0.1.4 • Published 10 years ago

node-fullbox-api v0.1.4

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Last release
10 years ago


A full javascript implementation of the Box.Com API

This is a full cycle implementation of the Box API. It includes:

  • Box Token Request
  • Box Refresh Token Request
  • Upload file to box
  • Retrieve Box file information
  • Shared link creation
  • Retrieve file from Box
  • Retrieve thumbnail of file from Box

More api intergration to come.

Future enhancements include using the Box View Api to generate thumbnails for more file types, and integration with the Box View API.


npm install node-fullbox-api

Setup and Use

var BOX = require('node-fullbox-api');  
var Box = new BOX(box_options);

Box Options

authorize_url : <box authorizarion endpoint>,  
token_url : <box token endpoint>,  
user_name : <box user name>,  
password : <box user password>,  
client_id : <box api client id>,  
client_secret : <box api client secret>,  
base_url: <box content api endpoint>,  
upload_url: <box content upload api endpoint>,  
auto_rename : <true or false> (auto-renaming uploaded files in the case of name collisions)  


All of the functions first check for a valid token. If one is not found it first tries to refresh the last token, otherwise makes a request for a new token.

Box.uploadfile(values, callback);

Function to upload a file to Box. The JSON returned is identical to the JSON the standard API returns.


filename : <name of file to be uploaded>,  
folderid : <Box folder id to upload file to>,  
filepath : <path to file to be uploaded>  


function(data) {
    /* data is the json data returned for the box file */

Box.getfileinfo(values, callback);

Function to get file information from Box. The JSON returned is identical to the JSON the standard API returns.


fileid : <Box file id>


function(data) {
    /* data is the json data returned for the box file */

Box.createsharedlink(values, callback);

Creates a shared link for a box file. The JSON returned is identical to the JSON the standard API returns.


fileid : <Box file id>,
access : <access type to grant>, /* open, company, collaborators, null (default is open, null removes shared link) */
can_download : <true or false> /* determines of downloads of file is available */    


function(data) {
    /* data is the json data returned for the box file */


Returns a stream of the image thumbnail for a file in box. If the file is an image or movie type a thumbnail will be returned. If not an image or movie, the file type icon from box will be returned, otherwise a generic default image is returned.


fileid : <Box file id>,
response_stream : <the writable stream where to pipe the servers response, which is the image bytes>    