node-devise v0.1.4
Another flexible authentication solution for mongoosejs. Inspired by irina.
See complete MVC solution based on Restify engines;
npm install node-devise --save
Node >8.0.0
Mongoose >5.0.0
Standard installation of the plugin:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const devise = require('node-devise')
const UserSchema = new mongoose.Schema({})
mongoose.model('User', UserSchema)
authenticatable Module, responsible for hashing the password and validating the authenticity of a user while signing in.
authenticatable will set the following options to schema:
* +authenticationField+: parameter used to set the name of the authentication field
* +authenticationFieldType+: by default, `node-devise` will set the authentication field a Email type
* +passwordField+: parameter used to set the field that triggers the password hash
* +hashedPasswordField+: parameter used to set the name of the hashed field
* +maximumAllowedFailedAttempts+: number of attempts allowed before lockout of account. By default 3
UserSchema.plugin(devise, {
authenticationField: 'username',
authenticationFieldType: String,
maximumAllowedFailedAttempts: 5
Custom message options
Key | Description |
authenticatorErrorMessage | parameter used to change the authentication error message |
passwordErrorMessage | when the password is not entered |
passwordNotMatchErrorMessage | used in the comparePassword method to inform that the password does not match |
hashedPasswordErrorMessage | used in the comparePassword method to inform that the current instance does not have a password hash |
authenticatorNotExistErrorMessage | used in the authenticate static method to inform that the string does not have a match in the database |
credentialsNotExistErrorMessage | used in the authenticate static method to report that the credential is incorrect |
Instance Methods
instance method used to encrypt the current password. This method is called when the instance receives any value in the password field or when it makes a manual call.
// encypt instance password
await user.encryptPassword('secret')
an instance method which takes in a plain string password and compare with the instance hashed password to see if they match.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
const res = await user.comparePassword('secret')
an instance method that uses a single string in the newPassword parameter and sets it to the current password of that authenticated instance.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
const res = await user.changePassword('new_secret')
authenticates the user's instance from a password passed by parameter.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
await user.authenticate(credentials.password)
Static Methods
#authenticate(credentials, opts)
a static method which takes in credentials in the format below:
const faker = require('faker')
const credentials = {
password: faker.internet.password()
where a valid email
and password
corresponding to a database user must be reported. At the end,
the user of the provided credentials will be returned, otherwise the corresponding errors will be thrown.
// returns current object or an exception
const user = await User.authenticate(credentials)
internally the authenticate static method
calls an authenticate instance method
that can also be ivoked
by the instance object receiving in the parameter the current password.
confirmable's main responsability is to verify if an account is already confirmed to sign in, and to send emails with confirmation instructions. Confirmation instructions are sent to the user email after creating a record and when manually requested by a new confirmation instruction request.
Confirmable adds the following columns:
is a unique random tokenconfirmedAt
is a timestamp when the user clicked the confirmation linkconfirmationSentAt
is a timestamp when the confirmationToken was generated (not sent)confirmationTokenExpiryAt
is an attribute that keep tracks of when the confirmation token will expiry. Beyond that, new confirmation token will be generated and notification will be send.
const user = await User.findOne({ email: })
try {
await user.confirm() // returns true or an exception
await user.isConfirmed() // returns true or an exception
await user.sendConfirmation() // manually send instructions
} catch (error) {
confirmable will set the following options:
* +confirmable.tokenLifeSpan+: specifies the lifetime of the token, by default 3 days.
Custom message options
Key | Description |
invalidConfirmationTokenErrorMessage | parameter used to tell that the commit token is invalid |
confirmationTokenExpiredErrorMessage | informs you that the confirmation token has expired |
accountNotConfirmedErrorMessage | when the account is not confirmed |
checkConfirmationTokenExpiredErrorMessage | when the confirmation token has expired and a new email for verification is sent |
Instance Methods
#generateConfirmationToken(opts = { save: true })
an attribute that keep tracks of when the confirmation token will expiry. Beyond that, new confirmation token will be generated and notification will be send.
const res = await user.generateConfirmationToken({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
#sendConfirmation(opts = { save: true })
This instance method is utilized by model.send and sends the confirmation notification. If sent successfully, it will update confirmationSentAt instance attribute with the current time stamp and persist the instance before return it.
// sends a confirmation notification and saves the send date in the `ConfirmationSentAt` parameter
const res = await user.sendConfirmation({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
verifies whether a user is confirmed or not.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
const res = await user.isConfirmed()
confirm a user by setting it's confirmedAt
to actual time and persist the instance before return it.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
const res = await user.confirm()
Static Methods
this static method takes the given confirmationToken and confirms un-confirmed registration which matches the given confirmation token.
// returns current object or an exception
const res = await User.confirm('confirmationToken')
provide a means of locking an account after a specified number of failed sign-in attempts (defaults to 3 attempts)
user can unlock account through unlock instructions sent. It extend the model with the following.
