1.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

pyload-client v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
4 years ago


Node.js pyLoad client, written in TypeScript based.


npm i --save pyload-client


const { PyloadClient } = require('pyload-client')

async function () {
  const client = new PyloadClient({
    apiUrl: 'https://my-pyload.com/api',
    username: 'admin',
    password: '12345678',
  await client.connect();
  const packageId = await client.addPackage({
    name: 'my-package',
    links: ['http://my-link.com/1', 'http://my-link.com/2'],
  const statusDownloads = await client.statusDownloads();

  .then(() => console.log('Done'))
  .catch(err => console.error(err))

Implemented methods

Source : https://github.com/pyload/pyload/wiki/module.Api.Api

:white_check_mark:addFiles(pid, links)Adds files to specific package.
:white_check_mark:addPackage(name, links, dest)Adds a package, with links to desired destination.
:x:call(info)Calls a service (a method in hook plugin).
:white_check_mark:changePassword(user, oldpw, newpw)changes password for specific user
:white_check_mark:checkAndAddPackages(links, dest)Checks online status, retrieves names, and will add packages.
:x:checkAuth(username, password, remoteip)Check authentication and returns details
:white_check_mark:checkOnlineStatus(urls)initiates online status check
:x:checkOnlineStatusContainer(urls, container, data)checks online status of urls and a submited container file
:white_check_mark:checkURLs(urls)Gets urls and returns pluginname mapped to list of matches urls.
:white_check_mark:deleteFiles(fids)Deletes several file entries from pyload.
:white_check_mark:deleteFinished()Deletes all finished files and completly finished packages.
:white_check_mark:deletePackages(pids)Deletes packages and containing links.
:white_check_mark:freeSpace()Available free space at download directory in bytes
:white_check_mark:generateAndAddPackages(links, dest)Generates and add packages
:white_check_mark:generatePackages(links)Parses links, generates packages names from urls
:white_check_mark:getAccountTypes()All available account types.
:white_check_mark:getAccounts(refresh)Get information about all entered accounts.
:white_check_mark:getAllInfo()Returns all information stored by hook plugins.
:white_check_mark:getAllUserData()returns all known user and info
:white_check_mark:getCaptchaTask(exclusive)Returns a captcha task
:white_check_mark:getCaptchaTaskStatus(tid)Get information about captcha task
:white_check_mark:getCollector()same as getQueue for collector.
:white_check_mark:getCollectorData()same as getQueueData for collector.
:white_check_mark:getConfig()Retrieves complete config of core.
:x:getConfigDict()Retrieves complete config in dict format, not for RPC.
:white_check_mark:getConfigValue(category, option, section)Retrieve config value.
:x:getEvents(uuid)Lists occured events, may be affected to changes in future.
:white_check_mark:getFileData(fid)Get complete information about a specific file.
:white_check_mark:getFileOrder(pid)Information about file order within package.
:white_check_mark:getInfoByPlugin(plugin)Returns information stored by a specific plugin.
:white_check_mark:getLog(offset)Returns most recent log entries.
:white_check_mark:getPackageData(pid)Returns complete information about package, and included files.
:white_check_mark:getPackageInfo(pid)Returns information about package, without detailed information about containing files
:white_check_mark:getPackageOrder(destination)Returns information about package order.
:white_check_mark:getPluginConfig()Retrieves complete config for all plugins.
:x:getPluginConfigDict()Plugin config as dict, not for RPC.
:white_check_mark:getQueue()Returns info about queue and packages, not about files, see getQueueData or getPackageData instead.
:white_check_mark:getQueueData()Return complete data about everything in queue, this is very expensive use it sparely.
:white_check_mark:getServerVersion()pyLoad Core version
:white_check_mark:getServices()A dict of available services, these can be defined by hook plugins.
:white_check_mark:getUserData(username, password)similar to checkAuth but returns UserData thrift type
:white_check_mark:hasService(plugin, func)Checks wether a service is available.
:x:isAuthorized(func, userdata)checks if the user is authorized for specific method
:white_check_mark:isCaptchaWaiting()Indicates wether a captcha task is available
:white_check_mark:isTimeDownload()Checks if pyload will start new downloads according to time in config.
:white_check_mark:isTimeReconnect()Checks if pyload will try to make a reconnect
:white_check_mark:kill()Clean way to quit pyLoad
:white_check_mark:login(username, password, remoteip)Login into pyLoad, this must be called when using rpc before any methods can be used.
:white_check_mark:moveFiles(fids, pid)Move multiple files to another package
:white_check_mark:movePackage(destination, pid)Set a new package location.
:white_check_mark:orderFile(fid, position)Gives a new position to a file within its package.
:white_check_mark:orderPackage(pid, position)Gives a package a new position.
:white_check_mark:parseURLs(html, url)Parses html content or any arbitaty text for links and returns result ofcheckURLs
:white_check_mark:pauseServer()Pause server: Tt wont start any new downloads, but nothing gets aborted.
:x:pollResults(rid)Polls the result available for ResultID
:white_check_mark:pullFromQueue(pid)Moves package from Queue to Collector.
:white_check_mark:pushToQueue(pid)Moves package from Collector to Queue.
:white_check_mark:recheckPackage(pid)Proofes online status of all files in a package, also a default action whenpackage is added.
:white_check_mark:removeAccount(plugin, account)Remove account from pyload.
:white_check_mark:restart()Restart pyload core
:white_check_mark:restartFailed()Restarts all failed failes.
:white_check_mark:restartFile(fid)Resets file status, so it will be downloaded again.
:white_check_mark:restartPackage(pid)Restarts a package, resets every containing files.
:white_check_mark:setCaptchaResult(tid, result)Set result for a captcha task
:white_check_mark:setConfigValue(category, option, value, ...)Set new config value.
:white_check_mark:setPackageData(pid, data)Allows to modify several package attributes.
:white_check_mark:setPackageName(pid, name)Renames a package.
:x:setUserPermission(user, permission, role) 
:white_check_mark:statusDownloads()Status off all currently running downloads.
:white_check_mark:statusServer()Some general information about the current status of pyLoad.
:white_check_mark:stopAllDownloads()Aborts all running downloads.
:white_check_mark:stopDownloads(fids)Aborts specific downloads.
:white_check_mark:togglePause()Toggle pause state.
:white_check_mark:toggleReconnect()Toggle reconnect activation.
:white_check_mark:unpauseServer()Unpause server: New Downloads will be started.
:white_check_mark:updateAccount(plugin, account, password, ...)Changes pw/options for specific account.
:x:uploadContainer(filename, data)Uploads and adds a container file to pyLoad.

4 years ago