2.0.5 • Published 6 years ago

rhgamestation-manager2 v2.0.5

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Last release
6 years ago


Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

A web interface to manage rhgamestation configuration.


The API activation step is only needed if you want launch game through the web interface. Otherwise, it's not necessary.

Installation from sources

  1. Clone or download the repository: git clone https://github.com/DjLeChuck/rhgamestation-manager.git
  2. Compile the project from a computer (not rhgamestation): ./compile.sh
  3. Activate the API: https://github.com/rhgamestation/rhgamestation-api/blob/1.1.x/documentation/activate-on-rhgamestation.md
  4. Launch the server (connect through SSH on the rhgamestation): cd /rhgamestation/share/manager && NODE_ENV=production PORT=3000 node dist/server.js
  5. Go on http://rhgamestation:3000/

Installation from releases

  1. Download the release: https://github.com/DjLeChuck/rhgamestation-manager/releases/
  2. Extract the package on rhgamestation: \rhgamestation\share\manager for example
  3. Activate the API: https://github.com/rhgamestation/rhgamestation-api/blob/1.1.x/documentation/activate-on-rhgamestation.md
  4. Launch the server (connect through SSH on the rhgamestation): cd /rhgamestation/share/manager && NODE_ENV=production PORT=3000 node dist/server.js
  5. Go on http://rhgamestation:3000/

Known issues

  • Some changes are not directly applied; The rhgamestation must be restarted.
