1.0.4 • Published 1 year ago

react-img-grid v1.0.4

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1 year ago

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A responsive staggered image-grid react component with lightbox and lazy-load support.


npm install --save-dev react-image-grid

Basic Usage

import ImageGrid from 'react-image-grid';

function App(props){

     const IMAGES = [
            src: 'https://example.com/my-image-1.jpg',
            alt: 'Sample Alt Text 1',
            src: 'https://example.com/my-image-2.jpg',
            alt: 'Sample Alt Text 2',

    return (
       <ImageGrid images={IMAGES}/>

Lazy Loading Images

Lazy loading images can be achieved using the onBottomVisible prop which takes a callback that is called when the bottom of the image grid comes into view.

Here's an example of how you might setup lazy loading in an app:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import ImageGrid from 'react-image-grid';

function App(props){
     const [imgs, setImgs] = useState([]);
     async function loadMoreImages(){
			 let page_num = imgs / [Per Page Image Count];
			 await fetch(`https://[Your Image Endpoint]/${page_num}`);
			 setImgs([...imgs,  new_imgs]);

    return (


imagesarrayArray of objects with any valid combination of properties described in the Image Properties section below.
colThresholdintegerNumber of pixels at which to add a column. Number of columns will be parent element width / colThreshold. minColThreshold will override this if the calculated column count is lower than the minimum.
minColCountintegerThe minimum number of columns to use when column count is being calculated. Not applicable when absoluteColCount is set.
absoluteColCountintegerAn absolute number of columns to display. Overrides dynamically determining column count via minColCount and colThreshold.
lightboxEnabledbooleanWhether or not to show an image in a pop-up lightbox when the image is clicked. Defaults to true.
onBottomVisiblecallbackCalled when the bottom of the grid is visible. Supply a function that loads more images to dynamically add images as the user scrolls down the page.
bottomTriggerThresholdintegerThe number of pixels before the bottom of the image grid is actually seen to call the onBottomVisible callback. Defaults to 350.
onImageClickcallbackCalled when an image in the grid is clicked. First parameter is the index of the image in the grid. Second parameter is the image object.

Image Properties

Property NameTypeDescription
srcstringThe url pointing to the image. (Required)
altstringAlt text for the image (Required)
titlestringText to be displayed on image hover if hoverTitle is enabled. (Optional)
showHoverTitlebooleanWhether or not to display the title on mouse hover. (Optional. Defaults to true.)
propsobjectProps directly passed to the underlying image elements themselves.