optimization etc.. See next-theme-novela for an example of such an Image component.

![This is the alt text](./images/narative-output.png)


Licensed under the MIT license.

© Copyright Guy Barnard and Tinia Labs contributors