0.5.0 • Published 2 years ago

sass-theming v0.5.0

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Last release
2 years ago

🚀 Getting Started

⚠️ WARNING: This sass-theming module is still in early development. Before the release of the major version v1, the API can be changed without announcement. Use with care 🤗

1. Basic Setup

First, you need to fill in the required configuration. The theme must have at least one theme with the name default.


@use "sass-theming" with (
  $themes: (
    "default": (
      "accent": (
        "primary": red,
        "secondary": blue,
      "foreground": #000,
      "background": #fff,
  $prefix: "ng-" // custom properties prefix. default to "st-"
  $separator: "--" // separator for nested properties. default to "-"

@use "base/global";
@use "components/button";

2. Applying Themes

Create styles with :root (recommended) or body selector for the the default theme using get-all('theme-name') mixin.


@use "sass-theming" as *;

// set this for 'default' theme.
:root {
  @include get-all('default');

3. Getting theme property

Just call the get() function with the desired property name as a parameter.


@use "sass-theming" as *;

button {
  background-color: get('background');
  color: get('foreground');

To get nested property, you can get them with get('property--nested-property--nested-property-again').

So if you want to get the primary property in the accent property (based on the example above), you can use get('accent--primary').

💅 Theming

You can easily add additional themes without much pain of code refactoring. Just add the new theme map to the sass-theming configuration. This is an example to add a dark theme:


@use "sass-theming" with (
  $themes: (
    "default": (
      "accent": (
        "primary": red,
        "secondary": blue,
      "foreground": #000,
      "background": #fff,
    "dark": (
      "accent": (
        "primary": darkred,
        "secondary": darkblue,
      "foreground": #fff,
      "background": #000,


As you can see, the only prerequisite for theme configuration is that the structure and property names of the theme must be the same as the default theme.

Now you can switch between themes with the help of additional dynamic classes. Say you already have a theme toggle switcher that toggles the dark class to the body tag.



// set this for 'dark' theme.
body.dark {
  @include get-all('dark');

The styles of components (says button) will update accordingly if body has a dark class name, no need to update the components code.

That's it!

🌐 Browser Support

Please see the CSS Custom Properties Browser Support.