1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

opinion-poll v1.0.0

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4 years ago

Opinion Poll server

Expressjs server for the Opinion Poll machinery.

General structure

The "output" of this project is a single http server which hosts a number of things:

  • the /admin endpoint which contains the admin interface.
  • the /public endpoint which contains the all frontend components.
  • the /oembed endpoint which returns an oEmbed json. The HTML component of this is an iframe that links to the /public endpoint above.
  • the /api api which allows you to upload files to the database and fetch data from the database.

All routes are prefixed: /tjenester/meningsmaalinger

Embed URL structure

Url structure used for embedding passes props as query, like this: {HOST}{PREFIX}/public/{ELEMENT}?{PROP NAME}={PROP VALUE}&{PROP NAME}={PROP VALUE}

Some examples:



The application use a Postgres database to hold opinion poll data. Three google cloud instances are created:

  • test
  • preprod
  • prod

Local environment

You can either use docker or npm for local development.

Without local database

Use npm npm install && npm run start:watch

For this to work, you need to have environment variables defined for database connection. See .env.dist. For local use, connect only to test database.

With local database

To start a local environment with a local database, run: npm i && docker-compose up -d --build.

If you want to run migrations on your local database, go to {HOST}/admin/system/migrate. Default is: http://localhost:5000/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/admin/system/migrate

Here you can migrate to latest or roll back.

Use local Poll-Elements package

If you want to use a local version of Poll-Elements without publishing, you can follow the example in docker-compose.yml.


test, preprod and prod is using DR SAML authentication, setting the AUTH enviroment variable to false, disable authentication.

Generate Service Provider certificate.

SAML Service Provider (SP) needs a self signed certificate, one for each environment. The ones generated last for 10 yeas. however if they need to be updated this is the command used for generation: openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -new -x509 -days 3652 -nodes -keyout sp.key -out sp.crt -subj "/C=DK/L=Copenhagen>/O=Danish Broadcasting Corporation/CN=preprod.dr.dk/EA=info@dr.dk"

Change the "-subj" argument "CN", to the host name for which the certificate is generated for.

DR Routes

PROD: https://www.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/ https://opinion-poll.public.prod.gcp.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/

PREPROD https://preprod.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/ https://opinion-poll.public.preprod.gcp.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/

TEST https://test.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/ https://opinion-poll.public.test.gcp.dr.dk/tjenester/meningsmaalinger/