Reduce multiple reducers into a single reducer
Reduce multiple reducers into a single reducer
Speed-optimized drop-in replacement for Redux's combineReducers
redux-thunk-actions ===================
A helper utility to apply combineReducers functionality in React useReducer hook for large scale applications
A single function that returns a reducer, action creators, and action types
Resource management for Redux.
Official plugins for Redux Resource
Multiple reducers with same state - Redux
Allows you to create your root reducer in one go, instead of individually combine slice reducers
redux-immer is used to create an equivalent function of Redux combineReducers that works with immer state.
Action creators for creating Redux Resource actions.
Batch Redux Actions.
Bring harmony to your redux actions.
A simple, easy, straight forward approach to update immutable data.
Factory of Redux reducers and their associated actions and selectors. > Make your Redux code base tinier and simpler to maintain
Turns multiple reducers into a single reducer with support of declare the initial states as default parameters
Reducers you can use for composing reducer hierarchy like with combineReducers from redux
A Redux combineReducers that returns an Immutable Map
Reduce and merge multiple reducers into a single reducer supporting initial state
A decorator to make your Redux's reducers mergeable.