0.2.11 • Published 3 years ago
purettoaststorybook v0.2.11
Vue.js component UI library using Tailwindcss by Chec
Note that this project is not licensed intentionally. At the moment you will require explicit permission from Chec Platform Inc. to utilise this repo in your own projects. Please let us know if you're interested. hello@chec.io
In the future we may add a license.
Installation & Usage
You can use either yarn
or npm
to install the ui-library
and it's dependencies from this Github repo.
with yarn
yarn add github:chec/ui-library
with npm
npm install github:chec/ui-library
Setting up Tailwindcss
- Create a
file at the root of the app exporting theui-library
's customtailwind.preview.js
from it.
module.exports = require('@chec/ui-library/tailwind.config');
- Inject the
's compiled css and Tailwind.css file which includes the @tailwind directives to include theui-library
configured Tailwindcss styles/utilities.
ui-library.css compiled css
@import '~@chec/ui-library/dist/ui-library.css';
tailwind.css, uses the @tailwind directive to inject Tailwind's base, components, and utilities styles into your CSS:
@import '~@chec/ui-library/src/assets/tailwind.css';
Utilizing Sass mixins
You can import helpful sass mixins such as aspect-ratio
/* mixins.scss */
@import '~@chec/ui-library/src/assets/mixins.scss';
<div class="image-container"> <img src="chec.io/image.jpg" /> <div v-else> <h6> No Image </h6> </div> </div>
.image-container { /* tailwind @apply directive */ @apply w-1/2 max-w-sm; /* apply aspect-ratio mixin */ @include aspect-ratio(16, 9); /* style fall-back element */ div { @apply bg-gray-300; } }
We use the vue-i18n
library for this. See lang/*.js
for the dictionaries. See the dashboard repo's
for a detailed guide for using the library. TL;DRs:
<p>{{ $t('paginate.goToFirst') }}</p>
renders "Go to the first page"this.$t(...)
from component instance methods
Project setup
git clone https://github.com/chec/ui-library.git
cd ui-library
yarn install
Start Storybook app on port 6006:
yarn storybook:serve
Run the frontend app proper on port 8080:
yarn run serve
Compiles and minifies for production (This is done continously)
yarn build-lib
Lints and fixes files
yarn lint:Fix
Customize configuration
3 years ago