Lockable adds the following columns:
is an attribute which keeps track of failed login attempts.lockedAt
is an attribute which keeps track of the moment account is locked.unlockedAt
is an attribute which keeps track of the moment account is unlocked.unlockToken
is an attribute which store the current unlock token of the locked account.unlockTokenSentAt
is an attribute which keeps track of when the unlock token notification sent.unlockTokenExpiryAt
is an attribute which keep track ofunlockToken
expiration. IfunlockToken
is expired, a new token will get generated and set.
const user = await User.findOne({ email: })
try {
// block account
await user.lock() // returns true or an exception
await user.isLocked() // returns true or an exception
await user.sendUnlock() // manually send instructions
// unlocks account
await User.unlock(user.unlockToken) // returns current account or an exception
await user.resetFailedAttempts() // reset invalid login attempts
} catch (error) {
lockable will set the following options:
* +lockable.tokenLifeSpan+: specifies the lifetime of the token, by default 3 days.
Custom message options
Key | Description |
accountLockedErrorMessage | parameter used to change the account lockout error message. |
invalidUnlockTokenErrorMessage | informs that the unlock token is invalid. |
unlockTokenExpiredErrorMessage | unlocking token already expired. |
Instance Methods
#generateUnlockToken(opts = { save: true })
an instance method that generate unlockToken
and unlockTokenExpiryAt
Instance will get persisted before returned otherwise corresponding errors will get returned.
const res = await user.generateUnlockToken({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
#sendUnlock(opts = { save: true })
an instance method which send account locked notification to the owner. It will set
to track when the lock notification is sent.
Instance will get updated before it returns otherwise corresponding errors will get returned.
// sends a unlock notification and saves the send date in the `unlockTokenSentAt` parameter
const res = await user.sendUnlock({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
verifies whether a user is locked or not.
// after having model instance, returns false if not locked or an exception
const res = await user.isLocked()
clear previous failed attempts.
// set failedAttempts = 0
const res = await user.resetFailedAttempts()
an instance method that is used to lock an account. When invoked, it will check if the number of
is greater than the configured maximum allowed login attempts
if so the account will get locked by setting lockedAt
to the current timestamp of
invocation. Instance will get persisted before it returns otherwise corresponding errors will get returned.
// after having model instance, returns true or an exception
const res = await user.lock()
Static Methods
a model static method which unlock a locked account with the provided unlockToken
If the token is expired the new unlockToken
will get generated. If token is valid,
locked account will get unlocked and unlockedAt
attribute will be set to current timestamp and
will get set to 0. Instance unlocked will get persisted before it
returns otherwise corrensponding errors will get returned.
// returns current object or an exception
const res = await User.unlock('unlockToken')
lays out infrastructure of resets of the user passwords and sends reset instructions. It extends model with the following.
Recoverable adds the following columns:
is an attribute that store recovery token.recoveryTokenExpiryAt
is an attribute that track when the recoverable token is expiring.recoverySentAt
is an attribute that keep track of the moment the recovery notification is sent.recoveredAt
is an attribute which keeps track of the moment the password was recovered.
try {
// creates a new token and send it with instructions about how to reset the password
const user = await User.requestRecover({ email: })
// resets the user password and save the record
await User.recover(user.recoveryToken, 'new_secret')
} catch (error) {
recoverable will set the following options:
* +recoverable.tokenLifeSpan+: specifies the lifetime of the token, by default 3 days.
Custom message options
Key | Description |
invalidRecoveryDetailsErrorMessage | parameter used to change the recovery details message is invalid. |
invalidRecoveryTokenErrorMessage | informs message to invalid recovery token. |
recoveryTokenExpiredErrorMessage | used to change expired recovery token message. |
Instance Methods
#generateRecoveryToken(opts = { save: true })
an instance method which is used to generate recoveryToken and set recoveryTokenExpiryAt timestamp. Instance will get persisted before it returns.
const res = await user.generateRecoveryToken({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
#sendRecovery(opts = { save: true })
an instance method which is used to send recovery notification to the user. It will set recoveryTokenSentAt timestamp. Instance will get persisted before it returns.
const res = await user.sendRecovery({ save: false })
// when `save = false`
#recover(recoveryToken, newPassword)
a model static method which is used to recover an account with the matched recoverToken
The newPassword
provided will get encrypted before set as user password. It will set recoveredAt
before it persists the model.
// returns current object or an exception
const res = await User.recover('recoveryToken', 'new_password')
Static Methods
#requestRecover(credentials, opts)
a model static method which is used to request account password recovery. It utilize
and sendRecovery
to generate recovery token and send it.
// returns current object or an exception
const res = await User.requestRecover({ email })
handles signing up users through a registration process, also allowing them to edit and destroy their account.
Registerable adds the following columns:
is an attribute which keeps track of when an account is registered.unregisteredAt
is an attribute which keep tracks of when an account is unregistered.
const faker = require('faker')
try {
const user = await User.register({
password: faker.internet.password()
const res = await user.unregister()
} catch (error) {
recoverable will set the following options:
* +registerable.autoConfirm+: allows registered accounts to be pre-confirmed.
