1.1.5 • Published 7 months ago

rollup-plugin-css-lit v1.1.5

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7 months ago


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Rollup plugin for importing CSS sources as constructable stylesheets to projects using lit (lit-html and lit-element) or fast-element.

Faster than the combination of rollup-plugin-styles and rollup-plugin-lit-css. Supports minifying by cssnano, inlining by postcss-import and postcss-ulrl or fully customisable transformations of the CSS input by PostCSS.


Custom element:

import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import styles from './styles.css'

class MyElement extends LitElement {
  static styles = styles
  // the rest of the implementation

Build configuration:

import { litCss } from 'rollup-plugin-css-lit'

export default {
  plugins: [
    litCss({ minify: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production' })
  // the rest of the configuration


Make sure that you use Node.js 14 or newer and Rollup 2 or newer. Use your favourite package manager - NPM, PNPM or Yarn:

npm i -D rollup-plugin-css-lit
pnpm i -D rollup-plugin-css-lit
yarn add -D rollup-plugin-css-lit


Create a rollup.config.js configuration file and import the plugin:

import { litCss } from 'rollup-plugin-css-lit'

export default {
  input: 'src/index.js',
  output: { file: 'dist/main.js', format: 'iife', sourcemap: true },
  plugins: [
      minify: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
      inline: { assets: {} }

Then call rollup either via the command-line or programmatically.


The following options can be passed in an object to the plugin function to change the default values.


Type: Array<String> Default: ['**/*.css']

Pattern to match files which will be processed by the plugin.


Type: Array<String> Default: []

Pattern to match files which will be ignored by the plugin.


Type: Object Default: undefined

Options for the Sass compiler. Use any options supported by the compileString method from the Sass package.


Type: Boolean | Object Default: false

Enables minifying of the transformed CSS output. If an object is specified, it will be passed to the cssnano plugin.

Experimental feature: if the object is set to { fast: true }, esbuild will be used instead of postcss.


Type: Boolean | Object Default: false

Enables inlining of stylesheets and other assets. If an object is specified, it will have to include two properties pointing to objects: { stylesheets, assets }. The stylesheets objects will be passed to the postcss-import plugin. The assets objects will be passed to the postcss-url plugin.

Experimental feature: if the object is set to { fast: true }, esbuild will be used instead of postcss.


Type: Array<Object> Default: undefined

An array of PostCSS plugins to fully customise the transformation of the CSS input.


Type: String Default: 'css'

The tag used for the tagged template literal exported from the generated module. Use 'css' (default) with both lit-html and fast-element.

export default css`...`


Type: String Default: 'lit'

The import specifier used in the imnport declaration of the tag above. Use 'lit' (default) with lit-html and '@microsoft/fast-element' with fast-element.

import { css } from 'lit'
import { css } from '@microsoft/fast-element'

How It Works

Let us have a stylesheet called src/styles.css:

:host { display: block }

And import it for a custom element in src/index.js:

import { LitElement } from 'lit';
import styles from './styles.css'

class MyElement extends LitElement {
  static styles = styles
  // the rest of the implementation

The stylesheet will be converted to the following script on-the-fly during the build and bundled into dist/browser.js:

import { css } from 'lit'
export default css`:host { display: block }`


Before converting to the tagged template literal, the CSS output can be optimised by PostCSS. The minifying is performed by the cssnano plugin. Inlining of other stylesheets imported by the @import directives is performed by the postcss-import plugin. Inlining of other assets like pictures referred to by absolute or relative URLs is performed by the postcss-url plugin. If an error occurs during the transformation, the whole bundling operation will fail, using the postcss-fail-on-warn plugin.

Passing a booleans to the litCss plugin - { minify: true, inline: true } - will use the defaults. You can override them by passing an object instead of true:

  minify: {
    preset: ['default', { discardComments: { removeAll: true } }]
  inline: {
    stylesheets: {},
    assets: { url: 'inline' }

Pass options for cssnano to minify, options for postcss-import to inline.stylesheets and options for postcss-url to inline.assets.

Experimental feature: if the minify or inline object is set to { fast: true }, esbuild will be used instead of postcss.


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint and test your code.


Copyright (C) 2022 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT License.