Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
Useful angular pipes
Less code, more flow. Let's dance!
Angular pipes library
Parsing & evaluating utilities for string templates
Prepare gulp plugin chains for re-use
a8m/angular-filter for Angular 2
Angular2 pipes for BR types
Less code, more flow. Let's dance!
RemoteData: Slaying a UI Antipattern with Angular
Windows named pipes for node
Angular Generic Filters to *ngFor
Useful angular2 pipes
data event streams made easy, built on top of PipeStreams, which is built on top of pull-stream
Useful angular2 pipes
Core para los proyectos de angular 6+, contiene seguridad, templates de los form, list y search
A lightweight library to meet all you HTML encoding and decoding needs in Angular.
Persian pipes for Angular 2+ applications.
A collection of pipes for Angular.
Assortment of Pipes for Angular 8+