1.0.3 • Published 7 months ago

rn-chips v1.0.3

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Last release
7 months ago


A customizable React Native component for creating chip input functionality.


npm install rn-chips


yarn add rn-chips


import ChipInput from "rn-chips";

// ...

  initialChips={["React", "Native"]}
  onChangeChips={(chips) => console.log(chips)}


initialChipsArray[]Initial set of chips to display.
duplicateBooleanfalseAllow duplicate chips if set to true.
onChangeTextFunction-Callback function triggered when input text changes.
onChangeChipsFunction-Callback function triggered when chips array changes. Receives the updated chips array as an argument.
alertRequiredBooleanfalseShow alerts for chip addition/deletion if set to true.
inputPlaceholderString"Type something..."Placeholder text for the input field.
hideInputBooleanfalseHide the input field if set to true.
chipStyleObject-Custom styles for the chip container.
chipTextStyleObject-Custom styles for the chip text.
inputStyleObject-Custom styles for the input field.
chipsContainerStyleObject-Custom styles for the container holding all chips.
closeBtnElement-Custom close button element for chips. (Add custom icon/button using this as emoji is used by default)
closeBtnStyleObject-Custom styles for the default close button.
chipPressableBooleanfalseMake chips pressable if set to true.
onChipPressFunction-Callback function triggered when a chip is pressed. Receives the index and value of the pressed chip as arguments.

Detailed Functionality

  • Chip Input: Users can type text into the input field and create chips by submitting the text (e.g., pressing enter).
  • Initial Chips: Set initial chips using the initialChips prop. If duplicate is false, duplicate chips will be automatically removed.
  • Duplicate Handling: Control whether duplicate chips are allowed using the duplicate prop.
  • Chip Removal: Chips can be removed by clicking on their close button. This action can trigger an alert if alertRequired is set to true.
  • Chip Addition: New chips are added when the input loses focus or the user submits the input. This action can trigger an alert if alertRequired is set to true.
  • Custom Styling: Customize the appearance of chips, input field, and the overall container using various style props.
  • Hidden Input: Hide the input field using the hideInput prop, useful for displaying a static set of chips.
  • Custom Close Button: Provide a custom close button element using the closeBtn prop.
  • Pressable Chips: Make chips pressable using the chipPressable prop and handle press events with the onChipPress callback.
  • Callbacks: Utilize onChangeText, onChangeChips, and onChipPress callbacks to handle various events and keep your app's state in sync with the component.


import React from "react";
import { View } from "react-native";
import ChipInput from "rn-chips";

export default function App() {
  const handleChipsChange = (chips) => {
    console.log("Current chips:", chips);

  return (
    <View style={{ padding: 20 }}>
        initialChips={["React", "Native"]}
        inputPlaceholder="Add a technology..."
        chipStyle={{ backgroundColor: "#e0e0e0" }}
        chipTextStyle={{ color: "#333" }}
        inputStyle={{ borderColor: "#ccc" }}

This example creates a chip input with initial values, custom styling, and alerts for chip additions and deletions.


This package depends on:

  • react-native
  • rn-animated-pressable

Make sure these are installed in your project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.
