2.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

poppy-robot-client v2.1.0

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6 years ago

Poppy Robot Client

NPM version

The Poppy Robot Client is a pure client side tool developped in node.js/javascript which intends to "replace" the snap UI with a simple programmatic approach to drive robots of the Poppy project family, or at least the Poppy Ergo Jr.

It allows addressing the poppy robot in 2 modes:

  • A CLI Mode to query and send basic set of instructions to the motor registries and then, to allow performing unary 'action' on motors such as move, speed settings, simply typing in a command line terminal,
  • A script exectution mode to simply combine these basic instructions in order to test more complex motions. It is done writing script using the javascript language where all technical 'difficulties' have been hidden as much as possible and then, it allows users writing their own scripts without any particular knowledges/skills on javascript.

Communications with the robot are based on the REST api exposed by the http server of the pypot library.

Note it has been first developped and tested with the Poppy Ergo Jr and then, it is configured by default to fit with it but advanced users' can easily set their own robot configurations through a discovering command which allows using this project with any set of motors driven through the pypot library.

Furthermore, note these first releases only aims to replace the 'compliant-mode-set-to-false' behaviour (sic) of the motors i.e. no motion recording has been developped (yet).

Enjoy, ;)

Table of Contents


You just have to install this node module on your local computer, to turn on your Poppy (Ergo Jr, if not read this) and enjoy.

The next line will globally install the module on your computer (more details are available here):

npm install poppy-robot-client -g

Then type:

poppy -h

To access to the inline help provided with the cli which allows both querying and sending simple command to the motors of the robot.

Note, once the Poppy switches on and ready (green light blinking), the config command must be performed first.

Next to the CLI uses, this module allows users writing their own (simple) scripts to test more complex actions such as some motions, and so on as explained here. A set of ready-to-use examples (for Poppy Ergo Jr) are provided in another repository.

Getting Started

Installing node.js

the poppy-robot-client is intented to be used under a node.js 'environment' on your local computer. Thus it should be first installed (sic):

  • Downloading it from its official site,
  • Or using a node version manager such as nvm (macos/linux version or Windows one are respectively available here and there).

Note a node.js release equal or higher to 8.0.0 is required.

Installing the poppy-robot-client module

Once node.js installed, type:

npm i poppy-robot-client --global

that will globally install the poppy-robot-client module.

To verify that it has been successfully installed, type:

npm list -g -depth=0
├── npm@5.6.0
└── poppy-robot-client@2.0.0 

Then, simply type:

poppy -h

will display the basic help about the poppy-robot-cli.


Once installed, both CLI mode and scripting mode are addressable without any other settings.

Note a specific command must be performed at each Poppy switching on in order to properly initialize the embedded http server in Poppy.

Next the Poppy robot turns on and is ready (green light blinking), the following command should be performed first:

poppy config

If not performed, the first command/request send to the Poppy next to switching it on will systematically failed, next ones will succeed.

Furthermore, Note for particular/advanced cases, users can configure some Poppy parameters such as connection settings, and so on as explained in a dedicated section.

CLI Mode

The cli commands are divided into 3 parts:

  • A querying module to get information about the motors,
  • A command module which allows sending simple commands to the motors,
  • At last, a robot configuration module.


First group of cli commands allows querying the register of the motors of the robot.


poppy query

will return data about all registers 'of interest' for all motors.

Querying command

Adding the flag -h will display help for optional options:

  • -m to select the motor(s) to query,
  • -r to select the register(s) to query,
  • -I to invert the output table form register/motor to motor/register.

As example the following line will only display the registry values for 'present_position' and 'goal_position' of the motors m2 to m5:

poppy query -m m2 m3 m4 m5 -r present_position goal_position -I

Querying command 2

Executing Single Command

Next group of cli commands allows executing a single command to targeted motors. It groups a bunch of commands whose helps are accessible through this command:

poppy exec <command> -h

where the <command> are listed in the table below:

compliantmodify the 'compliant' state of motor(s)
speedset the speed of target motor(s)
rotaterotate the selected motor(s) by x degrees
positionmove the selected motor(s) to a given position.
ledset the led color of selected motor(s)

All these commands have a common flag '-m'. If not set, a command will be applied to all motors ('m1' to 'm6 for the Poppy Ergo Jr.) excepted if this flag is set on the CLI. In this case, it allows to select the targeted motors on which will apply the command.

