1.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

parliament-corpus v1.2.2

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8 years ago


Tools for building a Swedish speech corpus based on the Swedish Parliament's open data API.


node and npm

These tools run on node.js v. >= 6.2. Installation packages can be downloaded from their site or by running the code below.

curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs


The source of the speech data is the Parliament's debate video archive. To extract audio files from these videos, and to align sections of the audio with individual speakers, ffmpeg is required. Further instructions for downloading and installing ffmpeg can be found on their web site.


To install the corpus tools run

npm install -g parliament-corpus

If you encounter permission errors, install the tools with sudo:

sudo npm install -g parliament-corpus


Installing this package exposes three command line entry points

$ corpus-lookup -f firstName -l lastName
$ corpus-build-cat --cat-path path/to/catalogue [options]
$ corpus-download --cat-path path/to/catalogue -r path/to/download/data/root [options]


In order to download speeches from individual parliamentarians you first need to look up their personal ID. corpus-lookup allows you to search for first and last names and prints out a table with IDs, parties etc. for all matches

  • --help, -h Prints help text.
  • --first-name, -f Filters on first name.
  • --last-name, -l Filters on last name.


The Parliament servers are somewhat fragile, and the ammount of requests needed to get the metadata necessary for downloading the video files and transcripts can cause the servers to reject the user. It is therefore a good idea to construct a metadata catalogue before running the time consuming task of downloading the videos themselves, as this can be done in smaller increments, e.g. by restricting each metadata build task to a certain political party.

  • --help, -h Prints help text.
  • --cat-path, -c Sets the metadata catalogue path. If --append is used, this needs to be an existing catalogue.
  • --append, -a Appends the result of the metadata query to an existing catalogue.
  • --individual, -i Restricts search to a particular parliamentarian.
  • --to, -t Sets a lower constraint on speeches that will be added to the catalogue. This should be an arbitrarily precise date, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy. If not specified, this will default to the current date.
  • --from, 'f Sets an upper constraint on speeches that will be added to the catalogue. This should be an arbitrarily precise date, i.e. yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mm or yyyy. If not specified, this will default to a value set in the config file. Since the recordings started in 2001, it doesn't make a lot of sense to set this date earlier than that.
  • --party Only adds speeches made by parliamentarians belonging to a specific party. Parties are denoted by their standard letter codes, e.g s for Socialdemokraterna and mp for Miljöpartiet. The party formerly known as Folkpartiet is now denoted by l (Liberalerna).
  • --born-after Restricts search to speeches made by parliamentarians born after the given year.
  • --born-before Restricts search to speeches made by parliamentarians born before the given year.
  • --constituency Restricts search to speeches made by parliamentarians elected by the given constituency.
  • --timeout All metadata requests are done asynchronously and in parallell. This results in a considerable speedup, but can cause the Parliament API to reject some requests. When this happens, the requests are put on a timeout and are then sent again. This field sets the timeout duration in ms. Lower values can decrease the overall run time, but too short timeouts can cause the new requests to bounce again.
  • --no-cache Requests are cached by default in order to reduce the traffic to the API. This put a bit more strain on the client machine in regards to memory usage, but improves overall run time drastically. If memory isn't a concern, caching should be activated.
  • --request-size As of now, certain parts of the Parliament API is flawed: Pagination isn't available when requesting lists of speeches held by parliamentarians (though it's on its way), and only a set number of items are returned for a given query. This field governs how many items are requested per API call. The server is generally stable for values up to 5'000, but could be set as high as 20'000, although this often results in faulty behaviour. Since all speech list requests are divided internally by year and most years don't have more than ~15'000 speech items, setting request-size to a value above 15'000 is generally not recommended. If the user only needs a subset of the entire corpus, it's preferable to set this field to a low value (~2'000) and leave out any time constraints. CAVEAT: The API returns speech items in descending date order, and for low values of request-size, speeches held early in the year will most certainly be left out.


Downloads videos and transcripts for all speeches listed in the input catalogue, and extracts audio files from these. The audio files are segmented so as to align with the transcripts.

  • --help, -h Prints help text.
  • --cat-path, -c Sets the metadata catalogue to be downloaded.
  • --root, -r Sets the root folder for all downloaded data.
  • --discard, -d If set, all raw video files will be deleted once the audio has been extracted from them.

Example usage

Running the following commands will download all speeches made by Isabella Lövin as well as all speeches held between January and July 2016. The raw video data will be discarded after the audio tracks have been extracted.

corpus-lookup -f Isabella -l Lövin
│ Person ID                                        │ First name         │ Last name          │ Gender   │ Party    │ Constituency                                     │
│ 0911490574010                                    │ Isabella           │ Lövin              │ f        │ MP       │ -                                                │

corpus-build-cat -c catalogue.json -i 0911490574010
corpus-build-cat -c catalogue.json -f 2016-01 -t 2016-07-01 -a
corpus-download  -c catalogue.json -r dataRoot -d

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