1.0.5 • Published 2 months ago

nftwithwhitelist v1.0.5

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2 months ago

NFT with Whitelist

Let's build your first NFT in blockchain ecosystem. Add whitelist feature to make your NFT more realistic 😎.


  • Account metamask with Sepolia network. read it.
  • You must have sepolia balanced. If not have, go to here or here.

Pre-initialize 😼

  • Create an account in etherscan.io and get APIKEY.
  • Get PRIVATE_KEY from your Metamask account (DISCLAIMER!! don't USE your main account for security reason. Make a new one with development purpose.)
  • Create an account from Quicknode and create new project with SEPOLIA testnet as a network. And get RPCURL.
  • Paste all of that to .env. (PLEASE paste with a pattern at that file.)

How to play 🎮

  • npm install nftwithwhitelist
  • npx nftwithwhitelist init
  • Go to contracts directories. Then, rename file "AneFahmi.sol" to other filetype, maybe .html. It's to avoiding an error when deploy Whitelist.sol.
  • npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network sepolia
  • Make sure you don't look any error when deploy it. Copy a whitelist contract address you got and open a link "https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/{YOURWHITELISTCONTRACTADDRESS}
  • Click a Contract tab. And let's go to Write Contract. Coonect to Web3 and then click addAddressToWhitelist functions. (FYI: You can see this a source code in Code tab. Also, at contracts/Whitelist.sol).
  • Next step, back to your workspace and rename again a file AneFahmi.whatEverFiletype to AneFahmi.sol.
  • Open scripts/deploy-nft.js . Find const contractAddress and change a value to your Whitelist contract address. Save it.
  • And deploy your nft with, npx hardhat run scripts/deploy-nft.js --network sepolia
  • Make sure, don't see an error. Do a same treatment after deploy whitelist success. Open a link "https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/{{YOURNFTCONTADDRESS}}".
  • Do you see "Token Tracker" and below that you looks "Ane Fahmi (AFI)"? Click it on new tab.
  • You can see an information about max total supply, how many holder, a token contract etc. Also, if you scroll down below just little bit, you can see an information about TokenID. That's mine.
  • Click Contract tab. Then, go to Connect to Web3 at Write Contract. After that, click mint functions with 0 value. Why zero? Because your Account address was registered in whitelist address. If you switch to other account and do a same things without go first to Whitelist Contract Address. You will find error or transaction never find complete. (A tips: If you use other account doesn't registered in whitelist. You must input value at least 0.01. That's based on _price variable in contracts/AneFahmi.sol Or, you can see at Read Contract tab and click on _price. But you need an information about wei, gwei and ether. Don't worry, click an numbers and you will redirect to unit converter. Focus on ethers).
  • The last, you can go to information about your transactions. Just click on View your transaction. Wait until the status process is success. Scroll down, you can find a transaction using ERC721 Token for NFT.
  • Cheers 🍻

How to change name of NFT?

  1. Thanks for use my name at your first NFT 🤣
  2. Change AneFahmi.sol to AnythingYouWant.sol
  3. Open it, change name of contract based on you anything you want.
  4. Find "Ane Fahmi" and change it with you want, don't forget with symbol you want, change "AFI".
  5. Open scripts/deploy-nft.js find "aneFahmi" to your name of contract.
  6. Repeat deploy your "deploy-nft.js"
  7. Taraaa.. that's you want, right? 🤩

I hope you not get problem. If that's happen, let's create an issue 😺


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