As examples:

poppy exec led -v green

will set the led color to green of all motors.

poppy exec -m m1 m2 -v blue

will set the led color of motor m1 and m2 to blue.

Next paragraphs will detail all the available execution commands and their specific options.


This command sets the compliant state of the selected motor(s).

-vset the value of the 'compliant' registeron, offoffno


  • Switch all motors compliant state to 'false' i.e. motors are programmatically addressable:
    poppy exec compliant
  • Same as previous example, but longer...:
    poppy exec compliant -v off
  • Switch all motors to the 'rest' state i.e. motors are movable by hand but not programmatically adressable:
    poppy exec compliant -v on


This command sets the the rotation speed of the selected motor(s).

-vset 'goal_speed' registeran integer in the 0, 1023 rangen.a.yes


  • Set the rotation speed of all motors to 100 (slower):
    poppy exec speed -v 100
  • Set the rotation speed of the motors m1 and m2 to 500 (quicker):
    poppy exec speed -m m1 m2 -v 500


This command rotates the target motor(s) by x degrees from the current position.

-vthe rotation by valueintegern.a.yes
-wwait until the rotation will finishbooleanfalseno


  • Rotate the motors m1 and m2 by -30 degrees and wait until each motors will reach its new position:
    cli exec rotate -m m1 m2 -v -30 -w


This command sets the target position of the selected motor(s) i.e. it will move these motors to a given positions.

-vset the 'target_position' registerintegern.a.yes
-wwait until the motor(s) will reach this new positionsbooleanfalseno


  • Move all motors to the 0 degree position asynchrously i.e. all motors will reach this position independently:

    poppy exec position -v 0
  • Move all motors to the 0 degree position sequentially i.e. for each motor, a request to send this position will be send, and it will await before the end of this action before proceding it to the next motor.:

    poppy exec position -v 0 -w
  • Move the motors m1 and m2 to the 0 degree position and wait until each motors will reach its new position:

    poppy exec position -m m1 m2 -v 90 -w


This command sets the led color of the selected motor(s).

-vset the 'led' registeroff, red, green, blue, yellow, cyan, pink, whiteoffno


  • Turn off the led of all motors:
    poppy exec led
  • Set the led color of motor 'm3' to 'green':
    poppy exec led -m m3 -v green

Configuring Poppy

Connection Settings

In order to configure the connection to the Poppy robot, a bunch of optional flags are available for both CLI and script mode:

-i/--ipSet the Poppy IP/hostnamestringpoppy.local
-p/--http-portSet the http server port on Poppyinteger8080
-P/--snap-portSet the snap server port on Poppyinteger6969

For the CLI mode, such options are available as other ones and typing -h will display them in help.

For the script modes, simply typing -h will display help about these options and simply adding these flags at execution time will configure the Poppy context.

As example,

node myScript.js --ip poppy1.local -p 8081

will execute myScript looking for a Poppy with 'poppy1.local' as hostname and with an http server configured on port 8081.

Furthermore, to avoid typing these values each times, users can persist their connection configuration using the 'config' command of the CLI. Typing:

poppy config --ip poppy1.local -p 8081 --save

will create a local .poppyrc file which handles these settings. This file will be used for each call of the poppy-robot-client (in both CLI and script mode) executed from this directory.

Note the poppy-robot-client will:

  • First checks if a .poppyrc file exists, and then it extracts its settings,
  • On a second hand, use the CLI settings, if any, and then it will override the corresponding values,
  • At last, it will override these settings with values passed through the arguments of this factory.

Discovering Robot Configuration

Advanced users can modify the robot configuration in order to fit with others than the default one (aka Poppy Ergo Jr).

