The Material Components for the Web chips component
The Material Components for the Web chips component
Ignite UI for Angular is a dependency-free Angular toolkit for building modern web apps
Angular components, directives and styles based on material design lite https://getmdl.io.
Input field with tagging/token/chip capabilities written in raw JavaScript
The Material Components for the Web chips component
Angular2 based Material Design components, directives and services are Accordion, Autocomplete, Chips(Tags), Collapse, Colorpicker, Data Table, Datepicker, Dialog(Modal), Menu, Multiselect, Select, Tabs, Tags(Chips), Toast and Tooltip.
Wrapper for Material Components Web Chips
Tag input component for Angular 2
Input component for React Native to add and remove tags.
ember-cli addon for @material/chips.
Smart Chip Container to restrict and beautifully show extra chips as one chip with tooltip
The Vue Material Adapter for the web chips component
Angular 2 components, directives and styles based on material design lite https://getmdl.io.
Angular-Chips is the angular based component. You can use it to add dynamic chips or free form tags. check samples directory for more information.
A jQuery tags input plugin based on Materialize
React navite component to represent a list with different functionalities on a chip view base on react-native-chips
A very lightweight and custom react chips
Tag input component for Angular
A React Native component which is used to represent array of text. Inspired from material design chips
react read more or less text or chips with delete