0.7.2 • Published 8 years ago

packup v0.7.2

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Last release
8 years ago


Work in progress.


  • --port: Specify a server port (Default: any free port starting from 8080)
  • --config: Use a configuration file

Configuration file

Through the --config option, a configuration file can be supplied. Currently only the entry key is supported to specify multiple entry files. For example:

module.exports = {
  entry: {
    app: './index',
    foo: './foo'


Easy usage

No configuration needed.

  • Provide a hot-reloading enabled development server without the boilerplate
  • Provide a default set of webpack loaders
  • Provide a default set of NPM packages (less is more)
  • Always route all routes to the app, to enable HTML5 pushState routing

Advanced usage

Enable some or complete configuration.

  • Allow extension of default webpack config
  • Allow use of a completely separate webpack config
  • Allow easy replacement through webpack itself

Global install (good for quick no-config experiments)

npm install packup -g
packup main.js

Local install (good for serious projects)

npm install packup --save-dev
node_modules/.bin/packup main.js

See also

  • react-heatpack is the main inspiration but different enough in goals and implementation.