0.1.6 • Published 4 years ago

react-yield-from v0.1.6

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4 years ago

React Yield/From

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Proper rendering tool to handle arrays, array-like objects, iterators, iterables, generators and more!

Includes TypeScript definitions

Quick Start

npm install --save react-yield-from

Simple pattern:

import Yield from "react-yield-from";

<Yield from={/* source */}>{/* Handler yielded result */}</Yield>

Props and types


fromArray|ArrayLike|Iterable|Iterator|Generator|GeneratorFunction|(() => Array|ArrayLike|Iterable|Iterator|Generator)trueSource that will be iterated through by the Yield component
children(result => ReactNode) | ReactNodetrueTransformer function or component that will be rendered for each iteration

Yielded Component

When React component is used instead of function as a child, yielded value will be propagated to it. Interface YieldedComponentProps might be used in TypeScript. When using any non-object child (not being ReactElement) no value gets propagated, ie. children like string, Array or null;

yieldedanyfalsePropagated value of the iteration cycle

Handling and transforming

Results recovered from the source will be propagated to the children. Propagated value can be either handled by function or by React component.

<Yield from={["Joe", "Billy"]}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

When using React component, the value will be injected to the props as yielded prop.

const MyComponent = ({ yielded }) => <span>{yielded}</span>;

<Yield from={["Joe", "Billy"]}>
	<MyComponent />

Component can even ignore propagated value. This might be handy when using Yield/From as a while loop.


Yield/From combines power of for ... of and Array.from. Thus Yield/From is capable of processing almost anything in some way.


	<h2>Current score is:</h2>
	<Yield from={[{name: "Bob", score: 50}, {name: "John", score: 25]}>
		{({name, score}) => <span>{name}:{score}</span>}

Array Likes

Array like object are those with length property and indexed keys. Native arguments and NodeList are one of the most common array like objects.

const myArrayLike = {
	0: "Joe",
	1: "Hans",
	length: 2

<Yield from={myArrayLike}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}


Iterables are objects that implement iterable protocol by having [Symbol.iterator] method. Native example might me array or string.


Iterators are objects implementing iterator protocol. Method [Symbol.iterator] returns iterator object. Iterator objects are those who implement next method.

const myIterator = {
	next: () => ({
		value: 'foo',
		done: false

<Yield from={myIterator}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}


Generators are objects that are created by invoking function* (function declared with asterisk symbol). Generators implement iterator and iterable protocol.

function* MyGenerator() {
	yield 10;
	yield 50;

const myGenerator = MyGenerator();

<Yield from={myGenerator}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Factories and Generator functions

Any of the previous types can be also used as source when wrapped in function. If function is passed in from props, it will get invoked without any arguments.

function Factory() {
	return [5, 10];

<Yield from={Factory}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Generator function can be used in this fashion as well.

function* MyGenerator() {
	yield 10;
	yield 50;

<Yield from={MyGenerator}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Built in loops

Yield/From comes with few prebuilt iterators in order to simulate behaviour of loops such as for, while or do ... while as well as for creating value ranges. They are available through exported object Iterators;


Creates range between two values including min and excluding max.

import Yield, { Iterators } from "react-yield-from";

<Yield from={Iterators.range(0,5,1)}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Arguments as follows: min, max and step.

For Loop

Simulates behaviour of for(let i = 0; i<5; i++)

import Yield, { Iterators } from "react-yield-from";

<Yield from={Iterators.forLoop(0, i => i < 5 , i => i + 1)}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Arguments as follows: start, condition and raise.

While Loop

Simulates behaviour of while(condition)

import Yield, { Iterators } from "react-yield-from";

<Yield from={Iterators.whileLoop(() => shouldContinue())}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Arguments as follows: condition.

Do While Loop

Simulates behaviour of do ... while(condition)

import Yield, { Iterators } from "react-yield-from";

<Yield from={Iterators.doWhileLoop(() => shouldContinue())}>
	{name => <span>{name}</span>}

Arguments as follows: condition.


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago