1.0.1 • Published 11 months ago

react-hook-media v1.0.1

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Last release
11 months ago


React Hook Media is a lightweight and tree-shakable library that provides tools for working with media queries in React applications. It allows you to easily incorporate responsive behavior and conditional rendering based on media query conditions.

The library also provides a server-side rendering (SSR) and testing compatibility feature through the configureNodeEnv method. It allows you to configure the Node environment to simulate different media query results during server-side rendering or testing scenarios.

React Hook Media is simple to use and integrates seamlessly with React applications, providing a convenient way to handle media queries and create responsive UI components.


using npm:

npm install --save react-hook-media

or yarn:

yarn add react-hook-media

or pnpm:

pnpm add react-hook-media


import {
} from "react-hook-media";

const MyComponent = () => {
  const isDesktop = useMatchMedia("(min-width: 900px)");

  return (
      {isDesktop ? "desktop" : "mobile"}
      <MatchMedia query="(width < 900px)" otherwise={"desktop"}>

// code bellow is for server-side rendering, ignore it if you don't use it
const Page = ({ mediaHydrationCtx }) => (
  <MatchMediaHydrationProvider value={mediaHydrationCtx}>
    <MyComponent />

export const getServerSideProps = async () => {
  return {
    props: {
      mediaHydrationCtx: configureNodeEnv({ width: 1000 }),



const useMatchMedia: (mediaQuery: string) => boolean;

Custom hook that provides the functionality of the matchMedia method as a React hook.

In a Node environment, where media queries are not supported, you must use the configureNodeEnv method to simulate different device conditions, like in example.

Returns true if the media query matches, false otherwise.


type MatchMediaProps = PropsWithChildren<{
   * The media query to evaluate.
  query: string;
   * The content to render if the media query does not match (optional).
  otherwise?: ReactNode;

const MatchMedia: FC<MatchMediaProps>;

Evaluates the provided media query and renders its children if the media query matches. Optionally, you can also provide an otherwise prop to specify the content to render if the media query does not match.

It uses the useMatchMedia hook under the hood


const configureNodeEnv: (
  config: MediaQueryEnvironmentConfig
) => MatchMediaHydrationContext;

Configures the Node environment for server-side rendering (SSR) or testing scenarios.

This function is used to set up the environment for the useMatchMedia hook when running React components on the server or in testing environments. It allows you to provide a custom configuration object to simulate different media query results.

The configuration object should contain properties that match the media query conditions you want to simulate. For example, if you configure it with { width: 768 }, it will simulate the viewport width as if it were 768 pixels wide, affecting the results returned by useMatchMedia when evaluating media queries related to width.

Returns a MatchMediaHydrationContext object that should be passed to the MatchMediaHydrationProvider.


type MatchMediaHydrationContext = Record<string, boolean>;

const MatchMediaHydrationProvider: Provider<MatchMediaHydrationContext>;

A React context provider component for hydrating match media values.


MIT © Krombik