1.2.6 • Published 7 years ago

react-generic v1.2.6

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7 years ago


With react-generic you can print quickly a Field, Table, Form 1. GenericField- Input Field With Edit Mode InLine/Popup for numbers of fields Type: 1.1 String - With Validate. 1.2 Number- With Validate. 1.3 Array- With Validate, Tags Mode, JSON Mode, autocomplete. 1.4 Date- Select Date From Calendar . 1.5 Pointer- Get Data To Drop Down From API. 1.6 Telephone - With Auto autocomplete , flagsImage. 1.7 File - DragAndDrop File Upload , Show image/Video In the field . 1.6 Telephone - With Auto autocomplete , flagsImage. Each field with OnSave CallBack. 2. GenericTable- - Pass Data props + Schema Props and get beautiful react-table with all field in EditMode by One Click 3. GenericForm - Pass Data props + Schema Props and get beautiful Form with all field in EditMode by One Click

How To Start

  1. install with npm, run in the command line: npm install generic-table --save
  2. import The package to your page: import {GenericTable , GenericForm , Field } from 'react-generic';
  3. import the Style.css to your app.css: @import '~react-generic/style.css';

Some Of The Fields ScreenShot: alt tag Generic Table ScreenShot: alt tag Generic Form ScreenShot: alt tag

Generic field

Use Field for show Input text with edit mode for different type of fields: String, Number, Object, Date, Pointer, and Array of Pointers

import {Field} from 'components';

<Field row={row} //All Row Data value={value} type={field.type} name={field.name} handleSubmit={handleSubmitFromField} config={this.getFieldConfig(fieldsConfiguration,field.name)} defaultConfiguration={defaultConfiguration} handlePointerClick={handlePointerClick}

PropsTypeDefault value
ValueString ,Array, Pointer, Boolean ,NumberString
handleSubmitfunctionOn Save button click this function run with object of data:
{name: 'fieldName',
objectId: 'objectId',
Value: 'the new value',
oldValue: 'oldValue ',
row :'Row Data'
configobjectThe options for each type are different, look at Field Configuration by type , this is the place to set specific option for the field
defaultConfigurationobjectUse this for config your all field by type
handlePointerClickfunctionWhen user click on the pointer button this function run with pointer value
getPointerOptionsfunctionWhen user open the pointer drop down this function need to return call back like this:
return callback(null, {
options: [
{ value:{__type :"Pointer",className: dataClassName,objectId: obj.objectId}
label: 'the text that show in the drop box'
complete: true
Field(the schema object of this field, for pointer is require, from this object the pointer take the 'targetClass' value for the pointers options )object{name:"pointerfieldsName",

*You can use Field and Set The Type or, Use directly with the specific type by import Specific Type: import {DateField,StringField,NumberField,TelephoneField,ArrayField,FileField,PointerField,SpecialPointer} from 'react-generic'

Field Configuration by type:



Set DefaultConfiguration for GenericTable/GenericForm alt tag YOU CAN LOOK/COPY CONFIG OPTIONS FROM THIS LINK: a link

Generic Table

Pass Data props + Schema Props and get beautiful react-table with all field in EditMode by One Click

import {GenericTable} from 'react-generic';

<GenericTable data ={this.data} dataClassName={dataClassName} fields={this.schemaFields} countResults={countResults} handleSubmitFromField={::this.handleSubmitFromField} getPointerOptions={::this.getPointerOptions} handlePointerClick={::this.handlePointerClick} fieldsConfiguration={this.fieldsConfiguration} defaultConfiguration={this.defaultConfiguration} defaultPageSize={${countResults < 20 ? countResults : 20}} loading={false} onRowSelectd={::this.onRowSelectd} / >

Generic Form

Pass Data props + Schema Props and get beautiful Form with all field in EditMode by One Click

import {GenericForm } from 'react-generic';

<GenericForm data ={this.data} dataClassName={dataClassName} fields={this.schemaFields} handleSubmitFromField={::this.handleSubmitFromField} getPointerOptions={::this.getPointerOptions} handlePointerClick={::this.handlePointerClick} fieldsConfiguration={this.fieldsConfiguration} defaultConfiguration={this.defaultConfiguration} loading={false} / >