1.0.3 • Published 6 years ago

react-bungee v1.0.3

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago


A small, modern React component to help you transition height

  • Zero dependencies
  • 1.1kb gzipped
  • Uses React Hooks (>= 16.8.0)

Play around with it in Storybook


yarn add react-bungee


You'll need to keep track of what your current height is. You can do so using component state (useState or this.state will do) and then pass that value into the height props in the component below:

  style={{ background: 'lightGray' }}
  componentStyle={{ background: 'gray' }}
  onBefore={values => console.log('Before', values)}
  onAfter={values => console.log('After', values)}
  <p>Your content goes here</p>


  • height (required) - The current height of the component. This can be be auto, any percentage (e.g. "50%"), or any pixel value (e.g. "250" or 250).

  • duration (default: 500) - The duration (in milliseconds) of the height animation.

  • easing (default: "ease-in-out") - The easing function of the height animation.

  • delay (default: 0) - The delay (in milliseconds) of the height animation.

  • className - Any classes, if any, you want to attach to the container of your children.

  • style - Any styles, if any, you want to attach to the container of your children.

  • componentClassName - Any classes, if any, you want to attach to the container of the component. Note: this applies classes to the parent of the element for className.

  • componentStyle - Any styles, if any, you want to attach to the container of the component. Note: this applies styles to the parent of the element for style.

  • onBefore - An event listener that fires before the animation takes place. You're passed values, which contains the height value you've given and the computed height value (determined by the component). It looks such such: { given: 'auto', computed: '226px' }.

  • onAfter - An event listener that fires after the animation takes place. You're passed values, which contains the height value you've given and the computed height value (determined by the component). It looks such such: { given: 'auto', computed: '226px' }.


  1. yarn install - installs all dev dependencies
  2. yarn start - starts the Rollup task to compile code as you save
  3. yarn storybook - your storybook preview

Fork and PR at will!