0.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

responsive-angular-sidenav v0.0.3

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5 years ago

Angular Material Sidenav

Just a nice little sidenav that has a couple of nice functionalities baked in. I use it on a few projects so i figured i would upload it to npm


npm install responsive-angular-sidenav --save

How to set up

Step 1:

import the ReactiveSidenavModule into either your AppModule or one of your shared modules (recommended). You will also need the MatSidenavModule and BrowserAnimationsModule from Angular Material.

import { ResponsiveSidenavModule } from 'responsive-angular-sidenav'
import { MatSidenavModule } from '@angular/material';
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from '@angular/platform-browser/animations';

    imports: [
		MatSidenavModule ,

Step 2: configure the navigation tree. This is a typescript file that is custom to your project, just set it up with the structure below and import it into your app component to pass down to the sidenav as an input.

label is the label that will be displayed on the subnav to the user

icon leverages the Google Material Icons at https://material.io/tools/icons/?style=baseline

path is the attribute that will be used for routerLink navigation.

module refers to the top level navigation that the optional sublinks belong to.

subnavExpanded is the boolean that will be toggled when user clicks on subnav arrow

subnavs follow same structure as top level navs. icons on subnavs are optional.

export class SidenavRoutingTree{

public static navLinks = [
      label: "Photos",
      path: "/driver",
      icon: "camera",
      module: "menuItem1",
      label: "Map",
      path: "/driver",
      icon: "language",
      module: "menuItem2",
      subnavExpanded: false,
        subnavState: 'collapsed',
        subnav: [{
            label: "Zone",
            path: "/zones",
            icon: "location_on"
            label: "City",
            path: "/city"
      label: "Travel",
      path: "/driver",
      icon: "work_outline",
      module: "menuItem3",

Step 3:

update app.component to initialize sidenav service

add tag for sidenav component, this will be wrapped by the Angular Material component

<mat-sidenav  #sidenav [mode]="sidenavMode" opened="true" class="sidenav-background">
    	<sidenav [routingTree]="routingTree"></sidenav>

Configure the sidenav in app.component.ts

import { Component, ViewChild, OnInit, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';
import {MatSidenav} from '@angular/material';
import { SidenavRoutingTree } from './routing-tree';
import { SidenavService } from 'responsive-angular-sidenav';

// Sidenav mode constants
export const SIDENAV_MODE_SIDE = "side";
export const SIDENAV_MODE_OVER = "over";
export const SIDENAV_MODE_PUSH = "push";

  selector: 'my-app',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: [ './app.component.scss' ]
export class AppComponent  {
  // ViewChild decorator to access sidenav from component
  @ViewChild('sidenav') public matSideNav: MatSidenav;
  // sidenavMode string used to control the mode of sidenav
  sidenavMode: string;
  // routingTree will be used to build out navigation links on the sidenav
  routingTree = SidenavRoutingTree.navLinks;

  constructor(private sidenavService: SidenavService){


    // set the sidenav, service can be used appwide to control sidenav

    // subscribe to mode changes
    this.sidenavService.getSidenavMode().subscribe( sidenavMode => {
      this.sidenavMode = sidenavMode;
    // Set sidenav mode behaviors based on breakpoint, optional.
    this.sidenavService.observeBreakpointsForSidenavMode(SIDENAV_MODE_OVER, SIDENAV_MODE_SIDE)

  // use the sidenav toggle method to completely hide sidenav if you desire

Step 4:

add theme file at the root of your application and import angular theming and sidenav theme

@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@import 'responsive-angular-sidenav/_theme.scss';

// Define the default theme (same as the example above).
$app-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue, 700);
$app-accent: mat-palette($mat-teal, 500);
$app-warn: mat-palette($mat-red, 400);

$app-theme: mat-light-theme($app-primary, $app-accent, $app-warn);

// Include the default theme styles.
@include angular-material-theme($app-theme);

* Theme for sidenav
$sidenav-primary-color: mat-palette($mat-orange, 700);
$is-dark-theme:  false;
$theme: reactive-sidenav-theme($app-primary, $is-dark-theme);

@include sidenav-theme($theme);

Sidenav Service API

setSidenav(sidenav: MatSidenav)

Method that is used to set your sidenav. Allows you to access the sidenav through the service across the entire application.

open(): Promise

Opens the sidenav drawer

close(): Promise

Closes the sidenav drawer

getSidenavMode(): Observable

Returns an observable that will emit sidenav mode changes to subscribers

setSidenavMode(sidenavMode: "side" | "push" | "over")

Allows you to set sidenav mode to either side, push, or over. Will emit value upon change.

observeBreakpointsForSidenavMode(mobileMode: "side" | "push" | "over", desktopMode: "side" | "push" | "over")

This method will use the breakpoint observer to trigger sidenavMode updates. When application hits Breakpoints.HandsetPortrait or Breakpoints.TabletPortrait it will update sidenav mode to value passed through in mobileMode. If the viewport does not match these Breakpoints it will set sidenavMode to the value passed in through desktopMode.

I generally find that "over" works well for mobile and desktop is just a matter of preference between "side" and "push"

toggle(isOpen?: boolean): Promise

Will toggle the sidenav between open and closed.

getSidenavStatus(): boolean

Will return a boolean. If sidenav is opened it will return true, else false.

getSidenavStatusAsString(): string

Will return sidenav status as string. If sidenav is opened it will return 'opened', else it will return 'closed'. Useful for animations.