0.0.15 • Published 6 years ago

react-deploy v0.0.15

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6 years ago


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Create React App deployment to S3 bucket along with app versioning and activation features.

upload revisions

Activate any revisions

show revisions

This package doesn't build the app,use webpack or create-react-app to build the application.

Table of Contents


npm i react-deploy -S

# or

yarn add react-deploy



 * Minimalistic script runner. Usage example:
 *     node tools/deploy.js
 *     Starting 'deploy'...
 *     Starting 'build'...
 *     Finished 'build' in 3212ms
 *     Finished 'deploy' in 582ms

function run (task, action, ...args) { const command = process.argv2 const taskName = command && !command.startsWith('-') ? ${task}:${command} : task const start = new Date() process.stdout.write(Starting '${taskName}'...\n) return Promise.resolve().then(() => action(...args)).then(() => { process.stdout.write(Finished '${taskName}' after ${new Date().getTime() - start.getTime()}ms\n) }, err => process.stderr.write(${err.stack}\n)) }

process.nextTick(() => require.main.exports()) module.exports = (task, action) => run.bind(undefined, task, action)

> deploy.js

const s3 = require('react-deploy') const task = require('./task')

module.exports = task('upload', () => Promise.resolve() .then(() => { Uploader }) ) const Uploader = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const client = s3.createClient({ s3Options: { accessKeyId: 'AWS_KEY', secretAccessKey: 'AWS_SECRET_ACCESSKEY', region: 'REGION', sslEnabled: true, Bucket:'BUCKETNAME' }, }) const uploader = client.uploadDir({ localDir: 'DISTRIBUTIONFOLDER', //dist deleteRemoved: false, s3Params: { Bucket: 'BUCKETNAME' }, })

// on deploy create a finger print client.createRevision()

// display revisions client.displayRevisions()

// activate the new value client.activateRevisions('index:a00a13d')

uploader.on('error', reject) uploader.on('end', resolve) })

## Contribute

Contributors are welcome.

Small note: If editing the README, please conform to the [standard-readme](https://github.com/RichardLitt/standard-readme) specification.

## License

MIT © sumn2u