1.7.2-dev.0 • Published 4 years ago

platform-service-user-filters v1.7.2-dev.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


This module defines the platform-service-user-filters Service REST API.

Code Coverage Status

Coverage Status


For more information about some of the security tools that are baked into this repository, see the Security Definition of Done (internal) and implementation guide for security best practices (internal) for more context.


npm install
docker pull amazon/dynamodb-local
aws configure

Note: If you are using Windows 7 you will need to enable port forwarding for amazon/dynamodb-local: 1. Right click on the VM running Docker 2. Navigate to Settings > Network > Advanced > Port Forwarding 3. Add a rule: name = dynamodb, host IP =, Host Port = 8000, Guest Port = 8000 4. Restart your VM

Run Integration & System Tests

(See bitbucket-pipelines.yml for the script of how this is done in the pipeline.)

docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
# Set required environment variables (some may be optional depending on your choice of database or the lack thereof)
export AWS_REGION=us-east-1
export DISCOVERY_SERVICE=https://xpfekwpck7.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/dev/
export DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:8000
export DYNAMODB_TABLE_PREFIX=devsample
export STAGE_NAME=devsample

# Provision the table in dynamodb-local
npm run provision-local-table -- --config serverless-tables.yml --stage $STAGE_NAME_TABLES

# Unit and Integration tests
npm run test

# System tests
# Configure project to use AWS DynamoDB (not dynamodb-local)
. ./pipeline/setup-config.sh

# Deploy DynamoDB to AWS
npm run deploy -- --config serverless-tables.yml --stage $STAGE_NAME_TABLES --region $AWS_REGION --force

# Deploy the service to AWS
npm run deploy -- --config serverless-service.yml --stage $STAGE_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --force

# Run the system tests locally
npm run system-test

# Clean up after yourself when you're done. Because it was manually deployed, these stacks won't get cleaned up automatically.
npm run remove -- --config serverless-service.yml --stage $STAGE_NAME --region $AWS_REGION --force

npm run remove -- --config serverless-tables.yml --stage $STAGE_NAME_TABLES --region $AWS_REGION --force


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