Such task could be performed using the config command of the CLI.

it allows:

  • Discovering the motor configuration of a target robot,
  • Saving it in a descriptor file,
  • At last, saving it to the poppyrc file.


poppy config -D 

will discover the robot here located with the default values for hostname and http port i.e. poppy.local and 8080 and display an aliases/motors tree as shown on the screenshot below:

Discovering robot

Adding -S flag will save this configuration to a descriptor file:

poppy config -D -S myPoppy.json

which could be use:

  • via the poppyrc file:
    • Modifying/creating a .poppyrc file:
          "descriptor": "file://myPoppy.json"
    • Or adding the -s flag over the discovering step to automatically add this line to the .poppyrc file
      poppy config -D -S myPoppy.json -s
  • or programatically through the Poppy object factory or constructor (see API).

Note Furthermore, the config command allows validating of the current descriptor in use (users\' one or default one) with the targeted robot using the -v flag.

Writing your own Scripts

Next to the CLI uses, users can write their own scripts to test more complex combination of actions.

Such scripts are written in javascript language but all technical \'difficulties\' have been hidden as much as possible and then, it allows users writing their own scripts without any particular knowledges/skills on javascript.

Note the same approach has been retained for the examples located in the poppy-examples repository i.e. their javascript-technical matters are reduced insofar as possible or explained when needed.

Thus, this section will describe the complete modus operandi in order to ab initio create a script file as well as parts about how to write script and execution purposes.

Next, Users should refers to the Script API for further details.

Initializing Context

Note: users should have globally installed the poppy-robot-client as explained earlier.

Any script files are javascript files interpreted by the javascript motor embedded in node.js. In order to be able to execute the script feature of the poppy-robot-client, a last operation should be performed: users must first "initialize" their node environment (note this operation must only be performed once).

Open a terminal in the (root) target folder where you expect to write your scripts and type:

npm link poppy-robot-client

it will create a sub-folder named 'node_modules' which simply contains link to the poppy-robot-client module and which allows node.js to reference the poppy-robot-client module when users will execute their scripts (see here).

Creating a Script file

File Header

All script files should start with the following code:

'use strict'

const P = require('poppy-robot-client');


  • The first line is a common best pratice rule,
  • The second one imports the poppy-robot-client module.

Next to this step, some scripts can be added to the file.

Defining the Scripts themselves

The script are defined through a dedicated object named 'Script' (sic) which owns a bunch of methods in oder to:

  • select target motors,
  • perform some actions,
  • and other basic stuff such as waiting.

As first example let add an initialisation script to our file:

//We hereby declare a new variable init...
let init = P.createScript() //... and affect it a new Script
    .select('all') // we select all motors,
    .speed(150) // and set their speed to 150
    .compliant(false) // at last, we set there compliant state to false

The first line:

  • Creates a new variable named 'init',
  • And affects to 'init' a new Script object.

Next lines are call to the 'methods' of Script Object which are fully described in the project API here.

We can also add other scripts to the file:

let toPosition0 = P.createScript()
    .select('all') // Select all motors...
    .position(0) // ...and move all of them to the 0 degree position.

let openGrip = P.createScript() // A new script opening the grip
    .select('m6') // Select the motor 'm6'
    .position(90) //...and move it to the 90 degrees position.

let closeGrip = P.createScript() // A new script opening the grip
    .select('m6') // Select the motor 'm6'...
    .position(0)  // ...and move it to the 0 degree position.

let end = P.createScript() // another script to 'free' all motors

Executing Scripts

Once scripts defined, their execution is done through the execution engine handled by an object named Poppy:

Adding to your script file:

let poppy = P.createPoppy(); // Instantiate the Poppy object

poppy.exec( // call the execution engine
    openGrip, // let play the open-close scripts twice

will do the stuff in order to execute the set of scripts passed as arguments to the poppy exec method.

Simply typing:

node ./myScriptFile.js

will execute your scripts.


The examples have been moved to a dedicated repository.


The API documentation could be found here.



The poppy-robot-client is MIT licensed. See LICENSE.


6 years ago


6 years ago


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6 years ago