oss-print v2.3.7
Wallet Balance Print
The Wallet Balance Checker is a Node.js library designed for easily checking the balances of USDC, USDT, ETH, and BNB tokens in a wallet on both the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum (ETH) networks. It utilizes the power of web3.js to interact with blockchain networks.
Getting Started
Node.js and npm must be installed on your machine.
Access to BSC and Ethereum network RPC URLs.
Install the library from npm by running:
npm install wallet-balance-checker-lib
Or if you prefer using yarn:
yarn add wallet-balance-checker-lib
To use the Wallet Balance Checker, you'll first need to require it in your Node.js application and configure it with your BSC and Ethereum RPC URLs.
Importing the Library
const WalletBalanceChecker = require('wallet-balance-checker-lib');
Initializing the Library
Create an instance of the Wallet Balance Checker with the RPC URLs:
const bscRpcUrl = 'https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/';
const ethRpcUrl = 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/your-infura-project-id';
const checker = new WalletBalanceChecker(bscRpcUrl, ethRpcUrl);
Checking Token Balances
You can check the balance of a supported token by using the getBalance method. Specify the wallet address, token symbol, and network:
const walletAddress = '0x...'; // Replace with the actual wallet address
// Check BNB balance on BSC
checker.getBalance(walletAddress, 'BNB', 'BSC').then(balance => {
console.log(`BNB Balance on BSC: ${balance}`);
// Check USDC balance on Ethereum
checker.getBalance(walletAddress, 'USDC', 'ETH').then(balance => {
console.log(`USDC Balance on Ethereum: ${balance}`);
Supported Tokens
The library currently supports checking the balance of the following tokens:
BSC Network: BNB, USDC, USDT Ethereum Network: ETH, USDC, USDT Contributions Feel free to contribute to the library by submitting pull requests or opening issues for bugs and feature requests.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.