3.1.6 • Published 5 years ago

react-sentence-tree v3.1.6

Weekly downloads
Last release
5 years ago

Table of Contents

Quick Start

This is a react component that will render constituency/syntactical and dependency trees based on sentence input

1. Install

npm i react-sentence-tree

2. Import

import { SentenceTree } from 'react-sentence-tree

Start a Stanford CoreNLP Server

Stanford CoreNLP can by downloaded and ran through npm thanks to CoreNLP @gerardobort. If you want to compile from sources see below

npm explore corenlp -- npm run corenlp:download

Once downloaded you can easily start the server by running

npm explore corenlp -- npm run corenlp:server

3. Render

// Custom sentence
<SentenceTree sentence="The little dog ran fast">

// Dependency Tree
<SentenceTree type={"dependency"} textbox=true>

// Textbox for user input
<SentenceTree textbox=true>

Failed to Compile

If you receive this error an error similar to

Module not found: Can't resolve 'request-promise-native' in '/<filepath>/node_modules/corenlp/dist/connector'

Don't worry this can easily be fixed by opening /<filepath>/node_modules/corenlp/dist/package.json and changing the following line

"request-promise-native": "./src/polyfills/request-promise-native.js",


"request-promise-native": "./dist/polyfills/request-promise-native.js",

I have opened a pull request for this as well. Now the package should work. If you are still having problems open an issue or contact me

About The Project

This react component provides an easy way to the constituency/syntactical structure or dependency tree of a sentence.

Built With

Getting Started


npm i react-sentence-tree


import { SentenceTree } from 'react-sentence-tree


Credits to CoreNLP @gerardobort

Download Stanford CoreNLP

Via npm, run this command from your own project after having installed this library:

npm explore corenlp -- npm run corenlp:download

Once downloaded you can easily start the server by running

npm explore corenlp -- npm run corenlp:server

Or you can manually download the project from the Stanford's CoreNLP download section at: https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/download.html You may want to download, apart of the full package, other language models (see more on that page).

Via sources

For advanced projects, when you have to customize the library a bit more, we highly recommend to download the StanfordCoreNLP from the original repository, and compile the source code by using ant jar.

Configure Stanford CoreNLP

There are two method to connect your NodeJS application to Stanford CoreNLP:

  1. HTTP is the preferred method since it requires CoreNLP to initialize just once to serve many requests, it also avoids extra I/O given that the CLI method need to write temporary files to run recommended.
  2. Via Command Line Interface, this is by spawning processes from your app.
Using StanfordCoreNLPServer
# Run the server using all jars in the current directory (e.g., the CoreNLP home directory)
java -mx4g -cp "*" edu.stanford.nlp.pipeline.StanfordCoreNLPServer -port 9000 -timeout 15000

CoreNLP connects by default via StanfordCoreNLPServer, using port 9000. You can also opt to setup the connection differently:

You can configure the corenlp port in utils/Tree.js

import CoreNLP, { Properties, Pipeline, ConnectorServer } from 'corenlp';

// Configure to port of your choosing 9000 default
const connector = new ConnectorServer({ dsn: 'http://localhost:9000' });

// Pass it into the pipeline
const pipeline = new Pipeline(props, "English", connector);

4. Usage

// Custom sentence
<SentenceTree sentence="The little dog ran fast">

// Dependency Tree
<SentenceTree type={"dependency"} textbox=true>

// Textbox for user input
<SentenceTree textbox=true>

// @todo Add more usage examples


Sentence Props

sentencestring"I shot an elephant in my pajamas"The sentence that you wish to parse
typestring"constituency", "dependency"constituencyThe type of tree you want to generate
textFieldbooleantrue, falsefalseIf you want to render a text field for user input
languagestringsee https://github.com/stanfordnlp/CoreNLP#latest-models"English"The language you want to parse

