0.0.4 • Published 3 months ago

notify-toaster v0.0.4

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Last release
3 months ago


This library was generated with Angular CLI version 17.1.0.

Angular Notification Toaster Module (notify-toaster)

The library provides a notification which is written in Angular and it is dependent on native angular


  1. Install the notify-toaster using npm npm install notify-toaster
  • Note : Use the regular npm flags such as - --save to include under dependencies in package.json. - -g to install it globally

  1. Add NotifyModule to AppModule by importing it from notify-toaster package
    import { NotifyModule } from 'notify-toaster';
      imports: [NotifyModule],
    export class AppModule {

  1. As this library uses Angular animations. BrowserAnimationsModule should also be imported to the app.module.
  • Note : Further exploration of @angular/animations module can be referred here, official documentation.

       import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';
         imports: [BrowserAnimationsModule],
       export class AppModule {

  4. **Create a placeholder** for the `app-notify-container` componenet in your `app.component.html`

  5. Inject the **NotifyService** into your component
constructor(private notifyService: NotifyService) { }

  6. The **toast message configuration** contains following properties<br/>

|**Property**    | **Data Type** |  **Mandatory**   |   **Default Value**     |               **Usage**                            |
| ------------   |  ----------   |  --------------  |  ---------------------  |  ----------------------------------------------    |
| id              |   string      |       No         |   ----------            |  Auto generated for each notification             |
| message         |   string      |       Yes        |   ----------            |  The user defined toast message                   |
| autoHide        |   boolean     |       No         |     true                |  This will hide the message                       |
| displayDuration |   number      |       No         |     5000(milli seconds) |  Timeout Duration can be set using this property  |
| showCloseButton |   boolean     |       No         |     true                |  Close button can be seen for manually closing it |
| toastType       |   ToastType   |       Yes        |   ----------            |  Type of the toast message can be set htere       |

- where `ToastType` is a enumeration type that determines the type of the notification which takes a five values viz.,
    * success
    * update
    * warning
    * info
    * delete


7. To **show the toast message** you should be calling the `show()` method that takes only two argument, type of notification and messsage

pushSuccess() { this.notification.show('success', 'This is a success alert'); }


8. To **manually close** a particular toast message set the `autoHide` property as `false` and `showCloseButton` property as `true` which displays a close button using which the message can be manually closed.



9. To show **multiple notification** messages you can call the `show()` multiple times by configuring the notification object as you wish

pushSuccess() { this.notification.show('success', 'This is a success notification'); } pushUpdate() { this.notification.show('update', 'This is a update notification'); } pushWarn() { this.notification.show('warning', 'This is a warning notification'); } pushInfo() { this.notification.show('info', 'This is a info notification'); } pushDelete() { this.notification.show('delete', 'This is a delete notification'); }

For LIVE DEMO checkout the [notify-toaster](https://notify-toaster.netlify.app/)