0.0.3 • Published 9 years ago

reduman v0.0.3

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Last release
9 years ago


Reducer manager, it can be used as a replace for switch in Redux reducers


Via npm on Node:

npm install reduman

In your browser: TBD


Reference in your program

var reduman = require('reduman');

Reference in your browser


Creating a reducer using fluent API:

var reducer = reduman()
    .when({ type: INCREMENT }, function (state, action) ... )
    .when({ type: INCREMENT}, function (state, action) ... )
    .otherwise(function (state, action) .. );
// using with a Redux store
var store = createStore(reducer);

The default action (if no otherwise is specified) is to return the original state.

When you use an object as first argument to when the incoming data is matches (property by property usign ===) with that object.

When you use a simple value as first argument to when the incoming data is compared using === with that value. Example, you can use strings or numbers as action values:

var reducer = reduman()
    .when("INCREMENT", function (state, action) ... )
    .when("DECREMENT", function (state, action) ... )
    .otherwise(function (state, action) .. );

New (version 0.0.2): if you use a simple value as first argument to when, the action is accepted if it is a simple value equals to the argument value, or if the action is an object with a type property equals to that argument.

You can use a predicate function with signature (action) => boolean:

reduman().when(function (action) ...,  function (state, action) ...)

Compose reducers:

var reducer0 = redman()
var reducer = reduman()
    .use(reducer0)    // add reducer0 to the chain at this point

reducer0 will be invoked during the process of an action. You can mix use with when. In this way, a reducer can be build isolated of other reducers.

See tests for use examples.




  • 0.0.1 Published
  • 0.0.2 Published, filter by implicit type property
  • 0.0.3 Published, using use to compose reducers


Feel free to file issues and submit pull requests � contributions are welcome.

If you submit a pull request, please be sure to add or update corresponding test cases, and ensure that npm test continues to pass.