Tree Props

Credits to react-d3-tree @bkrem

dataarrayobjectrequiredundefinedSingle-element array containing the root node object (see myTreeData above). Passing the root node object without an array wrapping it is also possible. react-d3-tree will automatically attach a unique id attribute to each node in the DOM, as well as data-source-id & data-target-id attributes to each link connecting two nodes.
nodeSvgShapeobjectsee Node shapes{shape: 'circle', shapeProps: {r: 10}}Sets a specific SVG shape element + shapeProps to be used for each node.
nodeLabelComponentobjectsee Using foreignObjectsnullAllows using a React component as a node label; requires allowForeignObjects to be set.
onClickfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when a node is clicked. Has the function signature (nodeData, evt). The clicked node's data object is passed as first parameter, event object as second.
onMouseOverfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when mouse enters the space belonging to a node. Has the function signature (nodeData, evt). The clicked node's data object is passed as first parameter, event object as second.
onMouseOutfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when mouse leaves the space belonging to a node. Has the function signature (nodeData, evt). The clicked node's data object is passed as first parameter, event object as second.
onLinkClickfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when a link is clicked. Has the function signature (linkSource, linkTarget, evt). The clicked link's parent data object is passed as first parameter, the child's as second, the event object as third.
onLinkMouseOverfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when mouse enters the space belonging to a link. Has the function signature (linkSource, linkTarget, evt). The clicked link's parent data object is passed as first parameter, the child's as second, the event object as third.
onLinkMouseOutfuncundefinedCallback function to be called when mouse leaves the space belonging to a link. Has the function signature (linkSource, linkTarget, evt). The clicked link's parent data object is passed as first parameter, the child's as second, the event object as third.
onUpdatefuncundefinedCallback function to be called when the inner D3 component updates. That is - on every zoom or translate event, or when tree branches are toggled. Has the function signature (updateTarget: {targetNode, currentTranslate, currentZoom}).
orientationstring (enum)horizontal verticalhorizontalhorizontal - Tree expands left-to-right. vertical - Tree expands top-to-bottom.
translateobject{x: 0, y: 0}Translates the graph along the x/y axis by the specified amount of pixels (avoids the graph being stuck in the top left canvas corner).
pathFuncstring (enum)/funcdiagonalelbowstraightcustomFunc(linkData, orientation)diagonaldiagonal - Smooth, curved edges between parent-child nodes. elbow - Sharp edges at right angles between parent-child nodes. straight - Straight lines between parent-child nodes. customFunc - Custom draw function that accepts linkData as its first param and orientation as its second.
collapsiblebooltrueToggles ability to collapse/expand the tree's nodes by clicking them.
useCollapseDataboolsee Pre-defining a node's _collapsed statefalseToggles whether the tree should automatically use any _collapsed: bool properties it finds on nodes in the passed data set to configure its initial layout.
shouldCollapseNeighborNodesboolfalseIf a node is currently being expanded, all other nodes at the same depth will be collapsed.
initialDepthnumber0..nundefinedSets the maximum node depth to which the tree is expanded on its initial render. Tree renders to full depth if prop is omitted.
depthFactornumber-n..0..nundefinedEnsures the tree takes up a fixed amount of space (node.y = node.depth * depthFactor), regardless of tree depth. TIP: Negative values invert the tree's direction.
zoomablebooltrueToggles ability to zoom in/out on the Tree by scaling it according to props.scaleExtent.
zoomnumber0..n1A floating point number to set the initial zoom level. It is constrained by props.scaleExtent. 1 is the default "non-zoomed" level.
scaleExtentobject{min: 0..n, max: 0..n}{min: 0.1, max: 1}Sets the minimum/maximum extent to which the tree can be scaled if props.zoomable is true.
nodeSizeobject{x: 0..n, y: 0..n}{x: 140, y: 140}Sets a fixed size for each node. This does not affect node circle sizes, circle sizes are handled by the circleRadius prop.
separationobject{siblings: 0..n, nonSiblings: 0..n}{siblings: 1, nonSiblings: 2}Sets separation between neighbouring nodes, differentiating between siblings (same parent) and non-siblings.
transitionDurationnumber0..n500Sets the animation duration (in ms) of each expansion/collapse of a tree node. Set this to 0 to deactivate animations completely.
textLayoutobject{textAnchor: enum, x: -n..0..n, y: -n..0..n, transform: string}{textAnchor: "start", x: 10, y: -10, transform: undefined }Configures the positioning of each node's text (name & attributes) relative to the node itself. Defining a textLayout property on a node passed in props.data will override this global configuration for that node.textAnchor enums mirror the text-anchor spec.x & y accept integers denoting px values. transform mirrors the svg transform spec.
stylesobjectsee StylingNode/Link CSS filesOverrides and/or enhances the tree's default styling.
allowForeignObjectsboolsee Using foreignObjectsfalseAllows use of partially supported <foreignObject /> elements.
circleRadius (legacy)number0..nundefinedSets the radius of each node's <circle> element. Will be deprecated in v2, please use nodeSvgShape instead.


See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).


Feel free to fork, open pull requests and contribute to this project

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/<feature>)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Useful description of the feature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/<feature>)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


@KohorstLucas kohorstlucas@gmail.com

Research and Acknowledgments




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