1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

revero-db v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

❔ revero

A simple api to configure and enhance the ways on coding your discord bot.

📝 Table of contents


First install Node.js. Then:

$ npm install reconlx

🛠 Usages (Click on it for more info on how to use it)

  • reconDB - simple way to store data into mongodb
  • DaysAgo - check how many days ago was it using date format
  • ReactionPages - simple pagination to make your "MessageEmbed" interactable.
  • Confirmation - A reaction collector which returns the first emoji collected, can be used as a confirmation prompt.
  • fetchTranscript - Specify an amount of messages and it will return a discord chat template with messages, acts like a transcript.
  • timeout - Makes it easier to delete messages according to your needs
  • chatBot - Replies to your messages in discord.
  • hangman - Hangman game now playable in discord.
  • tictactoe - TicTacToe game now playable in discord.
  • GiveawayClient - Giveaway Client, easy way to manage your giveaways
  • SnakeCord - Snakecord with some minor error fixes as the mantainer isn't reading prs.

✈ Importing

// Using Node.js `require()`
const recon = require("reconlx");

// Using ES6 imports
import recon from "reconlx";

🙋‍♂️ Support

Feel free to join the support discord server -> https://discord.gg/xCCpfth

🔧 Usages


// Example on checking how long the member's account was created.
// Import the package
const recon = require("reconlx");
// Destructure the package
const daysAgo = recon.DaysAgo;
const discord = require("discord.js");

client.on("guildMemberAdd", async (member) => {
    console.log(daysAgo(member.user.createdAt)); // return days.


Example :

// Example on checking how long the member's account was created.
// Import the package
const recon = require("reconlx");
// Destructure the package
const ReactionPages = recon.ReactionPages;
// Use either MessageEmbed or RichEmbed to make pages
// Keep in mind that Embeds should't have their footers set since the pagination method sets page info there
const { MessageEmbed } = require("discord.js");
const embed1 = new MessageEmbed().setTitle("1");
const embed2 = new MessageEmbed().setTitle("2");
// Create an array of embeds.
const pages = [embed1, embed2];
// Change pages when sending numbers.
const textPageChange = true;
// Create an emojilist, first emoji being page back and second emoji being page front. Defaults are set to  ['⏪', '⏩'].
const emojis = ["⏪", "⏩"];
// Define a time in ms, defaults are set to 60000ms which is 60 seconds. Time on how long you want the embed to be interactable
const time = 30000;
// Call the ReactionPages method, use the <message> parameter to initialize it.
ReactionPages(msg, pages, textPageChange, emojis, time);
//There you go, now you have embed pages.

Preview on a music list :



// destructure the package
const { confirmation } = require("reconlx");
// Here is an example on using it in banning members.
message.channel.send("Confirmation for banning members").then(async (msg) => {
    // parameters used(which msg to react on, who can acess it, reactions, time(optional))
    const emoji = await confirmation(msg, message.author, ["✅", "❌"], 30000);
    if (emoji === "✅") {
        //if author reacts on check
        //delete the confirmation message
        //ban the member
    if (emoji === "❌") {
        // if author reacts on cross
        // delete the confirmation message


// destructure the package
const { fetchTransript } = require("reconlx");

// here is how you use it

// template
// fetchTranscript(message: any, numberOfMessages: number, sendToAuthor: boolean)

// returns buffer

module.exports = {
    name: "transcript",
    run: async (client, message) => {
        fetchTranscript(message, 5).then((data) => {
            const file = new MessageAttachment(data, "index.html");
// it will fetch 5 messages in the current channel.

Preview on a general chat



// destructure the package
const { timeout } = require("reconlx");

// example

const messageToDelete = await message.channel.send("Hello There 👋");

// using the method
// template => timeout(message: who can acess, msgToDelete: which message to delete,time: time before the emoji gets deleted)
timeout(message, messageToDelete, 5000); // only message.author can areact, messageToDelete is going to deleted if collected reactions, if no reactions after 5 seconds the reaction will be removed.




const { chatBot } = require("reconlx");

/** @parameters
 * message, message.channel
 * input, input to give

// example

chatBot(message, args.join(" "));




const { hangman } = require("reconlx");

// parameters
 * @name hangman
 * @param {Object} options options
 * @param {String} [options.channelID] channel to send to (channel.id)
 * @param {any} [options.message] parameter used for message event
 * @param {String} [options.permission] required permission to use this command (optional); default set to everyone.
 * @param {String} [options.word] word that needed to be guessed
 * @param {any} [options.client] client used to defined Discord.Client

// making hangman
const hang = new hangman({
    message: message,
    word: args.slice(1).join(" "),
    client: client,
    channelID: message.mentions.channels.first(),

// starting the game




const { tictactoe } = require("reconlx");

// parameters
 * @name tictactoe
 * @param {Object} options options
 * @param {any} [options.message] parameter used for message event
 * @param {any} [options.player_two] second player in the game.

// start the game

var game = new tictactoe({
    message: message,
    player_two: message.mentions.members.first(),




1. Importing the package

const { reconDB } = require("reconlx");
// or
import { reconDB } from "reconlx";

2. Establishing and exporting reconDB

const db = new reconDB({
    uri: "your mongodb connection string",

module.exports = db;

3. Example on using it

const db = require("./db.js"); // replace db.js with your file path to the setup of reconDB

db.set("numbers", "123");



// saves data to database
db.set("key", "value");


// gets value from key
db.get("key"); // returns => value


// returns boolean
db.has("key"); // returns => true


// deletes data

// checking for data
db.has("key"); // returns => false


Initialising the client

const Discord = require('discord.js')
const client = new Discord.Client();
const { GiveawayClient } = require('reconlx');

   * @name GiveawayClient
   * @kind constructor
   * @param {Client} client
   * @param {Object} options Options
   * @param {String} [options.mongoURI] mongodb connection string
   * @param {String} [options.emoji] emoji for reaction (must be a unicode)
   * @param {String} [options.defaultColor] default colors for giveaway embeds
   * @description Initiating the giveaway client

const giveaway = new GiveawayClient(client, {

module.exports = giveaway;



 * @method
 * @param {Object} options options
 * @param {TextChannel} [options.channel] Channel for the giveaway to be in
 * @param {Number} [options.time] Duration of this giveaway
 * @param {User} [options.hostedBy] Person that hosted the giveaway
 * @param {String} [options.description] Description of the giveaway
 * @param {Number} [options.winners] Amount of winners for the giveaway
 * @param {String} [options.prize] Prize for the  giveaway


 * @method
 * @param {String} MessageID Message ID for the giveaway
 * @param {Boolean} getWinner Choose a winner?
 * @description End a giveaway, choose a winner (optional)


 * @method
 * @param {String} channel channel of the giveaway
 * @param {String} id message id
 * @param {Number} winners amount of winners
 * @description Change the winners for a giveaway!


 * @method
 * @param {Boolean} activatedOnly display activated giveaways only?
 * @param {Boolean} all display giveaways of  all guilds?
 * @param {Message} message message if (all = false)
 * @description Get data on current giveaways hosted by the bot


 * @method
 * @param {Boolean} all Get data from all guilds?
 * @param {String} guildID guild id if all=false
 * @description Removes (activated = false) giveaways