0.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

ngx-ultimate-pipes v0.0.2

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Last release
6 years ago


Collection of useful pipes with no dependecies.



npm install --save ngx-ultimate-pipes


git clone https://github.com/talyo94/ngx-ultimate-pipes.git


  • No dependecies
  • All pipes in the same module - for "built in" filling

Pipes list

Example in next section

  • Arrays EmptyPipe - Return true/false if array or object is empty. FilterPipe - Return new array of objects filter that includes a param. JoinPipe - Join array elements with delimiter. ReverseElementsPipe - Return new array with elements reversed. * TallyPipe - Returns a summed object of the number of times element exists in array.
  • Boolean * YesNoPipe - Return yes or no (or costumized value) based on expression.
  • Numbers CeilPipe - Ciel a number. FloorPipe - Floor a number. RandomPipe - Return a random number. RoundPipe - Rounding a number
  • Text CapfirstPipe - Capitalizing first letter. CountPipe - Counting number of words. CutPipe - Removing value from string. LoremPipe - Generating words/phrases/paragraphs of lorem text. LowerPipe - Lower case. ReversePipe - Return reversed string. ReverseWordsPipe - Return reversed word order. SlugifyPipe - Slugifying a string. TruncateCharsPipe - Truncating the string to certain length. TitlePipe - Capitalizing every word in string and making sure other chars are lowercase. TruncateWordsPipe - Truncate to certain amount of words. UpperPipe - Uppercase a string.
  • Time NowPipe - Return the current date. TimesincePipe - Return time since date from now (humanized). * TimeuntilPipe - Return tume until date from now (humanized).
  • General DefaultPipe - Set a default value if no value was set DefaultIfFalsePipe - Set a default value if the expression is false. FirstPipe - Returns the first element of array or first char of string. LastPipe - Returns the last element of array or last char of string.

More To Come :)



EmptyPipe ('empty')

Return true/false if array or object is empty.

{{ value | empty }}


{{ [1, 2, 3] | empty }} // false
{{ [] | empty }} // true
{{ { objects: 'works'} | empty }} // false
{{ { } | empty }} // true

FilterPipe ('filter')

Gets array of objects and returns new array of objects filter that includes a param.

JoinPipe ('join')

Join array elements with a delimiter

{{ array | join: delimiter }}
{{ [1, 2, 3] | join: '@' }} // '1@2@3'
{{ ['first', 'second', 'third'] | join: '' }} // 'firstsecondthird'


ReverseElementsPipe ('reverseelements')

{{ array | reverse }}
{{ [1, 2, 3] | join: '@' }} // [3, 2, 1]

TallyPipe ('tally')

{{ array | tally }}
['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'tomato', 'apple', 'apple', 'apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange', 'cucumber'] -> {{['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'tomato', 'apple', 'apple', 'apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'banana', 'orange', 'cucumber'] | tally }}  // { "apple": 4, "banana": 3, "orange": 3, "tomato": 1, "cucumber": 1 }


YesNoPipe ('yesno')

This will return yes no or maybe according to the values - If value is true, will return yes (or first arg). If false, will return no (or second arg). If value in none will return maybe (if value exists as third arg) or no (or second arg).

{{ value | yesno }}
{{ value | yesno: ['sure', 'nope'] }}
{{ value | yesno: ['sure', 'nope', 'mayhaps'] }}
{{ true | yesno }} -> 'yes'
{{ false | yesno }} -> 'no'
{{ true | yesno: ['yeah', 'nope'] }} -> 'yeah' (false will return nope)
{{ undified | yesno }} -> 'no'
{{ undified | yesno: ['yeah', 'nope', 'maybe'] }} -> 'maybe'


NowPipe ('now')

Return the current date. Use built-in date pipe to format

{{ '' | now }}

TimesincePipe ('timesince')

Return time since date from now (humanized). This will return as x days y hours z minutes a seconds if any is 0, it would'nt be displayed.

{{ Date | timesince }}
{{ Date | timesince }} -> 11 days, 23 hours , 59 minutes, 31 seconds

TimeuntilPipe ('timeuntil')

Return time until date from now (humanized). This will return as x days y hours z minutes a seconds if any is 0, it would'nt be displayed.

{{ Date | timeuntil }}
{{ Date | timeuntil }} -> 26 days, 28 seconds