1.0.2 • Published 3 years ago
react-tsdoc-loader v1.0.2
react-tsdoc-loader allows for parsing of React components with react-tsdoc and injecting the result for use in Storybook, such as in:
- Storybook Controls
- Storybook Docs (ArgsTable, DocsPage)
To install, first run the following in your root directory.
npm install -D react-tsdoc-loader
To add to storybook, add the following to your .storybook/main.js
module.exports = {
typescript: {
reactDocgen: false // Turns off Storybook's built-in docgen tools
webpackFinal: async (config, { configType }) => {
// Run the loader on Typescript component files in your project
test: /\.tsx$/,
use: ['react-tsdoc-loader'],
include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),
return config;
That's it! Now your docs will be visible in Storybook.
Writing Docs
This loader is powered by react-tsdoc and uses the @prop
tag to document props. It will also inject if the prop is required, default value(s), and a lot of helpful type information.
An example component with a default value and description for a prop might look like this:
* Nice button
* @prop label - Label for the button
const Button = ({
label = 'Click me!'
}: {
label: string
}) => (
To learn more, visit the react-tsdoc.