Custom message options
Key | Description |
credentialsNotExistErrorMessage | parameter used to change the bad credential message. |
authenticatorAlreadyExistErrorMessage | change the message for existing accounts. |
Instance Methods
an instance method which allows unregistering (destroy a user). The implementation currently is to set unregiesteredAt
to current timestamp of the invocation. Instance will get persisted before is returned otherwise corresponding errors will be returned.
// returns true or an exception
const res = await user.unregister()
Static Methods
#register(credentials, opts)
a model static method which is used to register provided credentials. It takes care of checking if then email is taken and validating credentials. It will return registered user otherwise corresponding registration errors.
const faker = require('faker')
const credentials = {
password: faker.internet.password()
// returns current object or an exception
const user = await User.register(credentials)
provide a means of tracking user signin activities. It extends provided model with the following.
Trackable adds the following columns:
increased every time a sign in is made (by form).currentSignInAt
a timestamp updated when the user signs in.currentSignInIpAddress
keeps track of the latest IP address a user used to log.lastSignInAt
holds the timestamp of the previous sign in.lastSignInIpAddress
holds the remote ip of the previous sign in.
const user = await User.findOne({ email: })
try {
await user.track('ipAddress')
} catch (error) {
Instance Methods
this is model instance method, which when called with the IP address, it will update current tracking
details and set the provided IP address as the currentSignInIpAddress
const faker = require('faker')
const user = await User.findOne({ email: })
// returns true or an exception
await user.track(faker.internet.ip())
Sending Notifications
the default implementation of node-devise
to send notifications is noop
. This is because there are different use case(s) when it comes on sending notifications.
due to that reason, node-devise
requires that your model implements send method
which accept record
, action
, done
as its argurments.
refer to the current user model instance.
refer to the type of notifcation to be sent. There are just three types which
are account_confirmation
, account_recovery
and password_recovery
which are sent
when new account is registered, when an account is locked and need to be unlocked and when account is requesting
to recover the password respectively.
is the callback that you must call after finishing sending the notification. By default this callback will update the notification send details based on the usage.
How to implement a send
simple add send into your model as instance methods.
const UserSchema = new Schema({})
// override send method i.e your notification sending: email, sms, etc
schema.methods.send = function (record, action, done) {
// below are the methods that dispatch the data to send via method `done`
// await User.requestRecover({ email }, { req })
// await User.register({ email, password }, { req })
// await User.unlock(req.user.unlockToken, { req })
// await User.authenticate({ email, password }, { req })
done((opts) => {
// const host = isObject(opts) && (isObject(opts.req) && opts.req.isSecure())
// ? 'https'
// : 'http' + '://' + uri
switch (action) {
// if we send `confirmation email`
case 'account_confirmation':
console.log('Action type: %s.\nRecord: %s \n', action, JSON.stringify(record))
// if we send `account recovery`
case 'password_recovery':
console.log('Action type: %s.\nRecord: %s \n', action, JSON.stringify(record))
// if we send `account locked` information
case 'account_recovery':
console.log('Action type: %s.\nRecord: %s \n', action, JSON.stringify(record))
console.log('mailer', 'Template not found')
Sending issues
It is recommended to use job queue like kue when implementing your send to reduce your API response time.
it is recommended to use an internalizer such as the i18nex or node-i18n when implementing the foreign language support layer.
the node-devise
uses messages with the i18n. To customize your application, you can configure your locale file and use the i18n key in the installation plug-in:
'en-US': {
// authenticable
authenticatorErrorMessage: 'No {{field}} provided',
passwordErrorMessage: 'No password provided',
passwordNotMatchErrorMessage: 'Incorrect password',
hashedPasswordErrorMessage: 'Hashed password not found',
authenticatorNotExistErrorMessage: 'Incorrect {{field}}',
credentialsNotExistErrorMessage: 'Incorrect credentials',
// confirmable
invalidConfirmationTokenErrorMessage: 'Invalid confirmation token',
confirmationTokenExpiredErrorMessage: 'Confirmation token expired',
accountNotConfirmedErrorMessage: 'Account not confirmed',
checkConfirmationTokenExpiredErrorMessage: 'Confirmation token expired. Check your email for confirmation instructions.',
// lockable
accountLockedErrorMessage: 'Account locked. Check unlock instructions sent to you.',
invalidUnlockTokenErrorMessage: 'Invalid unlock token',
unlockTokenExpiredErrorMessage: 'Unlock token expired',
// recoverable
invalidRecoveryDetailsErrorMessage: 'Invalid recovery details',
invalidRecoveryTokenErrorMessage: 'Invalid recovery token',
recoveryTokenExpiredErrorMessage: 'Recovery token expired',
// registerable
authenticatorAlreadyExistErrorMessage: 'Account of {{field}} "{{value}}" already exist'
UserSchema.plugin(devise, { i18n: i18n })
Features & Roadmap
- TODO v0.1.4
- DONE Authenticatable
DONEOmniauthable [doc]- DONE Confirmable
- DONE Recoverable
- DONE Registerable
DONERememberable [doc]- DONE Trackable
DONETimeoutable [doc]DONEValidatable [doc]- DONE Lockable
- Install all development dependencies
npm install
- Then run test
npm test
Copyright (c) 2018-present