0.1.5 • Published 10 years ago

node-scrape v0.1.5

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10 years ago

node-scrape v.0.1.2

A configurable node package for scraping web page content.

Getting Started

You may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-scrape --save-dev


The minimal setup for node-scrape is as follows:

var scraper = require('node-scrape');

var config = {
  params: {
    id: [1,2,3,4]
  collections: [{
    name: 'mydata',
    group: '#someid > .some-class > table tr',
    elements: {
      name: {
        query: '> td > a'
      link: {
        query: '> td > a',
        attr: 'href'

Scraper.scrape('http://example.com/:id', config)
  .then(function(data) {
    // Do something with your scraped data


Source (src)

src {string|array(string)}

One or more urls of websites to scrape.

Options (options)

Specifies options and rules for scraping the targeted website(s)

Collections (collections)

One or more collections to extract from the website. Each collection will produce an object containing the fields specified under the elements option. Collections must be specified using the following settings:


The name of the collection


Specifies the fields of data to extract. Options are:

query {string}

A jQuery selector that identifies the field within the page or current group.

attr {string} (optional)

Specifies the data to extract. If no attr is specified data will be extracted using the jQuery('.selector').text() method (will strip any html tags still contained in the node).

If you want to specifically extract html information use attr: 'html'

All common html-attributes are available, e.g., class, href, src, ...

filter {string|function} (optional)

Allows to define a regular expression to further restrict the data to be extracted from a certain node.

Also allows a callback function for custom filtering. Return null to exclude the element from being added to the resulting dataset.

format {string|function} (optional)

Specify a formatter to process the extracted data with. Presets are number (formats the data using Number(data)) or date (will create a new Date object).

Also allows a callback function for custom filtering. Return null to exclude the element from being added to the resulting dataset.

group (optional)

A jQuery selector that identifies a grouped block of information on the page. All queries of a colletion are run against this group.

Should be used to differentiate individual items of information, e.g., a table row within a table.

If no group is specified items will be grouped by index (requires the same number of results for each element of the collections).

each (optional)

An object allowing to add static values for each element of the extracted collection.

each: {
  pi: Math.PI,
  params: function (entity, collection, requestParameters) {
    return requestParameters;

Will be called with the current element, the whole collection and the request parameters permutation used for scraping this collection.

Source parameters (params)

params {object} (optional)

Allows to specify request parameters. Should be used when trying to to scrape multiple websites in a task. Request parameters should be indicated in the src url using a colon, e.g., :id

src: 'http://example.com/items/:id?param=:param',
options: {
  id: [123, 456],
  param: ['prime','secondary']

If multiple options are provided all permutations of the options provided will be scraped, i.e.:


Options (options)

Allows to specify request options for accessing the target website (e.g., proxy, auth). For available options and usage, see request.



<tr><td>Doe, John</td>...</tr>
<tr><td>Johnson, Jane</td>...</tr>

Assuming a format of Lastname, Firstname within a node you can extract firstname and lastname separately using the filter function

elements: {
  firstname: {
    query: '> td > a',
    filter: /,[ ]*(.*)/
  lastname: {
    query: '> td > a',
    filter: /(.*)[ ]*,/

will extract:

  firstname: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  firstname: 'Jane',
  lastname: 'Johnson',


<tr><td>Doe, John</td><td>24</td></tr>
<tr><td>Johnson, Jane</td><td>45</td></tr>
elements: {
  age: {
    query: '> td > td:nth-child(2)',
    format: 'number'

format: 'number will convert the data extracted by the query to a number before adding it to the dataset:

  age: 'John',
  lastname: 'Doe',
  age: 24
  firstname: 'Jane',
  lastname: 'Johnson',
  age: 45


node-scrape is licensed under the MIT License.


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


10 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago