1.0.0 • Published 1 year ago

sass-less-importer v1.0.0

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Last release
1 year ago

Less Importer for Sass


This library was created for developers who prefer to use Sass in their projects but must depend on UI libraries that only support Less.

In our case it was developed for using sass styled components with ant-design UI library.

It simply makes the following possible: some.component.scss

@import 'src/styles/theme.less';

.header {
  color: $primary-color; // variable imported from theme.less


  • Import .less variables directly into .scss or .sass files.
  • Supports hot reloading and recompilation on file change.
  • Optimized use of webpack's caching.
  • Works seamlessly with sass modules.
  • Supports SASS modern and legacy APIs.



npm install -D sass-less-importer


yarn add -D sass-less-importer

Angular v15+

Angular CLI removed support for custom SASS importers in v15, so the method below using custom-webpack is no longer viable.

This alternative solution works on all Angular versions and has the advantage of not requiring any customization of webpack. As a result, Angular CLI can seamlessly replace webpack with esbuild for example, without requiring any modifications to your project.

How does it work

  • Add a hook pre ng build/serve which runs a script that generates a variables.scss files from a variables.less files.
  • @use ./variables.scss in your component.scss files.

Create ./scripts/scss-vars.js

const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const { compileScssVariables } = require('sass-less-importer');

// Update to list of files that need to be converted to sass.
const files = [
    '../src/styles/variables.less' // <== this file has references to libraries like ant-design

(async function () {
    for (const file of files) {
        const lessPath = path.join(__dirname, file);
        const folderName = path.dirname(file);
        const fileName = path.basename(file, '.less');
        const variables = await compileScssVariables(lessPath);

        fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, folderName, `${fileName}.scss`), variables);

        console.log('Generated SCSS variables for \x1b[32m%s\x1b[0m', file);

Update packages.json

  "scripts": {
    "prestart": "yarn scss-vars",
    "start": "ng serve",
    "prebuild": "yarn scss-vars",
    "build": "ng build",
    "scss-vars": "node ./scripts/scss-vars.js",

Update .gitignore (optional)

# auto-generated files



  • Unlike a custom SASS importer, this solution requires manually re-running the script on file changes, or writing a file a watcher.

For a complete working example, checkout integration/angular project in the repository.

Angular (v8-v14)

You'll need to configure your project to use @angular-builders/custom-webpack in order to use this library as a custom webpack loader.

Once that's done, you can simply modify webpack.config.js as follows:

const { configureLessImporterForSass } = require('sass-less-importer');

module.exports = (config) => {
  return configureLessImporterForSass(config);


You'll need to configure your project to use react-app-rewired in order to use this library as a custom webpack loader.

Once that's done, you can simply modify config-overrides.js as follows:

const { configureLessImporterForSass } = require('sass-less-importer');

module.exports = {
  webpack: function (config, env) {
    return configureLessImporterForSass(config);

For a complete working example, checkout integration/react project in the repository.