1.0.5 • Published 1 year ago

noxwind v1.0.5

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Last release
1 year ago

Create Full-Stack App

The easiest way to get started with noxwind is by using noxwind. This CLI tool enables you


You can create a new project interactively by running:

npx noxwind
# or
yarn noxwind
# or
pnpm noxwind

You will be asked for the name of your project, whether you want to create a TypeScript project followed by other important questions to setup a full-stack app in no time.

Why use Noxwind?

noxwind allows you to create a full-stack javascript/typescript app within seconds. It will help developers, freelancers who have been working on multiple projects regularly. It is an opensource project, and includes a number of benefits:

  • Interactive Experience: Running npx noxwind (with no arguments) launches an interactive experience that guides you through setting up a project.
  • Beginner Friendly: It has The most popular stacks options to get started quickly.
  • Fast Setup: It will easily setup a full-stack JavaScript app with all the necessary dependencies for the type of project you want.
  • CSS Support: Select your favourite CSS library without worrying about the overhead of the setting up one.