1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

platapai-mppc-js v1.0.1

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Last release
1 year ago


npm init
npm i platapai-mppc-js
node .


Create an .env file in the root directory (or use the secrets tab on Replit) of your project and add your token to it.


Example JS Code

const Bot = require('platapai-mppc-js');

const bot = new Bot({
    token: process.env['token'], //MPPClone Token. Use Secrets (Replit) or an .env file (Local).
    name: "Cool Bot Name!",      //Bot Name.
    color: "#123456",            //HEX Colour Code.
    room: "CoolRoom20"           //Room Name.

bot.connect(); //Connects to the MPPClone Server.

var prefix = "!" //Prefix for commands.

bot.client.on('a', msg => {          //Message Event.
    let cmd =  msg.a.split(' ')[0]   //Defines what "cmd" is.

    if (cmd === `${prefix}ping`) {  //If the message starts with the prefix and the word "ping".
        bot.chat("Pong!");          //Send "Pong!" in chat.
    //more Commands Here uwu

Useful Documentation

//     Connections     //

connect();                  //Connects to the MPPClone Server.

disconnect();               //Disconnects from the MPPClone Server.

//     Chat     //

chat(message, delay);       //Sends a message to the chat.

//     MIDI (WIP)     //

playSongFile(input);        //Plays a MIDI file. (File Path)

StopSong();                 //Stops the current song.

//     Moderation     //

kickban(id, ms);           //Kicks and bans a user for a specified amount of time, in milliseconds.

unkickban(id);             //Unbans a user.

giveCrown(id);             //Gives crown to a user.

dropCrown();               //Drops crown.

//     Misc     //

uwu()                      //Returns "uwu". There is no purpose for this function.

owo()                      //Returns "owo". There is no purpose for this function.