1.1.6 • Published 8 years ago
palisade v1.1.6
One command and you're ready to secure your data:
npm install palisade --save
Now, check out the documentation to get started!
The documentation has more detailed examples, but here's a quick peek:
// your thinky connection instance
import db from 'connections/thinky'
import palisade, { screenDeep } from 'palisade'
const User = db.createModel('User', {
id: String,
name: String,
birthday: Date,
times: {
created: Date
// Anyone can list and read users and their public fields (id and name)
// Users can update themselves, but only their own birthday
// Admins can create, update, replace, or delete any user
palisade(User, {
document: {
read: ['public'],
create: ['admin'],
update: ['admin', 'self'],
replace: ['admin'],
delete: ['admin']
read: {
id: ['public'],
name: ['public'],
birthday: ['admin', 'self'],
times: {
created: ['admin']
write: {
id: ['admin'],
name: ['admin'],
birthday: ['admin', 'self'],
times: {
created: ['admin']
// your thinky connection instance
var db = require('connections/thinky');
var palisade = require('palisade');
var screenDeep = palisade.screenDeep;
var User = db.createModel('User', {
id: String,
name: String,
birthday: Date,
times: {
created: Date
// Anyone can list and read users and their public fields (id and name)
// Users can update themselves, but only their own birthday
// Admins can create, update, replace, or delete any user
palisade(User, {
document: {
read: ['public'],
create: ['admin'],
update: ['admin', 'self'],
replace: ['admin'],
delete: ['admin']
read: {
id: ['public'],
name: ['public'],
birthday: ['admin', 'self'],
times: {
created: ['admin']
write: {
id: ['admin'],
name: ['admin'],
birthday: ['admin', 'self'],
times: {
created: ['admin']