1.0.0 • Published 7 months ago

reqiox v1.0.0

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7 months ago


Reqiox is a flexible and feature-rich library for making HTTP requests in JavaScript applications. It provides capabilities for request interception, response interception, request cancellation, retry mechanisms, and caching.


  • Request Methods: Supports GET, POST, PUT, DELETE methods.
  • Request Interceptors: Customize or transform requests before they are sent.
  • Response Interceptors: Handle and modify responses received from requests.
  • AbortController: Cancel ongoing requests gracefully using AbortController.
  • Retry Mechanism: Automatic retry with exponential backoff for failed requests.
  • Caching: In-memory caching of responses with configurable expiration.


Install Reqiox via npm:

npm install reqiox --save
import ReqioxClient from 'reqiox';

// Initialize ReqioxClient with base URL
const api = new ReqioxClient('https://api.example.com');

// Add request interceptors (optional)
api.addRequestInterceptor(async (options) => {
  // Modify headers, add authentication tokens, etc.
  return options;

// Add response interceptors (optional)
api.addResponseInterceptor(async (response) => {
  // Handle global error responses, transform data, etc.
  return response;

// Make GET request
  .then(data => console.log('GET Response:', data))
  .catch(error => console.error('GET Error:', error));

// Make POST request
api.post('/posts', { title: 'New Post', body: 'Content' })
  .then(data => console.log('POST Response:', data))
  .catch(error => console.error('POST Error:', error));

// Cancel a request
api.cancelRequest('/posts', 'GET');

// Clear cache for a specific endpoint

// Retry a request with exponential backoff
api.requestWithRetry('/posts', { method: 'GET' })
  .then(data => console.log('Retry Response:', data))
  .catch(error => console.error('Retry Error:', error));

Library Reference

new ReqioxClient(baseURL)

Creates a new instance of ReqioxClient with the specified base URL.

  • baseURL: Base URL for API requests.


Adds a request interceptor function that will be called before sending a request.

  • interceptor: Function that receives the current request options and returns modified options.


Adds a response interceptor function that will be called when a response is received.

  • interceptor: Function that receives the response object and returns modified response or handles errors.

HTTP Methods

api.get(endpoint, options)

Makes a GET request to the specified endpoint.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • options: Optional request options (e.g., headers, timeout).

api.post(endpoint, body, options)

Makes a POST request to the specified endpoint.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • body: Request body object.
  • options: Optional request options (e.g., headers, timeout).

api.put(endpoint, body, options)

Makes a PUT request to the specified endpoint.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • body: Request body object.
  • options: Optional request options (e.g., headers, timeout).

api.delete(endpoint, options)

Makes a DELETE request to the specified endpoint.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • options: Optional request options (e.g., headers, timeout).

Other Methods

api.cancelRequest(endpoint, method)

Cancels an ongoing request with the specified endpoint and HTTP method.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • method: HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST).


Clears cached response for the specified endpoint.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.

api.requestWithRetry(endpoint, options, retries)

Retries a failed request with exponential backoff.

  • endpoint: API endpoint.
  • options: Optional request options (e.g., headers, timeout).
  • retries: Optional number of retry attempts (default: 3).

7 months ago