0.0.1 • Published 6 years ago

oiu v0.0.1

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Last release
6 years ago



oiu is a command line application that allows you to send cryptocurrency to software packages packages.

A package author defines oiu.config.js in their root directory which handles payments. They can direct funds to Ethereum addresses or to other packages they depend on.

example gif

Table of Contents

Getting Started

You can install oiu with npm i -g oiu or just use npx oiu when using it.

Package Authors

If you want to set up your package to receive payments you will need to create an oiu.config.js file in your root directory. This file exports a function that takes a amount and returns an array of object defining how that amount is split up.

You can go pretty wild here, but here's a simple example to get you started

module.exports = (amount) => {
  return [
      to: {
        address: ${YOUR ADDRESS HERE},
        name: ${YOUR NAME HERE}
      amount: amount

Don't have an Ethereum Wallet?

You can create a wallet with oiu init


If you depend on oiu, and would like to send us something like 1% of funds donated to you, simply add something this to your function! (remember to remove the 1% from else where, you can't disperse more than was put in)

      to: {
        name: 'oiu',
      amount: amount/100

Package Users

If you want to send to a package you depend on, it's as simple as running npx oiu pay [package-name]

This will guide you setting up an Ethereum account


We are open for any and all contributions!

Things that could use work:

  1. All text content everywhere in the app! Language is hard, come help us good it
  2. CLI Options! Have something you want to do? Basically every command so far has default options that are limiting, help us expand what we can do
    • Deal with passing in parameters like an Ethereum Wallet file, or an amount to do
  3. Automated generators! Writing those oiu.config.js files is pretty annoying. But It's Just Javascript(tm) so we can write things to make this easier, and potentially enable complex and automated relationships between projects.

How to Contribute

If you have a bug/feature/idea/question open up an issue in this repository.

If there is something you'd like to code, do so and open a PR in this repository and reference the relevant issues.

If you just want to hangout and contribute try scrolling through open issues and going from there.

Repository layout

The repository is divided into two sections cli and src.

src contains all the functions exported by this module.

cli defines commands that use these funcitons.